Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 133 - 131: The Sliver-haired Maiden 1

When Alex, Gracier, and Eleonora were fighting against the two-headed mutated ogre in another location far from their location was Conrad, he was fighting against the demon both were gravely injured. No matter what Conrad did the demon refused to let him go rescue Alex and others.

Not being able to escape no matter what, the two continued to fight while Conrad was hoping for Leena to quickly come.

It happened the moment when Alex and Eleonora were blasted away after receiving the monster's kick, Leena just arrived at the previous location where Conrad had fought the demon, stopping for a moment, her expression suddenly changed as if she had noticed something.

''No good.'' She said looking in Alex's location. She could have come sooner but to be able to do that she would have to unseal her full power however by doing such a thing, the afterward would be disastrous as now wasn't the time for her to make an entrance, reason why she instructed Conrad to help the Alex and others, especially the siblings before she'd come.

However not everything goes as she hoped, the siblings were in danger. There was currently thirty kilometers of distance between her and Alex, however, she knew she would be able to arrive in time therefore she moved toward the siblings at an extremely fast speed.


Back to Alex's and others' location.

As Alex finally lose consciousness, the two-headed mutated ogre was slowly walking toward him, he decided to finish Alex before moving to the other two unaware of the incoming crisis, the monster was too focused on the excitement he would feel as he kills the three.

Meanwhile, in another dimension shrouded entirely in darkness, a maiden dressed in a white robe, her face was shrouded by a black mist therefore it was not possible to see her features, however, her beautiful long silver hair could be seen.

Currently, this silver-haired maiden was chained against a black throne by a bunch of black chains that was slowly breaking apart.

At the moment the silver-haired maiden was shouting at someone.

''Big sister please help.''

Nobody responded to the maiden's shout.

Unbothered, the silver-haired maiden continued shouting.

''Big sister please help him or else it will be too late.''

Still, no response.

Suddenly, the silver-haired maiden became furious and a powerful aura was released from her body that shook the whole space and breaking numerous chains in the process, however, there was still one black chain that stubbornly refused to break, this chain was peculiar with a shimmering black lock.

''*******, do not make me angry. Stop being stubborn and move. I know the consequence you'll suffer if you choose to intervene, even so, it's not a reason not to move. You know I can't move because I'm using the little bit of energy I have to repair his body.''

Indeed as the silver-haired maiden had said, she was sending strands of silver energy into Alex's body to repair the damaged tissues, the backlash from using Overdrive and Alex's injuries when they were blasted back was truly severe.

''So, move I won't ask you again. Do not move if you want, however, I will never speak to you again. Both you and I know that I have never spoken empty words. Try me if you want.''

As the silver-haired maiden said this, she calmed down and started sending more energy inside Alex's body, repairing his damaged tissues and mending his broken bones.

Silence hung in the air for a couple of seconds before suddenly a sigh could be heard before everything disappeared.

Back to Alex's location.

Only a few seconds passed in reality, the two-headed mutated ogre was still slowly walking towards Alex.

When suddenly Alex who should be laying on the ground abruptly stood up startling the incoming monster.

Alex previously shut eyes opened however instead of his usual green eyes, his current eyes were blue, bone-chilling blue.

The moment Alex opened his eyes, time stopped radius fifty kilometers, every beings present felt a suffocating pressure descending upon them, they felt like they were in presence of the Death God.

On her way toward Alex and Gracier, Leena stopped, no she was forced to stop, her eyes were wide open feeling this pressure, considering how powerful she is, she was beyond surprised that even she couldn't move, not even lift a finger. Even though she was interested in the being who could even make a strong person such as her stop moving, she knew when better not to probe, curiosity kills the cat after all.

Inwardly sighing she decided to go check on Conrad whose presence she felt not too far from here. With someone so powerful near the boy, nothing bad could happen.


Back to Alex's location.

The two-headed mutated ogre was trembling, he felt like an ant under those deadly blue eyes devoid of any emotions. Even when that hateful demon with purple eyes subdued him after a good beating he hasn't felt so scared as he is currently. He felt like no matter what he would do he would end up dying, death was the only solution awaiting him and he didn't have any say in the matter.

Suddenly, time restarted to normally work because Alex had closed his eyes and glanced at Gracier for a moment, then moved on to Eleonora. He stopped on Eleonora for a moment.

On the other side the two-headed mutated ogre felt like he was being looked down upon, he had forgotten about his early fear that left him trembling, only rage and humiliation were the emotions he was currently feeling.

Even though it is an intelligent monster, his intelligence was limited even before rage and pride clouded his judgment, if it was a human who was in his shoes he would have fled the moment everything restarted working unfortunately it was not a human but a monster.


Roaring the two-headed mutated ogre charged at Alex like a maddened bull, he finally couldn't take it anymore as Alex kept ignoring him only staring at the unconscious Eleonora with his eyes still closed.

Finally, Alex turned his head in direction of the incoming monster, his eyes were still closed and for the first time since he stood up, he spoke.

''Too noisy.''

However, it was not a man voice that came out of Alex's mouth, instead, it was a woman's voice, an extremely cold voice that could freeze one's bones, a voice devoid of any emotions.

The incoming monster froze for a moment when he heard the voice coming from Alex's mouth, confusion was shown on his face however it quickly disappeared as it came, the monster continued his mad dash with his club raised high.

Sighing, Alex directed his unarmed hand at the incoming monster and a black gun suddenly materialized inside his hand.

Once again the monster was surprised, however, even so, he sneered at he was sure that this unusual object even though different from the silver one could not harm him in the slightest.


The black gun in Alex's hand fired, the sneer on the monster froze as life slowly left his eyes after the bullet which was so fast that it was invisible to naked eyes went inside his body not even leaving an injury behind. On his final moments, the two headed mutated ogre regretted not fleeing when he could have.


The monster's lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud sound.

On the other side, Alex still has his eyes closed, suddenly his complexion paled, he puked mouthful of blood, staggering he almost falls.

''Weak.'' he (she) muttered in an emotionless tone before the black gun disappeared and was replaced by Silveria.

Aiming Silveria at the monster albeit with a little bit of difficulty, the person controlling Alex's body fired a red bullet at the dead monster.


Then something astonishing happened, the monster's body transformed into a red smoke that entered Alex's body.

And it the place where the monster was previously laying on, twenty small objects, a mix of blue and red appeared.

Flicking his fingers, those twenty small objects disappeared.

Giving Gracier one final glance, Alex slowly slumped toward the ground like a puppet whose string had been cut.

Suddenly, just as Alex's body touched the ground, a figure manifested near him.

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