Ji Ling is so crazy now!

So crazy!

He always felt that he had captured the secret of Han Yi's victory in every battle.

Therefore, Han Yi is not taken seriously at all. It seems that as long as they have those weapons, they will be invincible, invincible, and even invincible. Even Yan Xiang's words go in with his left ear and out with the right.

To know!

Not long ago, he was still following Yan Xiangyan's advice.

After all, Ji Ling was always defeated at that time. He knew that the frontal battlefield was not strong enough, so he could only use strategies.

But now, they have magical weapons, and they seem to have mastered the magic weapon to defeat the enemy. In this case, do they still need strategies to assist victory?

No! no need!

Never again!

No matter what Yan Xiang advises.

Ji Ling always felt that he was preventing him from establishing military exploits.

He was not interested in Yan Xiang's theory of enemy threats, thinking that he was just trying to boost others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige.

In this battle, Ji Ling wanted to prove to Yan Xiang that Han Yi's team was simply vulnerable!

Above the wilderness.

Two armies confront each other.

A gentle breeze blew by, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Ji Ling rode his horse and walked some distance away, raised his sword and pointed at Yang Ye's camp angrily:"Where did the thieves come from, how dare they invade our country!"

Yang Ye immediately raised his sword and laughed wildly:"Haha, the world has really changed now. The rats dare to shout and act arrogantly in front of me, Yang Ye, they are just looking for death!"


Ji Ling gave a disdainful laugh.

He saw it very clearly. The armor worn by the other party's soldiers was the same as that of his subordinates.

Although he did not see the ring-headed sword he was wearing, he estimated that it should be similar!

The more the Like this!

Ji Ling felt more and more.

Since our equipment is exactly the same, why would I lose?

"Yang Ye! Ji

Ling called Yang Ye by name and shouted sternly:"The reason why you were able to defeat Cao Cao was because of these equipments, wasn't it?" Now what you have, I, Ji Ling, also have!"

"Did you see it?"

At this point, Ji Ling raised his blade and signaled to Yang Ye:"They are all your weapons and equipment that have been captured. Not to mention, this magic weapon that can break forty pieces of armor is different!"

There was a sense of arrogance in his words.

But in the eyes of Yang Ye and other Yang family generals, Ji Ling at this moment was like a clown.

Because he didn't know at all that the Eighth Colonel Taishan had The equipment is a batch of equipment withdrawn from them.

So why should a batch of equipment be withdrawn?

The natural cause of death is that the original equipment is outdated.

And the brand-new equipment has crushed the previous equipment in all aspects of performance. equipment.

Only then will the previous equipment be withdrawn and replaced with more advanced equipment.


Naturally, Yang Ye would not tell Ji Ling.

Because this is a secret of the three armed forces, a secret that must not be leaked to outsiders.

He just laughed!

The Yang family tiger generals beside him also laughed.

They were laughing at a clown who dared to bark in front of them!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"




The sarcasm suddenly spread around like a plague.

After all, Ji Ling was born in the military and was a passionate man. How could he allow the other party to provoke him like this?

He raised his steel teeth and glared, and he was suddenly furious and hysterical:"How dare you bully me!"

Yang Ye raised the knife horizontally and suppressed a smile:"Ji Ling, I, Yang Ye, am too lazy Ignore you, let’s not waste our words. Let’s fight with real swords and guns. We will naturally know which one is better!"


Ji Ling raised his sword and immediately said,"I can't ask for it!""

Yang Ye pointed his sword and shouted sternly:"I'm here to suppress thieves, kill them!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


Accompanied by the dull and rhythmic sound of drums.

The army under Yang Ye's command rushed towards the soldiers under Ji Ling's command like a tide.

Ji Ling glared and looked at his steel teeth:"Brothers, the time has come to prove us. Come on, kill them all. No one is left. Kill them."~~~"


A strong cry of killing suddenly sounded.

With the help of magic weapons and sharp blades, the soldiers under Yuan Shu's command became blindly confident to the extreme.

Just like the previous Eighth Colonel Taishan, they felt that they were invincible.

After all, the armor on their bodies was too powerful for defense.

It seems that as long as you protect your head, you can be invincible!

Can't die!

This is their biggest advantage!

On this basis, you can kill unlimited enemies!


When the two armies collided together like a tide.

Ji Ling was completely stunned.

He clearly saw an ordinary soldier from the Yang Family Army holding a cone-shaped iron gun.

He seemed to just poke forward casually.


One of our own soldiers was easily exposed by him.

The white spear head goes in, the red spear head comes out!

Even more shocking.

A stream of blood spurted out and sprayed on the opponent's soldier's face.

If this is the case, it's just a case in point.

But the problem is!

Ji Ling's eyes swept across the battlefield in front of him.

Out of the ten, seven or eight were actually breached. One shot penetrated the defense and blood flowed!


"How can this be?"

Ji Ling was completely stunned.

He had obviously done experiments. Even the opponent's weapons could not break through the defense of this armor.

But now......

How could it be broken open so easily?

Look at your own soldiers!

Even if he desperately cuts the opponent with a knife.

It was just a loud sound, and two sparks of fire burst out.

There is no way to break through the opponent's armor!

The battle armor is still the same battle armor!

There's nothing wrong with that.

Then the problem must lie with the weapons.

Ji Ling instantly realized the crux of the problem and his eyes fell on the head of a gun.

He saw it very clearly. This gun head was completely different from ordinary gun heads.

Ordinary gun heads only have two edges!

And this kind of gun head has three edges!

Moreover, these three edges are not distributed in straight lines, but curved into some kind of arc.

The point where the three edges converge is the tip of the spear!

The tip of this spear is even more unusual!

It is like the eye of a needle, extremely sharp!

To know!

Such a spear tip, when it touches armor.

Under normal circumstances, it is easy to break.

The broken spear tip will immediately lose its combat effectiveness and become a useless weapon.

Therefore, although the world knows that it is sharp, they will not make the spear tip like this.

But it happens......

All the soldiers under Han Yi have this kind of weapons.

They are more aggressive, but when the spear is thrust out, the tip of the spear is not damaged! fear!

It's really scary!

Ji Ling's eyes widened and he suddenly realized something was wrong.

In just a few breaths, the other party killed hundreds of soldiers under his command.

This is no longer a battle, but a unilateral massacre!

"Their weapons are different!

Ji Ling responded quickly:"Withdraw troops slowly!" quick~~~"

Instead of fighting like a fool, he chose to retreat and preserve his strength.

But what a pity!

Yang Yecai would not give him such a chance.

Already there were the eldest man, Yang Yanping, and the second man, Yang Yanding, who were outflanking them from the left; there were also the third man, Yang Yanguang, and the fourth man, Yang Yanhui, who were outflanking them from the right.

Four powerful men completely blocked Ji Ling's retreat.

"The thief will leave and take a certain shot!"

The four fierce generals came from two directions, killing each other crazily.

In front of them, Wu Lang, Liu Lang, Qi Lang, and Bahu all came to kill them.


For them, there is no suspense at all!

Just one word: kill!

Ji Ling, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, screamed:"Breakout! Quick, break out with me!"

He immediately slashed his sword and started fighting backwards crazily.

"The thieves should leave!"

The elder Yang Yanping came like a hurricane, the tip of his spear suddenly rose, and he slashed at Ji Ling's pocket:"Take a certain spear!" clang~~~

Ji Ling panicked and raised his sword to fight.

Where the swords and guns met, sparks of fire burst out and gold roared.

But he didn't dare to fight, so he knocked away the opponent's weapon, and immediately turned the blade sharply, facing Erlang's gun barrel, and slammed it:"Get out of here!"~~~" clang~~~

There was another crisp sound.

Ji Ling originally wanted to knock away the opponent's weapons, but he charged forward crazily.

But who would have thought that Erlang of the Yang family had already predicted that he would pose as an iron bridge to block the river, and was stunned that Ji Ling's offensive defense was watertight and could not break through his defense at all!


"Want to break through my defense? Yang

Erlang raised the corners of his lips and sneered,"It seems you don't have that ability yet!""

At this moment, Sanlang and Shilang of the Yang family also surrounded and attacked from both sides.

Four fierce generals!

Four golden spears!

They all greeted Ji Ling.

This so-called first fierce general under Yuan Shu's account did not even have three rounds. Hold on.


Yang Jiashiro shot through the opponent's neck and killed him on the spot!

He picked Ji Ling with his gun and shouted:"Brothers, the thief is dead, kill me, don't let anyone go!""

Qi Lang Yang Yansi came towards me with the wind, his eyes widened:"Fourth brother, you are so fast, I thought I could still drink some soup, but in the end I didn't even touch a hair! Yang

Silang smiled calmly:"It doesn't matter. There are so many people, enough for you to kill. My lord's order this time is very simple. Yuan Shu must be completely killed. It will be enough for you to have fun for a while!""

"rest assured~~~"


Yang Qilang held the golden gun in his hand and started killing from left to right.

It's really like a god descending to earth, even more like being possessed by a murderous god, unstoppable!



Royal Garden.

In the octagonal pavilion, the orioles sang and the swallows danced, and people drank and drank.

Yuan Shu lay lazily in the arms of a woman and said with a smile:"How long do you think it will take Ji Ling to send back the good news? He is my number one general!"

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Yin drank a bottle and said loudly:"Wei Chen thought that it would only take five or six days for General Ji Ling to receive good news. I have also tried the armor myself. It is very powerful!"

"That's right! Another Qiao Rui bowed his head and said:"

Don't worry, Your Majesty. General Ji Ling is different from the past. Although Han Yi has many soldiers under his command, I guess there will be good news back in six or seven days!""


Yuan Shu pinched a strand of goatee under his chin:"You should also know that Taiwei, he......They don’t seem to be very optimistic about Ji Ling. They always feel that Han Yi has what we have, and it’s still unclear who will win in this battle."

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Yin raised his hands again and said:"Actually, the Taiwei's worries are not unreasonable, but he is a bit too worried. It seems that Wei Chen has never seen him optimistic once."

"It seems that since very early on, he has always said that we can't defeat this or that, and we should recharge our batteries to wait for drastic changes in the weather, so that we can achieve great hegemony!

At this point, Yuan Yin frowned and snorted:"How should I put it?" Taiwei is indeed very capable. This can be seen from the strategies he made before."

"But how to say it?"

"It is too conservative. Even people like Sun Ce can carve out a world in Jiangdong. Isn't it normal for His Majesty to be so wise and powerful, ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, and then sweep across Yunei?"

All the ministers immediately agreed:

"That's right! After all, he is the son of destiny!"

"The strength of the great man has been exhausted, now is the time for us to rise up"

"Don't you see, we have been defeated repeatedly in the past, but since His Majesty came to the throne, we have been able to defeat the elites of the imperial court. This is the best proof that Your Majesty is the right one!"

"Yes, that’s right!"

"Your Majesty is the real one!"

"Good news will come soon!"


Yuan Shu suddenly beamed.

He had been feeling aggrieved for many years, and finally became happy after he overcame everyone's objections and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. and......Still such great news!

The battle that even Cao Cao had not won was won by Yuan Shu.

This is simply outrageous!

"Hahaha! Yuan

Shu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly:"Don't worry, everyone, when I sweep across the world, you will all be the founding heroes of the country!"

All the ministers raised their hands in unison:"Thank you Lord for your kindness!""


As soon as he finished speaking, a voice was heard outside the hospital.

Yuan Shu turned his head and looked around, only to see a Xiaohuangmen approaching in a panic:"Why are you panicking? This is the palace, the Royal Garden!" Xiaohuangmen trembled with fright, but still timidly said:"Your Majesty, the battle report has been sent from the front. Got it!"


"So fast?"

Yuan Shu's eyes widened.

They were still discussing when the good news would be sent back, but the good news came like this:"Is it General Ji Ling?"

Xiao Huangmen nodded:"Yes, it's General Ji Ling. He......he......"

Yuan Shu was anxious:"What's wrong with him? You should tell him quickly."

Xiao Huangmen swallowed his saliva:"Your Majesty, General Ji Ling, he......The entire army was wiped out at Kaishikou. Now Yang Ye has reached Fengtai. He estimates that he can reach Xiacai in two days!"

"ah? Yuan Shu was stunned:"

You......What did you say? Ji Ling's entire army was wiped out?"

Xiao Huangmen nodded:"That's right! General Ji Ling's entire army was wiped out, and even the general......He also died in the line of duty!"

Boom~~~ a bolt from the blue.

Yuan Shu was shocked to death.

He could have thought that Ji Ling might be defeated, but he didn't expect that his entire army would be wiped out and even his life would be lost.

The ministers around him were even more astonished, and they were all confused:

"How is this possible? General Ji Ling has so many magical weapons!"

"Yes, even if the battle is defeated, it is impossible for the entire army to be annihilated!"

"How long has it been?"



When everyone is discussing it.

Another rapid battle report came.

Not far away, a small yellow gate came rushing towards him. He leaned down and raised his hands and said:"Your Majesty, trouble has happened. The battle report came from Guangling. General Zhang Xun's entire army was wiped out and he was defeated by Qin Qiong in one battle!"


Yuan Shu couldn't help but gasped, his scalp suddenly numbed and his spine felt chilly.

He never expected that in such a short period of time, two defeat reports would be sent, and both of them would result in the annihilation of the entire army!


"Go now!

Yuan Shu knew something was wrong and immediately ordered:"Move to Hefei quickly!""


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