Chapter 10 [Ivy]

"I've got something," Nathaniel spoke up, and I glanced over to see his muscles tensed and straining against the pull on his line.

It must be a big one for him to have to put in that kind of effort.

Water showered the two of us as an enormous Plagued Beast burst through the lake's surface. The line went taut, and a long, flashing creature was lifted into the air. Details about the beast flooded my vision once its body was fully revealed.

[Name: Electrostatic Eel]

[Class: Anguilla]

[Rank: Fallen]

[Level: 6]

[Description: These rarely seen creatures enjoy dark places and seldom leave the water. They can survive on dampened land for long periods or dry land for short. Organs within them produce an electric charge that coats and protects their slick skin.]

[Skills: ???]

Before I'd even read the entire prompt, I cast Tame Creature on the beast and sighed in relief when its body glowed. Had the creature been damaged when Nathaniel had snatched it from the water, the skill wouldn't have worked.

A Level 6 Fallen on the Third Floor? That shouldn't be possible. Is the Plagued energy in this cavern really so dense?

Nathaniel released his grip on the pole, and the eel continued to fly overhead... ultimately crashing into Aurora's neatly arranged piles of plunder. She backed a short distance away from the thrashing, hazardous animal and cast a Barrier around herself.

She... does not look happy. I chuckled inwardly and took a brief moment to observe. It was thrice as long as I was tall and nearly as thick as a child was wide. Its black, oily skin gleamed in the cave's natural light, and its sharp, curved teeth, as long as my fingers gnashed toward our recent discoveries. Several eyes rapidly scanned the surroundings, and its three tails worked furiously to put it in a better position. Electricity continuously flickered up and down its body as it rolled from its prone position and wrapped itself into a tight coil.

This beast has no right to be here... I sorted through my memories, thousands of details about the sea creatures on the oceanic Floors filtering out to leave only facts about this species. Its skin is soft and easy to penetrate, and its eyes are almost useless. A shock from one can be deadly, but the organs that create the electricity are much weaker in their tails...

"Aurora, Nathaniel," I spoke firmly but softly, not wanting to startle the beast eyeing us as if we were its next meal. "Work at it from the back. Those tails might look nasty but are much less dangerous than the front. So I'll keep it busy up here, and you lot take it from behind, eh? Sound good?"

Aurora's face turned pale, but she nodded. Beside me, Nathaniel summoned his weapon, which was enough of a confirmation for me... and for the creature as well. It sprung forward, using its tail to throw itself toward us. I Dashed forward to meet it head-on, casting Cleanse almost simultaneously on Nathaniel and me to vaporize the water we'd been splashed with. Water and electricity... well, they didn't mix.

"Radiance!" Just as our paths were about to cross, I cast the Spell on the sheath of my blade and threw myself to the side. The beast let out a high-pitched squeal and began to writhe about, the Spell having disabled its sensitive eyes.

I rolled to my feet and looked to either side. Aurora had dropped her Barrier and was standing a fair distance behind the Eel, and a small boulder was hurdling toward it. Nathaniel had closed the distance and lashed out at one of the beast's tails with his mighty glaive.

The weapon shone with a red hue as it tore through one of the tendrils, ripping it free from the creature's body. Then, with an agonized howl, the beast curled into itself, and its body began to glow.

"Get back!" I called out to Nathaniel, who was about to take another swing. He heeded my warning and leapt away but hadn't gotten far before a pulse of electricity erupted from the monstrosity. I cursed as the wave of power slammed into Nathaniel, throwing him toward the ground.

"Aurora, grab him!"

There was no need for the instruction, as she was already rushing toward him. I ran at the Eel, which looked much less dangerous now that so much energy had been burned. Its body was no longer ringed by electricity, and the glow that it naturally released was hardly visible.


"Affliction! Hex! Rend!" My blade struck an eye as I drove my fist into its side. Both debuffs sank in, and I yanked my sword free, slashing the blinded creature in several places and robbing its Agility while tearing jagged wounds across its body.

I ducked under one of its remaining tails and shredded the other with the tip of my weapon. Another shriek pierced the air as the beast sent a pulse of electricity toward me through its remaining tail. It was slow, and I had dived under it before coming to stand beneath the eel's head.

With an empowered thrust, I Pierced upward, driving my sword through one of the creature's gills and out the top of its head. Its body continued to writhe, but its head slumped lifelessly from my blade. The weak, electric charges died out as I ripped my weapon free and leapt over the body to check on Nathaniel.

"Aurora! How is-?" My worried cry stopped the moment I caught sight of them. Nathaniel was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his canteen in his hand while Aurora was fussing over the burnt skin on his bicep, which was healing rapidly.

"I'm alright, I reckon," Nathaniel capped his canteen and hooked it onto the satchel he was leaning against. "That blighter would've gotten me if it weren't for yer warnin'. I appreciate that."

"Not a problem, mate," I knelt beside him and placed my hand on his arm. "Greater Heal."

A surge of warmth surged from the center of my chest, flowed down my arm, and out through my palm. Bright light erupted from the cracks between my fingers, and once I removed my hand, the injury was gone.

"That should do," I nodded.

"Y-you—how did you-?" Aurora stammered but couldn't voice her question before Nathaniel stood up.

He looked at his arm briefly, "Well, that's bloody useful. Leaves ya a bit famished, though, dunnit? How's about we cook that thing there?"

I grinned, "That sounds like a right good thing to do, yeah? Get a fire started if you would. Aurora, is your combined Endurance and Vitality at least Level 5?"

"Uh... Exactly five, yes," she answered warily. "Are we... really going to eat that thing?"

"If you prefer dried rations and biscuits again, be my guest," I shrugged and headed off toward the corpse, snatching a vial of Infernal Wash as I went. Cleanse would still be on Cooldown for another few minutes. "Care to help me fish out its Essence? Or would you prefer to straighten up that mess it made?"

Her face darkened momentarily, and she groaned as she looked at the scattered commodities, "I'll take care of the haul."

Now that I know everyone's alright, I should take a closer look at this thing. How in Tara's name did such a creature get down here?

I tilted the bottle of Wash onto myself and--rather liberally--applied the magical liquid to my skin, clothing, and weapon. Unfortunately, the tacky substance that covered the creature's membrane had soaked me during the fight, and Cleanse was on Cooldown from dissolving the water.

Every time I need it. I shook my head and squatted next to the corpse, looking over it curiously. From the texts I recorded, these shouldn't be found below the caves that start at Floor Thirty-Six. It is much weaker than its brethren, and it looks like the mutation caused by the Plague is mild. Size... eyes... and tails. I don't see anything else...

"Just what are you doing here?" I stood and twirled my cane. "Did someone put you here, perhaps? But if you were carried from an upper Floor, your Level would show that..."

Did it... lose Levels due to the lack of Plagued Energy on this Floor..?

For the life of me, I just couldn't figure out how the beast had come to be. Finally, after studying the beast for a few more minutes, I decided it was beyond the current me and lifted my hand over its head and pictured its Essence, "Pull."

The corpse shuddered, and a sphere ripped through the rubbery skin and landed in my palm. It was about half the size of my fist and only weighed a few pounds. My eyes widened when I saw its description...

[Name: Essence]

[Rank: 562]

[Description: The accumulated Plagued energy of a being compressed into physical form]

"Five hundred... sixty... two..." I looked back at the corpse and grinned, holding my hand above it a second time. Then, closing my eyes, I pictured a blank Card and the path it would need to take to reach me, "Pull."

There was a vulgar, squelching noise, and I felt the weight of the cold metal as it came to rest in my hand. I opened my eyes and nearly leapt in excitement when I saw the face. A tiny, purplish blue creature with wide eyes peered up from the image. Around it, bubbles, rocks covered with algae, and strange plants filled the landscape.

[Card Name: Eel, Electrostatic]

[Class: Summon]

[Rank: Pure]

[Level: 1]

[Essence: 0/1,000]

[Name: Unnamed]

[Description: The Wielder Summons an Eel companion. All mental Foundations must be of an equivalent Level or higher than the Level of the Summon.]

[Duration: 15 minutes]

[Cooldown: 30 minutes]

[Skill 1: Shock. The Eel releases a charge of stored energy, ending a bolt of electricity toward its target.]

[Note: This Summon's Duration is halved on land and doubled in water.]

Well, how about that, I mused. What a fascinating creature. It's a shame that it's only a Pure... And I can't say it's something I would use... Of course, sea Summons will be helpful in the future, but...

"Um... excuse me, Rowan..." I turned to find Aurora standing behind me, clutching her chest. She was sweating slightly, and her eyes were full of excitement. She looked at me expectantly, "What did it drop?"

I cocked my head curiously, "Aurora, is your Precognition working at the moment?"

"It warmed whenever Nathaniel snatched that creature from the lake, and now..." She nodded furiously, then took a swig from her canteen and used her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Now I'm burning up. I'm almost positive it was that beast that dragged us here."

"Interesting..." Perhaps having her along will be more fruitful than I thought. "Well, you'll be pleased to know that--we, as a group--have obtained our first Summon."

"W-we what?!" Aurora's eyes widened when I handed her the Card and glowed briefly when she Examined it. "This... I'd like to roll for it. Is that alright?"

I smiled, "Of course. I was leaning toward selling this, but if you want it, you're welcome to it. Let's ask Nathaniel if he's interested. If not, I'll Pass in favor of increasing my odds on the next roll."

She nodded, and we both strode over to where he was slowly feeding the fire. After looking up from his work and glancing between the two of us, he gestured toward Aurora, who was bouncing in excitement, "Good news?"

"Rowan got our first Summon!" Aurora nearly squealed in excitement, and Nathaniel raised an eye, accepting the Card she held out.

His eyes glazed over briefly from whatever method he used to read descriptions, "How about that... Are we planning to sell it?"

"Absolutely not!" Aurora sounded offended, "This is our very first Summon as a group! We should keep it. Besides, it's adorable."

Nathaniel grunted and returned the Card to her, "I'll Pass. Not fond o' things that slither."

"Men," Aurora rubbed her temples before smiling and slipping the Card into her Deck Box. She summoned it immediately, and a tiny, half-foot-long creature appeared on the ground beside her. It could have been mistaken for a small serpent if it wasn't for its bulging eyes and slick skin. "Aww, look at the little dear."

I glanced at Nathaniel, who'd purposely scooted around to the other side of the fire as Aurora scooped the creature up. It curled lightly around her wrist and looked at her curiously.

"I'll call you Ivy," she announced, and the little beast... barked? When it did, a small spark left its throat.

"Alright, while you two get to know each other..." I gestured to Nathaniel. "Think you can make room for the corpse? Some of its organs are worth a large sum."

He nodded, pulled out his bag, and headed toward the corpse after casting another glance at... Ivy. I laughed and followed along.

I'll make myself useful and finish tidying the mess...

My mood dropped when I saw the pile.

This... may take a while...

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