Chapter 9 [Not One]

I shimmied down the rope, using the series of knots we'd tied as hand and footholds to make the trip easier. The further I descended, the more I noticed the artificial lighting that filled the cavern.

It's nearly dark out, so why is--Demon Glass. A cave full of the stuff. I gasped. It's not ready to cultivate, but that would explain the luminescence.

My movements slowed, and I studied the smooth, shimmering walls above the natural lake. I recalled the countless texts I'd read about the formation of such places and frowned.

This phenomenon would indicate a higher level of Plagued energies in this location. I sped my descent, eying the still water of the lake below. What a fascinating place.

My feet hit the solid stone terrace that jutted like a tiny island within the inky lake. The water was dark, and I could see the tell-tale traces of an oily substance gleaming across its surface.

A definite sign of a higher Plague concentration.

I pulled a long, ringed stake from my bag and took a few steps back from the platform's edge before driving it into the ground. Then, with practiced ease, I looped the rope into the ring and pulled it taught before locking it into place. The others wouldn't have to dismount so close to the water this way.

I found a small stone on the nearby ground and scooped it up, "Radiance."

"Ungh!" Light erupted from the stone, and I grunted from the exertion of trying to warp the Spell. Dash--a Pure Ability with which I was well versed, was much simpler to distort than the Holy Spell. Nevertheless, my efforts didn't go unrewarded.

I'll have to work on this, but it'll do for now.

The Spell had a range of sixty yards with my current Intelligence, and I'd managed to cut that by half, even dimming the brightness by a small margin. Then, with my Spell acting as the signal, Aurora began to make her way down the rope. I watched closely, glancing between her and the anchor to ensure there weren't any mishaps.

Once she'd safely dismounted, Nathaniel followed down with his oversized pack, leaping the last several feet to land lightly on the stone floor, despite his burden. I once again considered the young man, evaluating the Level of his Foundations. Then, with a shake of my head, I glanced at Aurora, who knelt by the pile of objects we'd seen from up top.

"That what dragged you here?" I called over my shoulder while assisting Nathaniel with unhooking the tents. From my current vantage, I could only see a few miscellaneous items. Aurora frowned, and I stopped what I was doing to have a look.

She pushed back a few items at the top of the large, dusty mound--some pots and pans, an old lantern, a rusty knife, and some other odds and ends, clattered noisily to the ground. A cloud of dust spread from the mess, and I instantly cast Cleanse on myself and the others.

"A fair bit of warning would've been nice," I sighed. "Cleanse will last just under a minute at my current Level. So step back from that mess for now. I've got a case of Infernal Wash in my satchel that can take care of it before you go investigating."

"Alright..." Aurora backed away, and Nathaniel proceeded to set up camp near the cavern wall. The terrace was the only land within the massive cavern. There were about fifteen yards between the shore and the wall, and it was only a couple of dozen yards in width.

It's almost as if this landing was made by a Spell. I wonder if--

"Rowan?" Aurora approached while I rummaged through my pack. I glanced back, seeing her look of confusion, and motioned for her to continue.

"Don't be shy, now. What's on your mind, I asked?"

She scrunched her eyes and pointed her thumb toward the pile, "I don't think that junk is the primary reason we're here. Precognition... well, I get this feeling when what it wants is... accomplished. I haven't encountered that yet. There's a weak feeling around it, but that's it."

"Curious." I continued sorting my effects when I found what I was searching for. "Ahh, here we are. Let's go see about our mysterious fortune, shall we?"

I pulled two vials from the case and handed one to Aurora, "Just a drop on each item will do. If we pile 'em up again, there's a chance it'll cover more. Unfortunately, the stuff's a bit finicky."

Aurora started with the scattered items that had fallen from the top of the stack while I moved to the huge blanket that covered the rest. I uncorked the vial and eased a drop out onto the material, and was mildly surprised when the dust evaporated and I could see its description.

[Name: Cover]

[Class: Relic]

[Rank: 1]

[Description: A luxurious cover crafted for use as a bedspread, tarp, or temporary shelter. Perfect for any traveler or caravan.]

[Effect 1: Any inanimate object wrapped within this cover shall have its longevity increased. Perishables take longer to spoil, and other items' decay rate is slower. This Effect is void if any being takes shelter beneath this cover.]

[Effect 2: This cover provides a comfortable area for any living being to use it as a sanctuary. Whether as a blanket or canopy, those beneath shall remain warm in the cold, cool in the heat, or dry in the rain. This Effect persists in most environments.]

"Now, this is a bloody good find," I spoke loudly enough that the others could hear but not so much that my voice would carry outside the cavern. Aurora looked over, from where she was looking over a lantern--which I also noticed was a Rank 1 Relic. Once I had their attention, I gave them a brief description. "This will be immensely useful once we've got a proper way to haul it about."

"This lantern is the same," Aurora grinned. "A beam of light comes out of the lens here, and it's powered by Essence. But..."

Her grin faltered when she set it down and lifted one of the pots, "How are we supposed to carry all of this with us?"

"Cough," Nathaniel coughed behind me, and I turned to face him, surprised by how close he was standing.

I really should level my Perception next. So many priorities, not enough Essence. At least I'm able to improve myself this go-'round.

"Dust get to you earlier, mate?" I asked, holding out the vial in my free hand. "Still got a bit of a Cooldown on Cleanse, but you're welcome to this."

Nathaniel shook his head and pulled a red velvet bag about the size of his fist. Then, he spoke firmly, "Set aside what's important, an' I'll haul it along. Just give me a minute to sort through this, eh?"

He tilted the bag upside down... and things began to pour out from it. I saw a few lawn chairs, portraits, a lamp, an umbrella, pens, notebooks, a whole wardrobe, and I even saw a training dummy.

I gaped at the small mountain of miscellaneous household items the young man was toting around. Before I could ask, Aurora beat me to it.

"Nathaniel... why have you brought all of this on our expedition?" She asked, bewildered. "And if you've had a Void Pouch this entire time, why have you been lugging around a sack as large as yourself?"

Nathaniel shrugged, "Can't fit everything in here, right? That's about it. Didn't have the space to unload it in my room at the manor."

"Nathaniel, there are plenty of rooms, mate. You can have as much space as you need," I chuckled. "Are you sure you're willing to leave some of that behind? I'd be more than happy to compensate you for the loss."

He nodded, "I'll leave some of it."

I looked at Aurora, who looked exasperated by the development. I laughed again and lifted the oversized cover, "Well, let's get back to it."

Thanks to the cover's Effects, almost no dust had accumulated on the objects beneath. Sighing in relief, I pocketed the vial I was holding. After I ran through my supply, the next case would come out of my pocket, so I preferred to be frugal.

After taking a brief stock over the items, I whistled, "Aurora, you've done well, lass."

Beneath the tarp were several items of interest, most being equipment for mining minerals. There were ropes--similar to our own, pickaxes, another lantern, gloves, goggles, a sturdy bag, and... two fishing rods alongside an old tackle box. Every item was a Relic, either crafted or natural.

Aurora gazed over the pile, and I could almost see the Essence reflecting in her eyes as she figured up the value of the lot. She looked to be finished with her own pile and wandered over before inspecting the items one by one.

"We can assume that this gear was abandoned here, right?" she asked.

I nodded and grabbed the fishing poles. They were a collapsable model, a style I'd never been fond of using, but they were well-crafted. Their Effects gave them higher durability and lightened the load at the end of the line--both common among the more finely made rods.

"Looks like we have something to occupy our time this evening," I motioned to the others. "Either of you care to join me?"

Aurora shook her head and returned to perusing the goods, but Nathaniel grunted and grabbed two lawn chairs from his own pile. I grinned and tossed him one of the rods before grabbing the tackle box and making my way to the water's edge.


I can't believe these two.

Aurora sat down the goggles she'd been examining and glared at the back of the two lawn chairs. There she was, sorting through the goods, struggling to find what it was that Precognition wanted so the feeling would disperse, and the two of them... were fishing.

Well, that's the last of it... again. None of this is it. Aurora contemplated the two piles she'd made. One of the groups was full of items they had to take with them. The other was a group of Relics that wouldn't be too hard to come by on the Origin Floor but that she'd still like to take. Not one of the forty or so items had satisfied the mixture of warmth and itch that her Card was causing.

She sighed for what had to be the fifth time in the last hour as she picked up the gloves and settled down with one of Nathaniel's empty notebooks. Her eyes shone dimly as she cast Examine and returned to studying the items, this time copying down each of their uses. The pen reminded her of the third pile in the room, and she glanced at the small hill of useless junk.

Seriously, what kind of man walks around with notebooks and verandah furniture while ascending the Tower? Now, how best to sort these..? Aurora focused on the pair of gloves.

[Name: Mining Gloves]

[Class: Relic]

[Rank: 1]

[Description: A pair of gloves crafted for the working man. Provides protection against blisters and the elements.]

[Effect 1: When using an object to strike, the impact felt is reduced.]

[Effect 2: Weak heat resistance.]

[Effect 3: Weak cold resistance.]

Alphabetical... by Effect... maybe I should go with the estimated price? But, no, I don't know if we'll be selling them. Rowan will probably come up with some strange use for all of this.

Aurora sighed and called out, "Rowan! What are we going to do with--"

"I've got something," Nathaniel spoke calmly but loudly, cutting her off. She looked at the man in irritation but suddenly felt a warmth within her as he began yanking on the pole.

The irritation caused by her Precognition was nowhere to be found, and she stood before slowly walking toward the two men. Whatever was going on now, that's why she was here. Nathaniel snatched on the pole again, and...


An enormous creature was thrown into the air, and before she had the time to cast Inspection, Rowan had already leapt into the air. The Plagued Beast was bathed briefly in white light before Rowan's first attack landed, and the monster was sent flying in her direction.

"You blighter!" She instinctively cast Barrier, which Rowan had driven into her over the last several days.

I swear if that thing doesn't kill these two, I will.

Her annoyance only grew as the serpentes-like creature thrashed into her neatly organized pile of Relics, electricity suddenly arcing off its body. She clenched her fists and took a small step back.

The boys could handle this one.

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