This time we caught fish near the inn.

There are many fish in the rice fields below. You only need to drain the water in the rice fields on the upper layer, and you can go directly to fish for fish.

At this time, Feiyu directed Shican and the others to use their hands to open up the water inlet of the rice field, and the water in the rice field on the upper level suddenly flowed down to the lower level.

Xiuzhi saw that Feiyu and the others had no gloves, so he hurried back and got them some pairs of leather gloves.

After steadily catching the three pairs of gloves, Feiyu distributed the gloves to the three of them.

Now, just wait until the water in the rice fields is almost empty, and then you can go directly to the rice fields to catch fish.

Using rice fields to raise fish is actually very particular. The fish can eat pests, weeds, and feces in the rice fields, and can also be used as fertilizer to make the rice grow better.

There are many mountains here, so the rice fields are terraced, which is very suitable for raising fish in the rice fields.

However, Feiyu's rice field has been specially divided into a fish pond. There are many fish in it, and you can catch them casually.

Quanmei and Shican stared at the leaking water outlet with interest.

Neither of them blinked, staring intently to see if there were any fish inside.

Soon, as soon as everyone received the fishing net handed over by Feiyu, they happily ran to both sides of the rice field.

Use a fishing net to block the opening for the two people to escape. They are preparing to wait for the fish.

"Hiong, Nu Na, are you going to wait for the fish to come on its own?"Feiyu snickered.

How can you catch fish here? Do you really think the fish will run along the current?

"Can't we just wait here?"Quanmei looked curious.

Feiyu smiled and said nothing.

Let them try it first.

So, he stood aside quietly and watched the two people each take a net and block the leakage place.

Feiyu looked at it for a while and found that these two people were really determined not to give up. They had been stuck in traffic for a long time and were still working hard. The whole girl's hands were trembling a little now.

She was originally a girl and had to be strong. A little smaller, but still trying hard to catch fish

"or? Feiyu reminded me

"Don’t these fish swim with the water? They don’t swim upstream!"

Shican immediately felt that things were not that simple. The two of them seemed to be doing useless work.

"Yes, because they will look for places with water. When the water is released, we can just go directly to the pond to catch them."Feiyu said.

After hearing Feiyu's words, the two of them immediately blushed and were a little embarrassed for their stupid actions just now.

"Let's catch one and go!"

In order to save his lost face, Shican wanted to struggle for a while.

There is nothing to say now, but Feiyu doesn't mind watching the show again.

Generally speaking, when the current is very fast, it is not easy to find fish. , this is not common sense, so it is normal for the two of them not to know.

Looking at the neat and lush rice fields in front of him, Feiyu was a little sad, and a sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously.

Obviously, the program team used funds to help The construction of the village has now achieved results.

During this period, it was also the result of everyone's joint efforts!

On the other side, the two of them couldn't catch any fish, so they finally gave up.

Feiyu didn't say anything, and entered the rice fields after the water was almost discharged. , officially started fishing.

Shican followed Feiyu’s example and also entered the rice fields. When he walked in, he could feel fish swimming around his feet.

"You can actually catch it! Shican said excitedly, looking at Feiyu with a different look.

This Feiyu really knows everything!

"Really? Really? I want to come too!"

Quanmei also became interested. Originally, it was more because Shican kept nagging beside her, but now her previous resentment is gone.

Wearing a poncho like overalls, Quanmei doesn't look weird, but has a kind of It feels quite cute

"Feiyu, if we grab it with bare hands like this, are we really sure we can catch it?"

The whole girl looked at Feiyu wearing gloves and kept bending down to search in the water.

"It's full of mud, and the fishing net is not easy to use. Instead, it's more convenient to use your hands. It's not a big place anyway, so it's easy to catch!"

Feiyu carefully searched for the fish in the rice fields. Because there were seedlings, it seemed very simple, but in fact it was quite difficult because everyone was wearing gloves. On the other side, as soon as he stood in the rice fields, Shi Can's whole body The man seemed a little high-spirited.

In his opinion, fishing in the fish pond was not very simple.

Feiyu and the others were actually catching them with their hands!

Shican proudly held the fishing net and stared closely at the fish pond. Unexpectedly, Let go of any movement.

Feiyu didn't care about Shican, and bent over to look for fish in the rice fields.

"Feiyu, here, here!"

Quan Mei has a sharp eye and immediately spotted one. She shouted at Feiyu so hard that even Shican and the others were attracted.

Feiyu spotted the fish and bent down to catch it. He caught him smoothly, and the big guy looked confused.

" are too awesome, right?……"Suzy murmured.

Feiyu glanced at Xiuzhi:"Then you want to catch one too?"

Xiuzhi smiled and made a face at Feiyu:"I don't want it! I'm just waiting for you to catch it!"

Seeing the young couple, Quanmei and Shican faced each other. glanced at it.

Now I really have to eat dog food even if I catch a fish.……


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