Chapter 909 He wants to go to the toilet!

"As for restaurants, I remember there was one over there, um... yes! Right over there……"

Immediately afterwards, Si Bao pointed the direction of the black man with lightning speed. Even he himself admired his reaction.

"Second brother……"

Wubao frowned slightly, it was already too late to stop him now

"Three grams of oil!"

I saw the black guy nodding his head to express his gratitude. The treasures actually understood this sentence.


Si Bao looked even more proud. He helped someone else do something good today, and that person seemed to be a crook!

"What's wrong? What just happened?"

At this time, Su Hang and Lin Jia, who were checking tickets in front, noticed the situation behind them and hurriedly came over to check.

"Mom and Dad! Someone came over just now to ask for directions, and we gave him directions. But that person was so dark!"

Hearing this, Si Bao stood up and explained that he was still very proud of his behavior of helping others!

"very dark?"

Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly, and realized that the other party should be a black man.

"You are not allowed to call others evil in front of others from now on, you know? This is very rude!"

Following that, Su Hang gave the treasures another lesson, then sat down next to him and asked Lin Jia to handle the boarding procedures. There must be an adult watching over the children. Otherwise, what if we meet a bad person like we did just now?

However, Su Hang is not suspicious of Si Bao helping others and showing people the way, but what he doesn't know is that it will soon involve him. Something that made him dumbfounded.

After a while, the black guy just turned back.

"you you! It's you! It's you! Why did you lie to me?!!"

As soon as he came over, the black guy pointed at Si Bao and yelled. Su Hang could understand what he was saying, but he was immediately confused. He was going to the toilet just now, but in public The treasures were wasted a lot of time here, and were told that they had no way to go, so they ran to the restaurant.

Finally, after begging him in every possible way, he asked the boss to take him to the private toilet in the restaurant, but this time Along the way, I didn’t lose anything!

Basically, all eyes were focused on him at that time. It would be strange if it wasn’t embarrassing. I really wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in, but I was just too anxious. I can’t care so much anymore!

When I just came out of that restaurant, this black guy just came out with his face covered!

"brother? What's going on? This is my child. How did it offend you?"

Although he felt that this black man was too excited, Su Hang still asked politely. He instinctively felt that this matter had nothing to do with the children.

"It's him! Yes, that was him just now……"

After hearing Su Hang's words, the black man became calmer, and soon started to talk about what had just happened.


After listening to the black man's story, Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What can he do? Si Bao can be regarded as doing something bad with good intentions. His intention was good, but because of the language barrier, he misled the other person to go to the toilet.

"Hmm... Xiaozhuo, this black uncle just wanted to go to the toilet!"

Then, Su Hang thought about it carefully, and then said to Si Bao, if he doesn't need to say anything else, I believe Si Bao can understand it.

"ah? Does this uncle want to go to the toilet? What happened just now?……"

As soon as she heard Su Hang's words, Si Bao had not yet reacted. Wu Bao exclaimed first. She had already had a premonition that something bad had happened.

"Yes, sorry! uncle!"

The four treasures who reacted quickly apologized to their black friends, and even used the language of birds.

"Don’t blindly give directions to others in the future, do you hear me?"

Then, Su Hang taught Si Bao another lesson.

Now that Si Bao has realized his mistake and apologized to others, Su Hang does not intend to pursue Si Bao further.

"It's okay! Pay attention in the future!"

When the black man saw this, he also said a bird language to express his forgiveness to Si Bao.

He might not understand the other words, but he still understood Si Bao's apology words and actions. There is no need to argue with a child..

Seeing this, Su Hang felt a little more favorable to this black guy. He made such a big fool of himself, and the other guy didn't cling to him like most people. It was obvious that he should still be very good.

"How about this! You see, my child has also caused you some trouble. It's still some time before I board the ship. How about I treat you to a meal?"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang said to the black brother.

Although Si Bao was being too modest, as the parent of the children, since he has caused inconvenience to others, he should also have some expressions.

"No no no! It's okay, I have forgiven him!"

Hearing this, the black guys waved their hands and refused, but under Su Hang's warm invitation, they finally agreed.

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