["As recorded in that document, it is with the 7th and 12th of the 12 keys that not only can you open the factory gates, but you can also enter and leave alive."] "】

"But there is also a difference between these two keys. "】

["The person who opens the door with the seventh key will enter an empty space, and the area inside is ...... It's many times bigger than the factory itself. "】

"Other than that, there is no danger in this space. "】

["However, if the 12th key is used, the person who enters will be able to come out alive, but he will be greatly affected mentally!"]

["According to the report of the agents on the scene, the unfortunate unlucky guy walked out with the 12th key...... The whole person was in a trance, his expression was like seeing a ghost, and he let out a deafening scream!"

["Out of extreme panic and horror, this guy even tried to get his eyes out!"]

["In the aftermath, the agency also interrogated the unfortunate man, but there was no way to get any valid information from his mouth. "】

Moreover, because of his excessive horror, he did not remember at all...... What did you see inside the factory. "】

["After determining that the seventh key was absolutely safe, the personnel of the agency used this key to open the gate of the factory, and also held the door to prevent it from closing. "】

["In this case, a heavily armed reconnaissance team entered the door and briefly explored the otherworldly space inside. "】

["After field exploration, these reconnaissance teams found ...... The alien space inside the factory seems to be infinite!There is no end in sight!"]

["And a strange thing:"]

["From outside the gate, no amount of light can shine into the space inside the door. "】

["It seems that this space can only be lit up from the inside.] "】

["Out of a kind of sixth sense, the agency administrators at the time thought that the space inside the factory might hide more dangerous secrets. "】

["Therefore, he issued a categorical order to ban this factory, prevent anyone from entering, and eliminate the relevant information as much as possible. "】

["Since the factory is already in the middle of nowhere, no one usually approaches it at all. "】

["So, it didn't take long for this abandoned factory to be forgotten by the world. "】

["On the surface, this dangerous anomaly has been safely "contained". "】

["Time flies, decades pass in a flash......"]

["Suddenly, one day, the SCP Foundation received a report. "】

["In front of the gates of that mysterious factory, fragments of human corpses appeared. "】

["The Foundation immediately sprang into action, recovered the stumps, and examined them. "】

["The results of the examination are quite surprising. "】

["The fragments of these limbs obviously belong to 50 years ago...... That hapless boy who was "crushed" by the mysterious factory!"]

["When the boy entered the factory with the key, his body was immediately torn to pieces by an unknown force! "】

["Although the police are in a radius of several kilometers...... Even some stumps were found within dozens of kilometers, but most of the boy's body was never found. "】

["No one thought that 50 years later, these remnants would appear again!"]

["What's even more bizarre is that although 50 years have passed, these corpse fragments ...... It's still bleeding!"]

["It's as if it all happened just a few minutes ago!"]

["Immediately after the appearance of such an anomaly, the Foundation dispatched scientists to investigate. "】

["Scientists believe that those who enter the "door to SCP-004" with the "wrong key" are not simply dead. "】

["Their bodies may have been sent to another dimension!"]

["After 50 years, the fragments of the boy's body have emerged from that dimension again!"]

["Obviously, the speed of time passing in that "unknown dimension" is not the same as that of Earth!"]

["The Foundation at this time is completely different from the "nameless organization" 50 years ago. "】

["Not only do they have almost unlimited manpower and material resources, but they also have the ability to do whatever it takes...... It is also necessary to find out the "motivation" of the truth!"]

["Faced with SCP-004, which had once again undergone an anomaly, the Foundation immediately dispatched more than a dozen D-class personnel to each of them with a key to open the factory gate to see what would happen. "】

["Unsurprisingly, all of these D-class personnel were sliced to pieces by unknown forces. "】

["However, not all of the fragments of their bodies fell on the ground, and many of them disappeared inexplicably. "】

["According to the researchers' deference, the missing fragments should have fallen into that unknown dimension. "】

["Maybe in a few decades, they will mysteriously appear in front of the factory gates again......"]

["After several field trials to determine that the "space" opened with the 7th key was completely safe, the Foundation made a surprising decision. "】

["They will establish a base in the space behind the door of SCP-004."] "】

["The reason why the Foundation is doing this is not to study this alien dimension, but to ...... this place It's a refuge somewhere!"]

["According to the Foundation's judgment, human civilization is likely to become extinct in the near future for various reasons!"]

["After research by scientists, the alien space behind the door obviously does not exist on Earth. "】

["If an extinction-level "K-class scenario" really occurs, then Foundation personnel who are placed in this alien space may survive...... And become the seed of a "new human civilization"]

["After making a decision, the Foundation began to ship various materials to the space behind the factory gate, and installed high-tech equipment such as generators and large computers in the space. "】

["This potential refuge has been named "Base 62."] "】

["Due to the near-infinite capacity of this xenodimensional space, Base 62 was quickly expanded, and eventually even equipped with a high-tech "containment unit."] Enough to hold some of the most dangerous SCPs!"]

["Not only that, but the Foundation has also equipped a supercomputer in Base 62 to house all Foundation data backups!"]

["This 'Otherworldly Base' is not only the seed of humanity, but also the seed of the SCP Foundation!"]

["However, with the official commissioning of Base 62, all kinds of strange things have begun to happen. "】

["First of all, the time operation of this base seems to be completely different from that of the earth. "】

["Some Foundation personnel, after living in the alien space for a few weeks, came out only to find that only a few days had passed on Earth!"]

["The Foundation believes that this time switch may be detrimental to the mental health of staff. "】

Therefore, they made a categorical disposition. "】

["According to the latest Foundation order, all personnel working at Base 62 are to remain inside the base forever and are not allowed to leave!"]

And the families of these staff members will be informed...... Their loved ones died in an accident. "】

["To be sure, the Foundation has even prepared clones of these staff members for use at funerals."] "】

But even so, strange things continue to happen. "】

["One night, the country experienced a widespread power outage. "】

["Although there are independent generators inside Base 62, for unknown reasons, these generators have stopped working for dozens of minutes. "】

["And in these dozens of minutes, the entire people of Base 62 were in absolute darkness. "】

["In this dark alien space, many people feel abnormalities. "】

["What's going on? There seems to be someone around me. "】

["I feel it too, it seems that there is more than one!"]

["Impossible, where did these people come from?"]

Exclamations and screams continued to sound in the darkness, and many people fell into a panic. "】

["Thankfully, after 53 minutes, the generator was back in operation, and Base 62 was back to normal. "】

["But during the interviews afterwards, many people in the base insisted that they had encountered strange creatures in the dark!"]

"Although these people say...... They didn't see or hear anything unusual, but they could "feel" that they were surrounded by "something"!"]

[It seems that these "monsters" have long existed in this alien dimension. "】

And "light" is the only thing that can prevent them from getting close to humans......"]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Hermione Granger: God, these Foundation guys are crazy!

Hermione Granger: They already knew the keys were going to kill people, but they insisted...... Ask those people to take the key and open the door!

Hermione Granger: "Isn't that for them to die?

Agent J: What does the Foundation do...... It's always been like this, and in comparison, our organization of the Men in Black is simply a bunch of angels. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Hermione Granger: Also, they set up a base in such a dangerous place, and they want the people from that base to never come out!

Carol Danvers: This is to leave a spark for humanity in the event of the end of the world.

Carol Danvers: Actually, I don't like this foundation either, but it's ...... Affirmation is still needed.

Carol Danvers: After all, their goal is justice.

Hermione Granger: Justice?( ̄△ ̄;)

Nick Fury: Sometimes, difficult decisions have to be made to avoid extinction for humans.

Nick Fury: But ...... They seem to have chosen the wrong place.

John Constantine: Fear of the light, it will appear as soon as the lights go out, sounds ...... Kind of like a low-level demon.

Daddy: Demons? They built a base in the devil's lair? Daddy was stunned. (⊙o⊙)

Jerome Valeska: Those idiots, I'm afraid that the end of the world will not come, and the people in that base will be eaten by monsters first!

Peter Parker: Why is this happening? Could it be that the scientist who was in charge of the survey was ...... Never tried to turn off the lights? (⊙_⊙)

Stephen Strange: I guess it wasn't long enough to turn off the lights! Later, due to an accident, the power went out for an hour before these monsters appeared.

Jerome Valeska: The Future of That World...... It's in the hands of these clever idiots, really...... →_→

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The eerie voice of narration sounded again.

Time goes back decades again.

["Time goes back decades again. "】

["When the "factory and the 12 keys" appeared, the managers of the nameless organization had already determined ......"]

["This document, labeled 'Classified Anomalous Item Report', is a gift from God."] "】

["From now on, no matter what anomalies and monsters appear on the earth, he can pass this document...... Get all the information about the other side and how to successfully contain "them". "】

["With this document, he, and the agencies under his command, will be able to "control", "contain", and "protect" all anomalies on Earth!"]

["Since then, the Administrators have relied on information on file to contain one new anomaly after another. "】

["Due to the increasing number of anomalies contained, the nameless institution began to expand and absorb more personnel. "】

["Eventually, the agency decided to number them. "】

["And the number one is the mysterious document, "SCP-001"!"]

["With the continuous expansion of the organization, they began to open up sub-bases around the world!"]

["And the manager also found out...... There are so many things to deal with that he can't afford alone. "】

["He set up an entire committee to govern the whole institution. "】

["This committee was originally composed of only 5 people, and it became known as the O5 Committee!"]

["But as the Foundation continued to expand, the number of members of the O5 Committee increased from five to a dozen. "】

["SCP Foundation...... And so it was established. "】

And it all started on that day, when a manager opened the file that appeared on his desk. "】

["As soon as someone opens this document and looks at its contents, the anomaly described on it will appear somewhere on Earth. "】

"Then, the Foundation will send someone to contain it. "】

"This is how the Foundation has been operating for decades. "】

["On the surface, this SCP, labeled 001, is not only harmless, but is the safest and most important treasure in the Foundation. "】

["But is that really the case?"]

["As time passed, suspicions finally arose in the O5 committee. "】

["Does this document really predict the appearance of the "anomaly"?"]

["What if, the causal relationship between them, is reversed?"]

["Will it be ...... It is precisely because someone has read this document that a new anomaly will appear!"]

["Every time someone opens a folder, they're actually "unleashing" a brand new SCP on Earth!"]

["In other words, this document is the culprit who "created" countless anomalies!"]

["It" did not foresee the future, but created it!"]

["Through human reading," it "unleashed countless horrors and anomalies on Earth, creating countless tragedies!"]

["This document is what the Foundation contains...... The scariest and most dangerous SCP!"]


Seeing this, the countless viewers in front of the screen were all shocked.

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