Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 132 - 130: Overdrive: Limit Break Part 2

Meanwhile, while the two-headed mutated ogre was thinking how exciting it would be to watch Alex and Gracier struggle thinking they could survive as he finally killed them, the siblings who were running ahead were communicating via telepathy.

[Alexandra can you use your Dragon Eye on that monster chasing after us?]

To Alex's question, Gracier immediately answered.

[Yeah Big brother I can, I just upgraded my eye to Level 7]

[Good, count to 3 before turning to use your eye on him. I'll take care of the rest.]

[Okay.] Gracier nodded at Alex's words.

As the two had decided on their next course of action they continued running, the monster was not too far from them, the latter was still grinning.

However, the next moment his eyes widened as he saw Gracier removing the eye patch covering her left eye, then a beautiful golden eye locked him in place momentarily making him stop.

As if the two were perfectly synchronized, Alex spun around and aimed Silveria at the monster's knee and fired a Phantom Bullet.


Alex did not go for the heads because he knew it wouldn't work, he had this feeling. Instead, he chooses the monster's knee because he wants to incapacitate the latter as the two will use this chance to escape.

However, it didn't go as he had planned, even when still under Gracier powerful dragon eye, the monster managed to bring his club down.



Sound could be heard as the phantom bullet clashed against the club followed by the monster anguish wail because even though he managed to bring down his club to protect his knee, he didn't escape the danger unscathed as the recoil produced by the bullet when it clashed against the club pushed the latter to collide against the monster's knee almost breaking it, however even while not breaking the bone it still hurts like hell and the monster was injured.

Alex immediately Accel-ed to reappear a hundred meters away, it was one of the downsides of the skill while taking someone with him he can't Accel further than hundred meters (328.084 ft) maybe it will change as the skill level increased.

Shaking his head Alex decided to continue, and just as he was about to Accel again he noticed that his sister became all panicked. He didn't have time to ask as he felt a sudden sense of crisis and Gracier muttering,

[Flame Shield]

A shield made of flame appeared in front of them blocking the big Iceball spat by the two-headed mutated ogre.


An explosion occurred when the two opposite elements collided and because of the proximity of the siblings to the explosion, they were swept in and blasted twenty meters away before crashing against a nearby tree.


Alex grunted in pain as he was the one who suffered the most when he acted like a cushion for his sister as they collided against a tree.

Hastily standing up, the two wanted to continue running however before they could move they, witnesses, the monster being attacked by a big water ball the size of a basketball crashing against its face pushing him a couple of steps back.

Alex and Gracier were astonished, so was the monster, he was not expecting someone to come to the rescue of his prey, enraged he roared.

While the monster was roaring, Alex and Gracier finally spotted the person behind the water ball's attack.

Surprisingly it was Eleonora, she appeared next to the siblings with rough breathing, she was sweating.

''Hah, hah! Howdy, you two?" She asked while trying to catch her breath.

''Not doing great as you can see. What are you doing here, I thought you went after-"

''Save your breath. He is attacking, better go all out, or else we will die. Hope help will come soon.'' Eleonora interrupted Alex and said before drinking a recovery potion.

Nodding his head, Alex also drinks a High-grade Mana recovery potion. Dusting themselves they saw the monster glaring at them before suddenly started to run in their direction, his speed was fast, he almost closed on them, just as he was about to arrive before them the head on the right opened its mouth to breathe flame.

''He is breathing fire,'' Alex announced jumping on the left, Eleonora and Gracier jumped back, with Gracier materializing Ignia's Bracelet into a golden flaming bow and fired an arrow at the monster who tilted his left head sideways avoiding the fire arrow.

Alex and Eleonora were ready to follow with their attacks however suddenly a suffocating pressure felt upon them locking them in place, the three had trouble breathing, they felt powerless.

''No- good it's a domain,'' Eleonora said with difficulty.

''Domain?'' Alex wondered, he had never heard of this thing called domain, it was his first time hearing it.

〖Domain is an absolute space where you have perfect control over everything. No good master you'll die at this rate, I-〗

With a horrified expression, Alex cut Silveria off and said, 'Sigh! I know.'

Meanwhile, the two-headed mutated ogre who just activated his domain started to leisurely walk towards the three, seeing the horrified expression on the three faces he was pleased with himself.

[Overdrive: Limit Break] Alex mumbled.

Suddenly, a powerful aura burst from his body, his Level soared from 43 to 53 surprising the girls not far from him, however it was temporary boost. Quickly checking his status he was surprised when he saw that he even gained BP, he quickly put them on his Attack's stat increasing it to 1070 points. Maybe with this he could injure the monster he thought, however Alex couldn't help but inwardly sigh as he knew the consequences of using this ability, having no other choice he was forced to use it.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 5」✒ Rank 6

Level 43 ✒ 53

Experience Value (XP): ??????

Magic Power: 2430 (+ 100) ✒ (2530)

Magic: None

Attack: 770 (+ 100 ( +200 BP) ✒ (1070)

Defense: 680 (-102)= 578 (+ 100) ✒ (678)

Agility: 775 (-116)=659 (+ 100) ✒ (759)

Intelligence: 680 (-102)= 578 (+100) ✒ (678)

Luck: 480 (-72)= 408 (+100) ✒ (508)

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 1] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5] [Gun Art Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

Gritting his teeth Alex managed to direct Silveria toward the ground, the two-headed mutated ogre eyes widened as he felt something bad was about to happen, he was not bothered even when the puny human managed to somehow increase his power, however, he had this sudden nagging feeling that whatever this human was going to accomplish he must not let him do it otherwise he would regret, so he decided to decide to kill this human first.

However, before he could attack something astonishing happened that left not only him but Gracier and Eleonora dumbfounded.

The ogre domain suddenly got canceled when Alex fired a bullet at the ground.

Even if she was surprised by what happened, Eleonora decided to ask later fully knowing Alex wouldn't answer her, kicking the ground she disappeared to reappear under the still surprised ogre, summoning her two black daggers who were currently emitting bone-chilling energy, Eleonora slashed at the monster's legs leaving deep cuts there.


The two-headed mutated ogre wailed before striking the ground with its club.


A big shockwave was created around around the monster.

Everything happened too fast, from the moment Alex used one of Silveria's Unique abilities who earned her the nickname 'Mage Nemesis' to the moment Eleonora attacked the monster, only four seconds passed.

Eleonora has blasted away as she hasn't expected the monster to strike his club against the ground creating a big shockwave that blasted her back, the monster followed with another attack by opening its left head mouth intending to spat an Iceball in Eleonora's direction, however, he was stopped by Gracier dragon eye, glaring at Gracier he threw his club at the startled girl who wasn't expecting such quick counterattack.

Alex who was planning to unleash Phantom Bullets on the monster hastily stopped and Accel-ed to reappear beside his sister, using his right hand he pushed Gracier away with all his strength. Let's not forget that he was currently level 53 so when he used all his strength to throw his sister into another direction, the latter was sent away like a ragdoll, she collided against a tree fifty (164.0420 ft) meters right with her head first, she immediately fainted.

Meanwhile, Alex whose Overdrive skill was about to end brought Reaper out and used to divert the huge club trajectory, however, because of the club's weight and the speed behind the throwing, Alex only managed to slightly divert it before his right was bent into an unnatural angle and he was flung back.


He spat a mouthful of blood, using his left hand to stabilize himself before crashing against the tree at his back, Alex started to feel dizzy, Overdrive Limit Break had just ended, the consequences of the skill started to kick in.

〖Watch out〗

''Watch out.''

Silveria and Eleonora both said simultaneously, lifting his head with difficulty, Alex pry open his heavy eyelids to see the two-headed mutated ogre who should be fifty meters away appearing right before him with his right leg aiming at him, too tired to even move Alex couldn't helplessly watch as the leg slowly moved toward him.

Suddenly, Eleonora appeared between the two with her daggers crossed in front of her, the aura around her wasn't less than the one Alex had when he was still on Overdrive.

Alex didn't have the time nor the energy to question her, he saw her forehead was bleeding, it seemed that she was injured by the monster's earliest attack.



Finally, the ogre leg connected with Eleonora's daggers, both the maiden, the daggers, and Alex were blasted back destroying several trees in the process before finally stopping after thirty meters.

They were gravely injured, Eleonora's hands were broken she fainted.

Not too far from her was Alex puking blood, he felt like all the bones inside his body were broken, his body feels hot, he couldn't move, not even lift a finger as he continued puking blood, slowly his conscious started slipping away, even though he didn't want to close his eyes he was forced to as he had no control over his current body, his body refused to listen to his brain's command.

Before losing consciousness he asked himself,

''Will I die? Just like that? For what reason? My journey just started. I refuse to yield. Move, move I said. Move my body, move damnit.''

Even though he shouted with all his might, his body still stubbornly refused to listen to his command as finally, he lost consciousness.

〖Master, Master you will not die, I'll make sure of it. Master stay awake, Alex stay awake please.〗

Somehow Silveria's voice seemed distant.

On his final moment before completely losing consciousness he could swear to have heard Silveria shouting at someone, he vision blurred and he saw a black space, a simple black throne with someone sitting on it, few black chains were wrapped around this person dressed in a white robe, it was a girl, Alex didn't see her face but he knew she had silver hair and it was Silveria.

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