Chapter 908 That man is so dark

"Xiaoran, you must be obedient in the past! Remember to read the engraving book I prepared for you from time to time!"

Before the security check and boarding the plane, Guo Jinglue kept holding on to Liu Bao and kept urging him.

He was afraid that Liu Bao had been playing in the Garden Country for too long and that he would have forgotten the carving skills learned during this period.

"Don’t worry, Grandpa Guo! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Liu Bao was a little impatient after hearing this. He kept repeating this sentence, and callouses almost formed on his ears.

"It’s time to go through security check and board the plane. Goodbye, Grandpa Guo!"

Then, Liu Bao gave Guo Jinglue a big hug, and then went through security check and boarded the plane with Lin Jia and Jiangsu Airlines.

Due to yesterday afternoon, many planes were not able to fly directly. Jiangsu Airlines and the others were also there this time, and they still needed to get there. In the future, we will have to transfer to another ship.

On the plane, although the flight time was not long this time, the treasures were extremely excited.

"Brother! Look, we are floating on the clouds!"

"That cloud looks like a little snake!"

"Wow! It’s so beautiful to watch the sun set from here.……"

The treasures cheered one after another. The passengers around them were not disgusted with the actions of the treasures. Instead, they thought they were extremely cute.

When the kids got tired from playing and took a nap on the plane, they found that they had arrived at the transfer point.

"If only it hadn't rained heavily yesterday, we could have gone straight to the Garden Country……"

Su Hang took Lin Jia and the treasures out and sighed with emotion.

"It’s okay, just take the boat! Although it's a little slower, you can just enjoy the scenery on the sea. Isn't it romantic? Lin

Jia comforted him. He actually saw more travel than Su Hang, and he also preferred more romantic travel.


Su Hang thought for a while and nodded. He thought that this was indeed the truth, and he felt a little better.

As for the children, when they heard that they were going to take the ship, Su Hang didn't react like this.

"Ugh! After taking the big plane, you can now take the big ship!"

"dad! When can we get on the ship?"

"Where is the ship?……"

When the treasures heard that they were going to take the ship one by one, it was too late to cheer.

This time I am traveling abroad. I have just come out, and I have been able to ride on planes and ships. For those who have a lot of fun, it would be strange if they are not happy!

Since it was a transfer arranged by the airline, the speed was very fast. Soon after, Lin Jia and Su Hang took the treasures and started checking tickets.

Just when Lin Jia and Su Hang stepped forward to check the tickets, the eyes of the treasurers were focused on a black man.

"Wow! Look at that man, he looks so dark. Is he suffering from some disease?"

"Probably not, it seems like I just have dark skin!"

"Brother! What do you think……"

While the Zhongbao people were talking about it, the black guy who was being discussed by the Zhongbao people seemed to have noticed the Zhongbao group and walked towards them.

"Look! Look! He's coming……"

The treasures had been paying attention to the black man and suddenly noticed his approach, but before they had time to react, the black man had already taken the lead and stood in front of them.


The black guy stopped Liu Baoer and the others and said a lot of bird language.

However, even though Liu Bao and the others knew a little bit, they couldn't hear anything clearly because the other party spoke too fast.

"Brother! What on earth is this person talking about?"

Sibao looked at Dabao. He felt a little headache when he heard these birdsong.

"How do I know, but he seems to be in a hurry?"

Dabao shook his head. His bird singing level was only slightly better than Si Bao's, but not much better.


After seeing the reactions of the treasures, the black man knew that the treasures could not understand what he was saying, but he did not give up and used some simple words instead.

At the same time, he also added some simple body movements, which made him look dancing and exciting.

There was nothing he could do about it. There were only a few children nearby. If he wanted to communicate with others, he would have to take a long detour, but he couldn't wait any longer.

If he took a few more steps at this moment, he might even be sent plummeting!

"Xiaoyan! Do you understand what he is saying?"

Seeing this, the second treasure glared at Dabao and gave up the right to speak to the fifth treasure who had the best bird language among all the treasures.

"Hmm...she seems to be asking us for directions!"

Wubao carefully pricked up his ears to listen, and then guessed based on the black man's exaggerated movements.

"Ask for directions? Where is he going?"

When Si Bao heard this, he immediately became enthusiastic and asked quickly

"Hmm~ I can't hear what that word is saying. It seems like you are looking for something to eat? still……"

Wubao paused and kept guessing, but before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Sibao.

"Looking for something to eat? That means finding shops and restaurants!"

Si Bao twisted his head and couldn't help but groaned.

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