"No, I can't run anymore"

"I really can't run anymore, let's rest for a while."

Yuan Shu was breathing heavily, and a layer of fine beads appeared on his forehead.

He turned back and glanced at the official road. There were no pursuers coming from behind, and the stone hanging in his heart finally dropped a little.

Who would have thought!

Han Yi's soldiers and horses were like crazy.

Since defeating Ji Ling and Zhang Xun, they have been advancing crazily.

In less than two days, they reached Xiacai!

In less than three days, they defeated Shouchun!

In less than five days, they defeated Shouchun. , captured Chengde!

Within eight days, Hefei was captured again!......

Now Yuan Shu has become a bereaved dog.

He wanted to find Sun Ce from Jiangdong. After all, Sun Ce was a powerful general under his command.

It was he who lent Sun Ce three thousand soldiers and horses that enabled him to achieve what he is today. If it weren't for him, Sun Ce would be nothing!


Until now.

It seems that this extremely humble idea cannot be realized.

"Your Majesty, we will reach Shu County if we go further. Let's hold on for a while!"

General Lei Bo on the side with more than a hundred remaining soldiers, protecting Yuan Shu, cupped his fists and cupped his hands.


Yuan Shu shook his head, his face full of exhaustion:"I really can't hold on anymore, so I'd better rest. Anyway, the soldiers and horses of the imperial court haven't chased me yet, and we still have time."

"His Majesty!"

"I said, I can’t walk anymore! need a rest!"

Yuan Shu opened his eyes angrily and glared at Lei Bo fiercely. He gritted his steel teeth in his mouth and made a grinding sound.


Lei Bo was also helpless.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to shut up.

After pondering for a long time, Lei Bo cupped his fists and said,"Your Majesty, rest here. I will lead some people to guard you later!"

After saying that, Lei Bo waved and walked forward with the remaining hundreds of soldiers. call~~~

Yuan Shu let out a long breath.

He turned his head and glanced to the side. There was an abandoned village not far away:"Just go there and rest."

The group came to the village and looked for a house that could protect them from the wind and rain, so that Yuan Shu could rest inside.

Yuan Shu sat down on the withered grass, his heart suddenly felt cold.

He has never slept on dry grass in his life, and it hurts when it pricks him.

But looking around, there is no better place than this.

For a while.

He was suddenly filled with emotions.

If they had listened to Yan Xiang earlier, they might still be in an invincible position.

Even if defeat is really possible, holding on for at least half a year shouldn't be a problem.

But now!

Both armies were completely destroyed.

Yuan Shu no longer has the soldiers to fight again.

He could only flee, taking his jade seal with him all the way.

He glanced down at Yuxi.

Don't know why.

Yuan Shu couldn't help but burst into tears.

"It's just a broken rock!"

"Break the stone!"



Yan Xiang's words echoed in his ears again.


It's really a broken rock.

I was so stupid that I gave up my general for this broken stone!

Sun Jian lost his life because of this broken stone!

Now I seem to be making the same mistake as him! sorrow!

How sad!

Yuan Shu couldn't help but ask himself why he was obsessed with things and refused to listen to the good advice of his loyal ministers!

He suddenly raised the jade seal and tried to smash it down.

But the moment he raised the jade seal.

There seemed to be a strange force that kept his arms stuck in the air, and he didn't put them down for a long time.

Yuan Shu knew that he still couldn't let go!

You know, although it is just a quick stone, it is a stone that symbolizes the centralization of the world after all!

Having it means orthodoxy! without it......

It does not seem to affect the rule of the Han Dynasty

"Woo woo woo~~~"

"Woo woo~~~"

Yuan Shu cried.

He hugged Yuxi and cried loudly.

Yuan Yin hurried over from the side:"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Shu burst into tears:"I regret not listening to the Taiwei's words, I regret not listening to the Taiwei's words!"

Yuan Yin suddenly withered.

You know, he also opposed Yan Xiang back then.

But the facts proved that Yan Xiang was right.

As expected, Han Yi was not comparable to that miscellaneous soldier.

He is the real BOSS.

For a while.

Yuan Yin was very embarrassed and didn't know whether to comfort him, so he could only stand aside silently.

Unfortunately, Yan Xiang also disappeared.

On the day when Yuan Shu was about to move the capital, he mysteriously disappeared. perhaps......

He must be truly disappointed.

Yuan Yin clearly remembers that Yan Xiang has been in the Yuan family since he was a child.

It was the Yuan family who trained Yan Xiang.

Yan Xiang is also fully assisting Yuan Shu! but now!

He has completely lost confidence.

He didn't choose to surrender, he could only choose to disappear. a long time!

Just as Yuan Shu was crying loudly.

Suddenly, a hurried report came from outside the house:"Report!"~~~"

A small yellow doorman rushed into the house:"Your Majesty, something serious has happened. A large number of thieves have been found outside the village."

Yuan Yin was immediately confused:"How is it possible? Didn't Lei Bo lead someone on guard? Why?......"

At this point, he seemed to have realized something. He clenched his steel teeth in his mouth, clenched his iron fists, and squeezed out two words from between his teeth:"Damn!"

He knew!

Lei Bo also ran away.

He fled with the remaining remnants of his troops.

At this moment, Yuan Shu has become a true polished commander!

"Your Majesty, leave quickly! Yuan

Yin couldn't help but hurriedly admonished him.

But Yuan Shu waved his hand lazily:"Let's go?" Where to go? I can’t leave, I can’t walk anymore!

Yuan Yin frowned:"Your Majesty, but......"

Yuan Shu glanced at Yuan Yin:"You go, leave now, maybe there is a chance of survival."

Yuan Yin immediately responded:"Your Majesty, I am also a member of the Yuan family, how can I abandon you? The worst case scenario is that I will die here. For one piece, this life has been wonderful anyway!"


Yuan Shu snorted softly.

Before he could say anything, the neighing of war horses suddenly sounded outside the house:

Xi Xu Xu~~~ coming! of the imperial courtThe army is coming.

Yuan Shu was still sitting lazily on the withered grass, holding the jade seal in his hand.

The wailing outside the house, the sound of people shouting and horses neighing, seemed like they couldn't even call themselves.

He was waiting here, waiting silently.



The door was pushed open.

A ray of sunlight shines in, causing pain to the eyes.

Yuan Shu squinted his eyes and gradually recovered his vision. Standing in front of him was a majestic and heroic young general.

He was holding a golden gun and staring at him with the corners of his lips slightly raised!

Sun Ce?

For a while.

Yuan Shu was in a daze!

When he was about to blurt out, he realized that this person was not Sun Ce at all.

But the Yang family general!

Who is the specific one, he is not sure.

But this outfit is very consistent with the rumors.

"Yuan Shu, are you going to kill yourself, or are you going to let me kill you?"

The person in front of him is Yang Yanhui, the Fourth Master of the Yang Family.

Yang Yanhui raised his gun and said,"You have no way out. Today next year will be your death anniversary! Yuan

Shu let out a long sigh and raised his eyes to look at the window eaves aside:"What was supposed to come finally came. Han Yi, I finally lost at your hands!" After saying that

, Yuan Shu slowly closed his eyes:"Kill me, let me commit suicide, I can't do it!""

Yang Yanhui snorted.


The tip of the gun rose, and a cold light flashed.

A blood hole as thick as a thumb suddenly penetrated his neck.

He turned his head and looked at Yuan Yin.

Yuan Yin had already drawn his sword and slammed it across his neck.


The blood surged and he fell to the ground.

Yang Yanhui snorted coldly, picked up the jade seal, and walked out of the room.

At this moment, all the Yang family members came over:

"Fourth brother, how are you?"

"Did you catch him?"

"Fourth brother, how is the situation?"


Yang Yanhui raised the jade seal in his hand:"I got it, I got the jade seal!"



Taishan Palace.

During this time, the little emperor didn't think about tea and the rice didn't taste good.

Whenever I have free time every day, I will think of the battlefield ahead.

A full ten days have passed, and there is still no news from the front.

According to common sense, the garrison of the Yang family generals and Wagang heroes is not too far from Huainan, and they should be able to enter the battle soon. In other words, as of now, they should at least have fought.


Why was no report sent?

The little emperor was very worried.

Although he didn't want Han Yi to win too quickly, he also didn't want him to lose to Yuan Shu.

After all, the stakes in this battle are too great. Once the imperial court loses to Yuan Shu, there will definitely be too many emperors in the world.

And once there are more emperors, then the emperor himself will definitely become less valuable. at this point!

The little emperor understood very clearly.

Because of this, he is very conflicted now.

He could only look forward to the battle report ahead.

Is it a stalemate?

Or has it been defeated?

The little emperor had no idea.

He took a long breath, put down the bald pen in his hand, and shook his head:"No, I still can't calm down."

Zhang Xu said softly:"Your Majesty, don't worry. Wei Chen thought that Han Sikong would definitely not You will be disappointed. He has never suffered a defeat since he raised his army. I think there will be no problem this time."


Zhang Xu seemed extremely calm:"Han Sikong was afraid that Your Majesty would fall into the illusion of the previous good news, so he didn't send out the Di report. I guess once the Di report came, the jade seal would also be sent."


The little emperor sighed:"I hope so, but is it possible?" The fourth and third prince of the Yuan family, Yuan Shu is the legitimate son. There are a large number of talented people gathered around him, and there are 100,000 soldiers and horses stationed there. It can be said that the soldiers are elite and brave."

"Why should your majesty increase the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige? Zhang

Xu comforted him while grinding:"Wei Chen thought that although Yuan Shu was powerful, he was defeated by Cao Cao after all, and Han Sikong was the one who defeated Cao Cao, so there will definitely be no problem this time.""

"Your Majesty, don't worry!"

Although Zhang Xu tried his best to comfort him, the little emperor still shook his head:"Zhang Qing, you are always so optimistic. Look at Han Yi. He is either going to the sales center or taking care of his children. He has a little heart. On the battlefield?"

"How could I not know!

The little emperor suddenly became confused:"How did he build this foundation before?" Could it be that just because his generals are more powerful, he can completely trust his men and let them do what they want?"


Zhang Xu shook his head and said he didn't know.

But the little emperor fell into deep thought. a long time.

Suddenly, a long report sounded outside the hall.


Turning into a small yellow door from the outside, with joy on his face, he cupped his fists and said:"Your Majesty, good news, good news~~~"

The little emperor was suddenly startled:"It's finally here, hurry up, bring it up!"

Xiao Huangmen shook his head:"Your Majesty, this good news was sent by Han Sikong, he is outside the palace now."


"Did Jiaheng deliver it personally?"

The little emperor couldn't help but be a little confused.

According to common sense, the good news should first go to the palace desk. How could it get to Han Yi?

Is it possible ?......

This good news was sent directly to Sikong Mansion by the frontline soldiers?

Did it not pass through the hands of the Imperial Palace Chancellor at all? hiss~~~

The little emperor couldn't help but gasp, and suddenly became a little angry.

But now that Han Yi was outside, he could only swallow his anger and waved his hand:"Let him come in.""


Xiao Huangmen bowed his head and turned to leave.

After a while,

Han Yi, led by Xiao Huangmen, came to the Jiade Hall.

Along with him, Situ Yang Biao

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty!"

Han Yi and Yang Biao both raised their hands and cheered in celebration.

Yang Biao burst into tears and said in a loud voice:"Your Majesty, the generals of the Yang family and the heroes of Wagang lived up to your Majesty's high expectations and pursued Yuan Shu all the way to the vicinity of Shu County. Behead!"

"Um? The little emperor was stunned for a moment:"

You mean......Killed Yuan Shu?"

The little emperor originally thought that the battle would be a stalemate.

When this news of victory came, it was just a small victory at best.

But who would have thought that the Yang family general had actually killed Yuan Shu?


Damn it!

How long has it been?

At best, it only lasts for ten days.

Is it possible that the Yang family will crush everything along the way?

Otherwise, how could he kill Yuan Shu so quickly?

Although he stayed in the palace in Mount Tai, he often looked at the map of Huainan.

He knew very well that Shu County was in the south of Shouchun.

In other words.

The generals of the Yang family had already conquered Shouchun, but Yuan Shu escaped, and today, he was finally killed by the generals of the Yang family?

Damn it, how much fighting power does it take to kill Yuan Shu in such a short period of time?

The little emperor was completely confused!

Han Yi remained calm, just playing around every day and getting things done?

Comparing it to the Eighth Captain of Taishan under his command, the two are simply incomparable!

Yang Biao leaned over and cupped his hands and said:"Yes, Yuan Shu is dead, Yuan Shu is really dead!"

After saying that, Han Yi stepped forward and opened the wooden box in his hand, revealing the ugly face inside:"Your Majesty, this person is It's Yuan Shu."


The little emperor gasped.

He was not afraid. Over the years, he had seen too many dead people.

However, this shock still left him with lingering fear.

The little emperor couldn't help but swallowed his saliva:"What about the jade seal?"

Han Yi handed the wooden box to Dian Wei, then picked up another wooden box:"Your Majesty, here is the jade seal!"

The little emperor took the wooden box and Open it and take out the jade seal.

He was too familiar with this thing.

When I held it in my hands, I couldn't help but burst into tears.


"That's right!"

"that's it!"

"My jade seal is finally back"

"My jade seal is finally back!"


The little emperor's body trembled slightly, and he was so moved that he burst into tears.

Now that Yuxi is back, he feels that he is worthy of his ancestors!

"I want to pay tribute to my ancestors!"

"Tell them that the big man is still there and the jade seal is still there!"

"Great, really great!"


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