"However, if you can carve such a work with the theme of ice phoenix as the center, this theme can also give you some points."

After a pause, Su Hang turned around and added.

Ice sculptures are somewhat different from jade sculptures. Ice sculptures do not have as many restrictions as jade sculptures. There is no need to design and carve according to the quality of jade and the corresponding themes. In comparison , It is said that the material of ice sculptures is relatively simple, and there is not much restriction on the theme of the finished product.

Just like Liubao, he directly carved a cartoon character based on his own preferences. As for Su Hang, he carved it An ice and snow castle corresponding to the theme of the ice sculpture came out.

Although Gong Shaoting chose the ice sculpture with the theme of ice phoenix, in the end due to his lack of experience, he did not handle the finer details properly.

But correspondingly, just This theme, as well as the sensory appeal brought about by the general appearance, are enough to score him many points.

"Add points? Master, are you talking about extra points in the ice sculpture competition?"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting's neck stood up, and then he asked quickly.

He is a man who is motivated to win the championship in the ice sculpture competition, so he is very concerned about this.


Su Hang nodded, and then said

"In the last competition of the ice sculpture competition in previous years, which is also the most important decisive link, I took a look and found that there was basically no fixed theme for the contestants to choose, but they were allowed to express themselves freely."

"Therefore, at this time, it is particularly important to have a good topic selection for the ice sculpture work in the entire competition. Sometimes just choosing a good topic can add a lot of points to the contestants."

After a pause, Su Can added another sentence.

When Liu Bao and Gong Shaoting were lying on the table this afternoon, practicing carving ice sculptures, Su Hang not only stared at them and taught them from time to time.

He also I took the time to read the rules of ice sculpture competitions in previous years, as well as various ice sculpture competition videos. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle.

Therefore, Su Hang is quite familiar with these now.

"Really? Master, look at me. How many points can I add to the ice phoenix topic in the finals?"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting's eyes lit up instantly, and then he asked again with a look of anticipation.

Originally Gong Shaoting was still a little bit shocked, but now after hearing what Su Hang said, he felt a little lifted up again.

"This is you……"

Hearing this, Su Hang's eyes were a little strange. He glanced at Gong Shaoting, and then carefully looked at the ice phoenix that Gong Shaoting had just carved.


Hearing this, Gong Shaoting nodded repeatedly, and the look of expectation on his face became even greater.

However, there is a saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"As for you... Although there are certain bonus points for choosing a topic, if you can only come up with sculptures of this level to participate in the competition, I'm afraid you won't even be able to pass the first round, and then you will be rejected directly. come down"

"Not to mention participating in the finals later, you should think about how to improve the detail processing of ice sculptures and other issues."

Immediately afterwards, Su Can struck directly and mercilessly.

According to Gong Shaoting's current condition, if he is allowed to float again, the higher he floats, the harder he will fall when he falls.

So what Su Hang said now, although it was a bit intentional to hit Gong Shaoting, was actually just to give him a vaccination in advance, so as not to cause any trouble again when practicing carving ice sculptures.

"ah? The ice sculpture I'm carving now can't even pass the first round of eliminations?"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting's face turned bitter instantly.

He had spent a lot of effort and energy just carving the ice phoenix in front of him today.

If he wanted to carve a better one , , how much effort would it take? Just thinking about it makes me feel depressed.

The feeling is like a person who has been climbing a mountain for a day. He originally thought that he was almost at the top of the mountain, and his heart was full of hope.

But when I climbed to the place, I was told that this is the mountainside. No matter how good I feel in my heart, I will fall into the bottom in an instant.

"What do you think? Today is your first day of practicing for the ice sculpture competition. If you come up with such a work that can barely be called a work, if it can pass the first round of elimination. So what do you do with people who have been practicing for months, or even years?"

"There is no doubt about the excellence of the ice sculptures they carved. They are definitely much better than the phoenix you carved, so you have to continue to practice hard and improve yourself."

Seeing this, Su Hang also stepped forward, then patted Gong Shaoting on the shoulder and said, I'm afraid this kid thinks the ice sculpture competition is a little too simple.

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