After a while, Shican had given up the fishing net.

Because it’s really not easy to use. I spent a long time fishing for mud.

"Dafa! I caught a big one!"Soon, the results of the battle came out from Xiuzhi's side.

"Do you have any over there?"

"Yes, some. Shao Minnu saw one just now, but he didn't catch it. It was too small!"

"Hey, there is something here!"

Shi Can, who was searching intently, finally found a fish and shouted quickly.

Everyone's eyes instantly shifted.

They saw a fish that looked quite big and was swimming happily at the place pointed by Shi Can.

Shi Can's He no longer held the fishing net, and all the girls helped to contain it.

The two of them slowly forced the fish into a corner. Shican did not panic this time, and caught the fish directly with quick eyes and hands!

"This fish is so big! It looks different from other places!"

Shican sighed as he looked at the big fish struggling vigorously in his hand.

"Yeah yeah! I noticed that too!"

"We also need to catch more small fish and make pickled fish. Feiyu said


Everyone is now following Wei Feiyu's lead and agrees neatly.

At this moment, Shican acts like a pilgrim, holding the small fish in both hands and sending it into the fish basket!

"Wow, there is one here too, this one is big!"

Xiuzhi, who was still looking for fish carefully, also found one, which was quite big.

Xiuzhi learned from Feiyu's experience and attacked with both hands.

After catching the fish, he pinched it tightly to prevent the fish from escaping again!



A group of people looked at the big fish in Xiuzhi's hand and exclaimed.

"This one is big, this one is really big!"


Xiuzhi was also a little excited. She finally caught a fish. She was as happy as a child. She hurriedly ran to put the fish into the fish basket.

Now, everyone really mastered the trick and caught a lot of them in succession. The fish came up.

In the end, each of the four people caught a frame of fish, and there were quite a few big and small fish!

"Call it a day! Feiyu looked at the fish in a fish basket with excitement and said

"Let's go, let's go!"

A group of people were enjoying themselves. As soon as Feiyu finished speaking, they started to pack their things.

Shican volunteered to help Quanmei carry a basket of fish, and everyone walked towards the hut together.

Soon, Shican I struggled to carry the fish basket, walked quickly to the kitchen, and put the fish basket down heavily. I came here to ask for credit from Uncle Bi.

"Hiong, Shi Chan is here to take credit!"Brother Dog followed behind and said to Uncle Bi who was busy cooking.

Uncle Bi stopped what he was doing and came over curiously, wanting to see how many he had caught.

"Hey, you guys, you caught a basket?"

Uncle Bi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that these people actually caught so many, which surprised him.

The key is, this fish looks very good!

"Hiong, this fish is quite big! And, we each have one basket!"

"One basket per person?! Uncle Bi was also shocked,"There are so many fish?"! Shican nodded and said proudly:

"This is really a treasure! Feiyu taught us how to fish, and he also had a lot of fish, so he caught a lot of them in one go."

"That is, wuli Feiyu is amazing"

"Yes, Feiyu himself caught a lot of them!"

Xiuzhi and Quanmei also came in and praised each other.

However, Quanmei's words aroused Shican's resentment.

"Shao Min, why don't you praise me?"

Shican looked at Quanmei and looked at her like a fool. If you don't praise me, this matter will never end today.

"Oppa Sechan is also the best!"Quanmei snickered.

"This fish is indeed big enough, let’s get some and braise them! Went back just after lunch."

Uncle Bi smiled and didn't care about the two of them. He was minding his own business and talking to Brother Dog.

"Okay, this fish is very fresh"

"Teacher Huang, all the girls have caught a lot of them!"

Then, everyone went to change clothes and take a shower.

When they came out again, Uncle Bi's lunch was almost ready.

"We also had a fried rice cake and we were done."

Uncle Bi was very happy to see everyone so happy. He smiled and gave everyone a preview of the progress of the meal.

"Fried rice cake? Ah Yigu, you can eat delicious food while filming a variety show, I like it."

Shican became energetic again after hearing this.

Soon, Uncle Bi prepared lunch carefully for everyone.

Pickled fish and fried rice cakes.

Everyone ate one bite at a time while chatting. Yesterday in the distance There was green smoke floating in the rice fields where wild boars were driven out late, and the scene together with a group of people was particularly harmonious.

After lunch, the recording of this episode finally came to an end.

When I left, several villagers came out to see me off..

As the first season of"Three Meals a Day" comes to an end, the development of Taoyuan Village is getting better and better.

Looking at the ever-changing village, Feiyu's heart is full of happiness.

Perhaps this is why he insists on doing variety shows One of the meanings


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