"Haha... Who asked you to choose such a difficult goal when you started practicing carving ice sculptures for the first time? Blame me?"

Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but chuckled, and then said without mercy.

Compared with the cartoon character chosen by Liu Bao and then carved out, the ice phoenix chosen by Gong Shaoting this time was obviously more difficult. It was much higher.

At the beginning, Gong Shaoting failed several times in succession. Part of the reason was that the ice phoenix was slightly more difficult to carve.

In the final step of carving, he needed to carve the ice phoenix. There are far more details than the cartoon character Liu Bao chose.

"I, I was thinking in my mind that the ice phoenix game model was very nice, and I didn’t think too much about it at the time.……"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting habitually wanted to retort.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he really had nothing to refute, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Okay, don't explain it, I know."

Su Hang glanced at Gong Shaoting, and then said directly.

What Gong Shaoting meant, in short, was that when he chose the ice phoenix as the carving target, he was simply aiming for the good-looking model prototype of the ice phoenix. Yes, he didn't think much about anything else.

"Let me first take a look at your ice sculpture as a whole.……"

Immediately afterwards, Su Can expressed softly, as if he was speaking to Gong Shaoting, but also as if he was talking to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he focused on the entire ice sculpture of the Ice Phoenix and examined it carefully.

When Gong Shaoting was carving just now, he stood relatively far away. Many details on the entire ice sculpture could not be observed, and one could only appreciate the general outline.

At this time, I got closer and looked carefully before I could make a more accurate evaluation.

"Okay, master."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting agreed, then obediently stepped aside, waiting for Su Hang to comment.

Just now, Gong Shaoting also heard Su Hang's evaluation of Liubao's ice sculptures.

At this time , , he was feeling both uneasy and expectant in his heart. What was uneasy was that he was afraid that Su Hang would also find many problems and flaws in his ice sculptures. What he was looking forward to was Su Hang's evaluation of his ice sculptures. There were always some praises and It's definitely a place, right?

After checking it carefully, Su Hang straightened up and looked at Gong Shaoting.

"Generally speaking, the ice sculpture you carved is still barely worthy of being on the table. From a visual perspective, it gives people a very good impression."

"However, the problem is that the details of the entire Ice Phoenix are not handled well enough, especially the feathers covering the whole body. There are very big problems.……"

Su Hang first gave a certain degree of approval to the ice phoenix carved by Gong Shaoting, and then picked out some bad points and began to criticize them one by one.

From Su Hang's perspective, the ice phoenix carved by Gong Shaoting, even without decorations such as lanterns, fits the color of ice very well, and is highly compatible with ice sculptures.

The problem is still that the details are not handled well enough, and some places are even not as good as the cartoon characters carved in Liubao.

Ice sculptures like those carved by Gong Shaoting can only be described as being able to be viewed from a distance.

If you look at it from a distance and up close, the overall feeling is still very shocking, especially since the sun has set now. If there is bright sunlight, it will definitely be even more amazing.

But if you get closer, you will find many scratches on the ice sculpture itself caused by mistakes, as well as the feathers and the lines on it that are not fine enough. These are big problems.

Su Hang said a lot in one breath, and when he finally said it, Gong Shaoting's head dropped, and then he stopped.

"Originally I thought the ice sculpture I carved was quite pleasing to the eye, but now……"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting murmured softly.

If he didn't finish what he said later, probably now that he combined it with Su Hang's comments and the various questions he raised, it seems that the overall ice sculpture is not as beautiful and stunning as he expected.

"Ha ha……"

Su Hang couldn't help laughing. He felt that Gong Shaoting seemed to have been hit again. While he found it funny, he also felt helpless in his heart.

Why is it that such an adult's mind is more fragile than that of a child like Liu Bao, and he is so easily attacked?

Fortunately, Gong Shaoting was not hit this time and lay flat on his back. He was just a little disappointed for a moment.

"Okay, the most important thing for you is to adjust your mentality. Once your mentality is adjusted, you will be much more stable when carving out these details."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang turned around and added.

He wanted Gong Shaoting to pay more attention when carving ice sculptures in the future and adjust his mental state so that he could concentrate on carving properly.

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