Seeing this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Morty: No, a document...... How can you make an SCP?

Bruce Banner: Modify reality, this SCP-001 is like the Scarlet Witch, it can modify reality and create things out of thin air!

Wanda Maximov: Are you finding fault?(▼ヘ▼#)

Wanda Maximov: The "molecule man" before can also modify reality, why do you have to use "me" as an analogy?

Bruce Banner: Huh?

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hahaha! That's funny, you little girl...... The explosion point is too low, right, so you will be angry?

Wanda Maximov: Phew, how much older are you? Get out of the way!

Reed Richards: But ...... It's really unbelievable.

Reed Richards: In that SCP world, there's a monster in the sea that's as big as a continent......! There is also a supreme divinity!

Reed Richards: Such an incredible existence was "released" by that document?

Rocky Odinson: It's ridiculous that a document can make a "god", I absolutely don't believe it!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallowers: Hee-hee...... Perhaps, this document was written by the OAA, which is why it has such a powerful effect. ^_^

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No, that Stan Lee seems to be a very kind old man, how could he do such a thing?

JH: In any case, if you look at the document from a different angle, it explains a lot.

John Constantine: For example...... Why are there so many "anomalies" in that SCP world?

John Constantine: In my world, there are a lot of demons or necromancy, but I know that they are all from hell.

John Constantine: But those weird SCPs seem to have come out of nowhere!

Bruce Wayne: yes, there are so many monsters in that world!

Bruce Wayne: If, all these monsters, were created by SCP-001. Well, it is only necessary to seal this document, and there will be no new "weirdness" again.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Really...... Will it be that simple?

Stephen Strange: Speaking of which, there's one thing that I've always found strange.

Stephen Strange: According to the previous livestream, SCP-001 is supposed to be the Crimson King!

Stephen Strange: How do you ...... now? Turned into a document again?

Nick Fury: Hmm...... I guess I might have guessed the answer.

Nick Fury: Do you know what is the best way to hide a leaf?

Stephen Strange: You mean...... Hiding in the woods?(⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Hah! Interesting, if you want to fool the enemy, you have to fool your own people first?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

The strange narration sounded again.

["Since it was suggested in the O5 Council that it was "Scp-001" that released all the Scp. "】

[While there is no evidence to prove this, the O5 Committee immediately changed the object level of the document from "safe" to "Keter."] "】

["In addition, the Foundation has placed "Scp-001" in the strictest containment, forbidding anyone from accessing it, and opening the document. "】

["But does that alone stop new SCPs from spawning?"]

"No one is sure. "】

["Most importantly, there are other theories about the origin of SCPs in the world and the SCP Foundation. "】

["But no one is sure who is true in all these versions?"]

["Maybe...... All the claims are false, they are all smoke bombs released by the Foundation to cover people's eyes!"]

["That's why there are dozens of SCP-001s in the Foundation!"]

["No one is sure who is the "original" among these "001"!"]

["But one of the "001" contains an "origin story" that is even more terrible than that "document"!"]

[And this version of "SCP-001" is not some dangerous alien creature, or an evil god capable of destroying the earth. "】

"It's just a circular trail in the middle of the woods."] "】

["After learning about this for the first time, many people will be extremely puzzled. "】

["Why did an ordinary forest path become an SCP?"]

["Anyone who has this idea will understand the wonder of SCP-001 if they have actually set foot on that path."] "】

["This spiral-shaped forest path, if you walk clockwise, will not appear out of the ordinary. "】

["Once someone travels in a counterclockwise direction, they will find themselves in a position constantly rising, as if they are climbing a mountain of infinite height, but in the end...... But it's back to square one!"]

["This road is like a Morbius ring that keeps going up, and there is no end!"]

"To put it simply, if you follow the right direction, it's an ordinary forest path. "】

"But if you go in the opposite direction, the road will go on forever. "】

["If you only stay here, this forest path will only be considered a "safe" class SCP. "】

After all, it doesn't move, and the person trapped in it can easily leave as long as they turn around and walk in the opposite direction. "】

["But according to the confession of a senior Foundation personnel, this spiral path is where it all began!"]

["In this person's confession, there is a sentence that is particularly shocking!"]

["In the entire history of the Foundation, we have never 'discovered' a single SCP!"]

And all of this originated from that day more than 100 years ago. "】

["In 1891, a physicist, by accident, discovered the magic of this spiral road. "】

["If you are an ordinary person, you will only feel frightened and puzzled at most, and then after escaping, you will spread this road as a strange story. "】

[But as a physicist, the "first discoverer" quickly realized the ...... of this spiral Unusual. "】

["It" does not conform to the laws of physics on Earth at all. "】

["The 1st Discoverer soon built a log cabin near the Spiral Road. "】

He took up residence in this cabin and began to study day and night the peculiarities of the spiral path. "】

[After years of research, the First Discoverer has created a key using the magical knowledge he has discovered. "】

["This key was later referred to as SCP-005, also known as the Master Key."] "】

["It" can open all the locks in the world, even electronic locks!"]

[After the results were obtained, the "First Discoverer" rejoiced and began to recruit other like-minded scientific researchers. "】

[This "team of scientists" was the prototype of the SCP Foundation. "】

"Initially, these scientists had extremely positive expectations about the prospects of their research. "】

["They want to use the results of their research to benefit the world!"]

["Just imagine, these amazing technologies can do incredible things. "】

["They can end hunger!"]

["They can end poverty!"]

["They can cure all diseases!"]

["You can even destroy death!"]

So, in the beginning, this group of scientists wanted to make something that would benefit others. "】

["For example, the ...... of spring water that can make people immortal"]

【"Capsule ...... that can cure all diseases"】

"But as time went on, the organization began to grow bigger and bigger. "】

And with the expansion of the organization, scientists are becoming more and more unscrupulous. "】

["They want to change the world in every way!"]

And in order to do this, some scientists began to treat humans as objects of experimentation. "】

[In the beginning, the "test subjects" of these scientists were limited to volunteers. "】

"Due to the shortage of human resources, they gradually began to target those who were homeless. "】

["With more and more forbidden experiments, new "research results" have also begun to emerge!"]

And "accidents" and "accidents" followed. "】

["During laboratory experiments, a scientist created 'SCP-008'! a zombie virus with a 100% lethal rate!"]

["Once a human is infected with this virus, it will become ill and die after 12 hours. "】

"But death is not the end, but only the beginning. "】

["The "sick and dead" infected with the zombie virus will get back on their feet and attack anyone living in a frenzy. "】

["The only way to stop their actions is to destroy the brains of these "zombies"!"]

[In addition, there is also a researcher who accidentally created a "terrifying old man" in the human experiment. "】

[The body of the old man, who was later named "SCP-106", actually died during the experiment. "】

["But, for some incomprehensible reason, 'SCP-106' is not only capable of movement, but has even taken control of a pocket dimension!"]

["Perhaps due to what it encountered during the experiment, SCP-106 "has a deep malice towards humans, and prefers to capture and kill them with brutality."] "】

[In addition to "008" and "106", the Foundation also "transformed" a homeless man into a man with a planet in his belly. "】

["This person was later named "SCP-007" ......"]

["With endless experimentation, this bad "by-product" accumulates more and more. "】

["However, the brave scientists in the Foundation did not stop moving forward because of such a trivial matter. "】

["After changing their thinking, some people even found that these terrifying monsters created by experimental accidents can become ...... A shortcut to the Foundation's access to large sums of money!"]

["The Foundation sent a well-spoken scholar to visit the military and show them the "by-products" of the horrors. "】

[The scholar claims that these "SCPs" were "discovered" and then "contained" by the Foundation.] "】

[In order to further "research" and "contain" these SCPs that may pose a danger to the world, the Foundation needs more funding, as well as assistance from all sides. "】

["The military was shocked by the horrors of those SCPs, and immediately began to give generously to the Foundation. "】

["With a large amount of money and assistance, the Foundation quickly became a global organization. "】

In order to justify its "SCP story", the Foundation secretly placed the created "monsters" around the world, and then arranged for new employees to "discover" them. "】

Sometimes, they will also use documents and historical records to prove ...... These SCPs have been on Earth for many years. "】

But even so, problems kept arising. "】

["In response to the Foundation's increasingly deviant and obsessive actions, many scientists left in anger and formed new organizations. "】

["After many years, these organizations became known to the world:]

["Global Occult Coalition" ......]

"Cult of the Broken God. "】

["Prometheus Labs."] "】

"Serpent's Hand. "】

["Sarkic ......"]

["As time goes by, the Foundation's methods of creating SCPs have become darker and more terrifying. "】

["One of them took a few girls from the orphanage and made them into SCP-231!"]

["Moreover, he also claimed afterwards: These girls were actually chosen as brides by the crimson king of a certain different world!"]

in the live broadcast room.


Little Wanda's eyes widened, and her face was full of disbelief.

Although, she wanted to know the origin of the SCP Foundation out of curiosity.

But this answer is too unexpected and too terrifying!

Those countless SCPs were all created by the Foundation itself!

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