Chapter 163 What kind of partner are you looking for?

"You can, but you actually want to use mom as a shield."Zhao Ling'er immediately said with contempt.

"Um, I really discussed this with my mom, I kid you not." Zhao Fengming said

"Did your mother agree?" Zhao Ling'er asked back

"……"Zhao Fengming was unable to answer immediately.

"See, I knew there was no promise." Zhao Ling'er said.

Zhao Ling'er looked at the big snapping turtle over there, and then said to Zhao Fengming:

"Of course, you bought it yourself, so of course you have to raise it yourself. I don’t care about your turtle."

"Also, I originally gave this place to Xiao Xuanzi. You can put it in, but you can’t let this big snapping turtle go in the swimming pool. This is a swimming pool exclusively for Xiao Xuanzi and me. Otherwise, it will If it dares to go down, I will throw it outside."

"Also, you can handle the food directly, don’t even think about asking Xiao Xuanzi to share it with it. Besides, this turtle may not be able to eat the food that Xiao Xuanzi eats. Don’t just feed Xiao Xuanzi if you see that he can eat it. If he feeds it to death by then, it’s up to you."

"Remember to give this turtle a bath from time to time, otherwise it will get dirty."

Zhao Ling'er said, walked up to Jiang Fan, touched Jiang Fan's head, and said to Jiang Fan:"Xiao Xuanzi, look at this turtle, don't let it go into the swimming pool, or you will bite it."

The swimming pool can only be used by Jiang Fan and Zhao Ling'er. How could they let this big snapping turtle go in? It's so dirty.

Therefore, Zhao Ling'er resolutely refused to let this big snapping turtle go in the swimming pool. Of course, Jiang Fan I also think so. Of course, we can't let the clown go into the swimming pool.

However, the clown is a giant snapping turtle after all. Most of the time, it is better to be in the water. After all, it is not a tortoise. It has to stay in the swimming pool. It will be very uncomfortable on land.

Of course, the clown is not as good as Jiang Fan. He can stay here no matter on land or in the water. Moreover, even if the sun is shining like this, nothing will happen.

But what? Of course, the clown cannot be exposed to the sun like this, otherwise he will easily die.

Therefore, the clown cannot go into the swimming pool and can only hide in the turtle house.

At this time, after listening to his sister's words, Zhao Fengming has already I was completely dumbfounded.

There are too many things to do when raising a giant snapping turtle.

Do you really just buy it and leave it there?

Of course, but you can’t ruin the backyard or go into the swimming pool.

This Naturally, he asked Zhao Fengming to create a new living space for a clown.

Now Zhao Fengming has finally realized that Jiang Fan is a magical turtle, so he is not so bossy when he raises him. He just needs to follow others when he eats and drinks. It's simple. But of course

, the new snapping turtle cannot eat and drink like Jiang Fan.

This really made Zhao Fengming stupid.

For a while, Zhao Fengming no longer dared to think about the army of snapping turtles.

Imagine, just eating is already very scary, let alone creating a good living environment, otherwise, this backyard will definitely be dirty like a ghost. Brother

Xuan is better to raise Ah.

Why is the gap between tortoises so big?

Zhao Linger stopped paying attention to Zhao Fengming. After saying something to Jiang Fan, he went back to the house.

Zhao Fengming was still standing here, regretting in his heart that he had done it himself Why do you want to get this kind of thing back?

Once you get it back, you have to raise it, otherwise, no matter what, it can still live?

Although Zhao Fengming knew that Jiang Fan was a magical turtle, the turtle was just a god. Turtle, it is impossible to let Jiang Fan raise this guy. Jiang Fan relies on Zhao Ling'er to raise him. This giant snapping turtle must not be able to eat what Jiang Fan eats, otherwise, it will probably ruin his stomach.

So, This time, Zhao Fengming suddenly had a headache.

"Oh, you really brought it upon yourself. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have thought like that. What the hell are you looking for as a partner?"

"You’ve already bought it, so let’s keep it and give it a try."

Zhao Fengming didn't think about it anymore. It's just about raising a giant snapping turtle. What's so difficult?

So, Zhao Fengming immediately returned to the hall, sat down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and started to inquire about how to raise a giant snapping turtle..

What can and cannot be eaten, and at the same time, we have to look at what other equipment we need to buy.

Even though Jiang Fan has been raised by the Zhao family for twenty years, Zhao Fengming is not interested in these. , I didn’t understand it, so I didn’t know what I need to pay attention to when raising snapping turtles.

Of course, the key point is that Jiang Fan himself is not an ordinary snapping turtle. Naturally, he cannot treat ordinary snapping turtles like Jiang Fan. Otherwise, he would probably die.

Zhao Ling'er went back to the refrigerator in the kitchen, got some water, and then went upstairs to her room and began to study the script. At the same time, Contact Zhou Yali about the scenes that need to be filmed tomorrow, communicate about the script, etc.

Therefore, Zhao Ling'er is still very busy.

Jiang Fan saw that no one came to the backyard to"make trouble" at last, so Jiang Fan started to open his mouth and face The two cameras in the backyard sprayed frozen water bombs.

It was not ice, but water bombs with very low temperature.

The water bombs hit the cameras directly and accurately.

The images captured by the cameras immediately became blurry. Get up.

At this time, Leng Feng was not looking at the equipment, but was resting. He slept a little bit last night and got up early.

Now Zhao Linger is at home, and it is still noon, and there are many guards outside. It was being protected, so nothing would happen for the time being, so Leng Feng took advantage of this time to rest.

When Leng Feng came back, he had already installed the positioning system on the pickup truck..

As long as the vehicle moves, the equipment will immediately alert, and Leng Feng will know that Zhao Ling'er is going out.

Therefore, Leng Feng will naturally rest now.

Moreover, Zhao Ling'er also said that he does not plan to go out today. If you want to go out, you have to wait until tomorrow.

In this way, the Zhao family here, because Zhao Fengming was quiet, naturally became very quiet.

After Leng Feng blurred the two cameras, he then raised his head and looked at the countless objects in the air. The water bombs were launched.

It is noon now, and the sun is too hot. For Jiang Fan, it may not be bad, but for other people, it is still very hot.

For example, the guards outside are all I'm protecting the Zhao family, so if you can help, please help.

Didn't you see, the clown was too hot?

Although it wasn't exposed to the sun, it was in the open air in the backyard after all, so the air was still very hot.

The clown It's very uncomfortable not being able to soak in the swimming pool.

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