"You've got to learn to let me finish my sentence first."] "】

[Handing the pajamas to the naked "past self", Barry turned his head and said in a deep voice:]

["When you use superpowers in the future, pay attention to the occasion. "】

[In the past, Barry just stuffed something into his mouth, and walked to the sofa next to him nonchalantly and sat down~ Come:]

["Uh...... I'm going to have to be like this now, sleepy, hungry, - don't you have any clothes to wear?"]

[Barry sighs:]

"Regarding sleepiness and hunger, yes, the expenditure of energy can cause us to constantly consume new foods and feel tired. "】

["But as for clothes, I just said that as long as you make a composite suit, you can solve the problem. "】

[Barry wants to continue:]

["Actually, I have a lot to tell you, but ......"]

[Before he finished speaking, Barry found that the self in his pajamas was already asleep on the couch. 】

[On the second day, the two came to the park in the center of the city together. 】

[Here, Barry shows his past self the "Flash suit" that he put in the ring. 】

[But at this moment, they suddenly noticed that everyone else in the park was panicking.] 】

[It's like...... What horrible things are happening!]

"Barry, come with me. "】

[Leading his past self, Barry arrives at a bar outside the park, only to see that the TV in the bar is playing the instant news.] 】

["There are witnesses in the sky outside the coastline of Kangaroo Country, and this strange spaceship ......"]

["Oh my God, this is General Zod's ship?"]

[Looking at the familiar image on the screen, Barry's mouth suddenly opened wide.] 】

[And immediately after, General Zod's appearance also appeared on the TV screen:]

["One of my compatriots now inhabits your planet, and I ask you to hand him over immediately, or ...... We're going to attack!"

["Is there a mistake? At this time...... Come on General Zod!"]

[Barry smiled bitterly and looked at the "past self" standing beside him and whispered:]

["General Zod is here to find Superman, and we must find him quickly!"]

["Huh, Superman, who is that?"]

[In the past, Barry's eyes were wide open when he heard this, and his eyes were full of confusion. 】

[Next, Barry shared the information of General Superman Zod and others with himself in the past.] 】

[However, in this unrecognizable world, Barry doesn't know where to go to Clark Kent.] 】

[Without a clue, they can only return to the university dormitory of "Barry in the past.] 】

[It's a pity that this world has changed too much, "Cyborg" Victor Stone is still playing rugby, and Aquaman Arthur was not even born!]

[And Clark Kent, he doesn't know where he is. 】

[Justice League, gone!]

[Just when Barry was depressed, the roommate of "Past Barry" suddenly mentioned a name. 】



Barry's eyes widened violently, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. 】

[It turns out that in this weird world, there is still Batman!]

[After gaining hope, Barry hurriedly pulled his past self and came to Wayne Manor together. 】

[It's just that this place is extremely dilapidated, and it looks like an enlarged version of a haunted house.] 】

["Harrow, Bruce, are you there?"]

[While searching, the two Barries enter the kitchen at Wayne Manor.] 】


[Suddenly, from a cabinet in the kitchen, an old man with messy hair rushed out!]


[The old man kicks Barry in the face, knocking him to the ground.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


[It's a pity that in the face of "Past Barry", who has mastered the speed of God, the old man's attacks are the same as in slow motion in the movie, not only can't touch him, but he falls to the ground. 】

[Looking at the old man lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state, Barry wiped away his beaten nosebleed, and asked with doubt:]

["Who are you?"]

"I am the owner of this house!" replied the old man proudly. 】

["Won't it?"]

[Barry's face is full of consternation:]

"We're here for Bruce Wayne. "】


[Looking at the bewildered looks on the faces of the two Barrys, the old man sighed and stood up from the ground:]

"I'm Bruce Wayne. "】

[It turns out that in this parallel world, Batman has become an old man!]

[Finding out that the two Barries are not hostile, Bruce Wayne shakes hands with them.] And information was exchanged. 】

["What? You traveled from another timeline?"

[Hearing this incredible news, Bruce Wayne surprisingly did not refute or ridicule, but pondered. 】

"Yes, but there are a lot of things I don't understand. "】

[Looking at the old man in front of him, Barry swallowed his saliva:]

["I've only traveled back in time to a few years ago, but I've changed everything from decades ago!"]

["Why is this happening?"]

[Bruce Wayne took out a noodle that had not yet been cooked, pointed to the middle of the noodle and said:]

"Your understanding of time is too superficial. "】

["When you go back in time and change history, you will create a fulcrum and create a new timeline!"]

["This new timeline may be related to your timeline...... Only that one "point" has something in common! Everything else is different from the past to the future!"]

[Pouring the boiled noodles into the bowl, Bruce Wayne pointed to the pile of noodles and said:]

["But the greatest possibility is that you will create a multiverse!"]

["Countless parallel universes intersect with each other, some are the same, some are different, and they have become a complete mess. "】

[Speaking of which, Bruce points to the TV behind Barry :]

["So, it's because of your crossing that this guy named Zod wants to destroy the earth?"]

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