Seeing this, the chat group is also very lively.

Barry Allen, the Flash: What? I've lost my speed again? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Good guys, this one is really exactly the same as Flashpoint.

Wanda Maximov: What happens next? Will Wonder Woman and Aquaman go to war again?

Bruce Wayne: Wait, there's a difference between this world and the flashpoint world.

Bruce Wayne: After all, there aren't two Barry Allen in the Flashpoint world.

Tony Stark: yes, and the Flash in the Lightning World isn't that annoying.

Wanda Maximov: That young version of Barry is more than just obnoxious, I suspect he has a mental problem. (▼へ▼)

Tian Xiaoban: Flash, you weren't really like this when you were young, right?

Barry Allen, The Flash: Ah??? what are you talking about? How could I be so neurotic!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But, in the face of this situation, what happens next?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): According to the plot in Flashpoint, Barry, who has lost his ability, will go to Bruce Wayne and be struck by lightning again to gain superpowers!

Flash Barry 803 Alan: Sigh, it looks like I'm going to have to be struck by lightning no matter what universe I'm in.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the light screen.


[After losing his superpowers, Barry had to support his dizzy "past self" and slowly returned to the university dormitory. 】

"Wow! It's exciting today."] "】

[In the past, Barry sat on the sofa with a sigh of relief, closing his eyes slightly. 】

["Barry, the accident just happened gave you the speed of power. "】

[Barry sat opposite and said with a solemn face:]

["But it also took away my speed power!"]

["Now I'm just an ordinary person, I don't know how to go back!"]

"Do you hear what I'm saying? I'm stuck at this point in time. "】


[In the past, Barry's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly stood up from the sofa with a look of ecstasy on his face:]

["Superpowers, I have superpowers now!"]

["You...... You calm down first. "】

[Finding that the other party's face was abnormal, Barry wanted to stop it, but it was already night. 】

["Past Barry", who has obtained the speed power, is like a naughty boy who has just obtained a new toy, and begins to "try" frantically. 】


[With the blue lightning flashing, Barry first circled around his dormitory several times, and then rushed out at a super fast speed despite Barry's stoppage. 】


[With a nervous maniacal grin, Barry used to run wildly down the street at an astonishing speed!]

[Everything around him is like a movie in slow motion, driving past him!]

[This feeling is so addictive that I can't stop it.] 】

[But in the next moment, Barry suddenly noticed a problem. 】


[Because his speed was so fast, the air rubbed against the clothes on his body and caused a high heat, and he actually set the clothes on fire. 】


[The whole person turned into a fireball, and Barry quickly stopped running. 】

[But because the speed was too fast, he couldn't hold his foot, and he fell in the middle of the road in embarrassment. 】


[Seeing that there was suddenly an extra person (dacj) on the highway, the cars driving around also slammed the steering wheel, and suddenly caused a series of car accidents!]

["It's hot!"]

[Feeling that the clothes on his body were still burning, Barry stood in the middle of the road, tearing his clothes frantically, and finally took himself off clean!

["Boom la la ......"] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Due to the series of collisions, the musical instruments on a truck were also spilled all over the ground.] 】

[Seeing this, "Over Barry" hurriedly picked up a tambourine and covered his vital point, and then fled back to his dormitory in embarrassment. 】

["You...... What did you do?"]

[Looking at the slippery "self" in front of him, Barry suddenly couldn't cry or laugh. 】

"I didn't tell you about clothes before, you know, friction heats up, and ordinary clothes burn out. "】

["I'm wearing a suit made of special composite materials, so I'm fine. "】

["Okay, I'm hungry now, can you wait and teach again."] "】

["Past Barry" put on his pajamas, walked to the kitchen on his own, and began to devour all kinds of food frantically. 】

[And halfway through eating, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered one thing:]

["Wait a minute, now that I have your ability, does that mean that I can also be like you, shaking through the wall?"]

["That's still early!"]

[Barry hurriedly said solemnly:]

["This is a very high-end application technique for the speed force, you haven't ...... it yet"]


[But as he spoke, Barry had already begun to vibrate his body.] 】


[In the next second, he actually disappeared on the floor like this, leaving only a pair of pajamas on the ground!]


[Immediately after, a woman's scream came from downstairs:]

"How did you get in? Get out of here. "】


[Next, Barry could only look at the slippery "past self" with a helpless face, and walked in through the door again. 】

[It seems that this kid's "vibration through the wall" has indeed succeeded, but he has worn his naked self downstairs!].

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