Before Lin Jia went out to buy groceries, she remembered that Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing didn't have the door or house keys.

Later, Key and Su Hang came back late, so the two elders might have to stay outside in the cold with the treasures.

Therefore, after she went out, she did not lock the door and kept it open.

The public security in the nearby communities is pretty good, so there shouldn't be any problems in a short time.

"anyone there? Is anyone home?"

The stall owner shouted twice towards the door of the villa, but found that no one responded, so he had to wait there.

Although the door was open, he just poked his head in, but did not go in. There were people not far away. The security guard was watching closely.

The stall owner just rode a three-wheeled motorcycle into the community. When he greeted the security guard at the door, he said that he just sent the raw jade stones outside the door. The security guard was obviously familiar with the Su Hang family. Let him go.

However, if the stall owner does anything unusual, he may be arrested by nearby security personnel in an instant and sent to the police station.

"Alas, Master Su, this is called life."

Although they couldn't go in, their boss still glanced at the villa inside the gate and couldn't help but sigh.

After that, he didn't wait there for too long. Su Hang and Gong Shaoting drove back.

"Boss, thank you for today, please come all the way here."

After Gong Shaoting got off the car, he quickly came up and thanked him.

He had bought all the raw jade stones sent by the stall owner. If the stall owner hadn't sent them over on his own three-wheeled motorcycle, It's really enough to give him a headache

"It's okay. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you. If you hadn't helped me, I probably wouldn't have closed the stall so early."

Hearing this, the stall owner waved his hand and said politely.

Although it seemed that he was only doing Gong Shaoting a small favor, with what Su Hang said today, it can be said to be equivalent to a resounding golden sign..

In other words, Su Hang and Gong Shaoting helped him a lot.

With the influence of that sentence, this publicity effect will probably last for a long time. In the next few days, he will have to acquire more Some raw jade is enough, otherwise there won’t be enough to sell by then.

"Hahaha... Boss, the main reason is that the raw jade materials at your stall are generally pretty good. I just mentioned it in passing."

Hearing this, Su Hang also came over and laughed, and then said.

His original intention was just to let Gong Shaoting find a good jade raw stone stall and select the jade raw stones himself, so that he could save some money. Strength.

I didn’t expect that I had mentioned it crookedly, but someone who cared about it would have listened to it, and then it would have had such an effect.

"Anyway, you helped us this time. Come in and have a cup of tea and let us thank you."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hanghang said something again.

Everyone has come to the door of the house. It would be a bit against the rules if you don't invite them in and do your best as a landlord.

"No, no, it's getting dark now. If I wait until it gets dark later, it won't be easy for me to go back on my three-wheeled motorcycle."

Hearing this, the stall owner shook his head and then refused.

But Su Hang could tell that things like it being dark were just excuses.

"Oh well."

In this regard, Su Hang did not continue to try to stay.

Some people are destined to become passers-by, and their life trajectories will not intersect with each other. Obviously, the stall owner is such a person.

Boom ~

"Let's go, transport these raw jade stones in batches first. Now don't give me any excuses to practice carving without raw jade stones."

After the stall owner left, Su Hang greeted Gong Shaoting.

All the raw jade stones were thrown at the door by the stall owner. These were quite a lot. With the strength of Su Hang and Gong Shaoting, , I’m afraid it’s not realistic to transport it all at once.

"I know, master, I will pick a piece and go back to practice tonight, and you can just wait and see the results tomorrow."

Gong Shaoting assured him, patting his chest directly.

He was going to practice carving in the morning, but because he didn't have the materials to practice, he hid.

Then, the two of them carried in all the jade raw stones thrown at the door. , Gong Shaoting picked out a piece of practice material for the evening, and then went home by himself.

"Wife? Wife?"

Su Hang returned to the living room and called softly, but found that no one was there.

"I guess I went to pick up the kids from school.……"

He didn't pay too much attention to it, he just thought he had gone to pick up the treasures and hadn't come back yet.

At the same time, at the gate of Zhongbao’s school.

At this time, all the treasures have come out of the school and are waiting outside the gate.

"Mom and dad, what's going on today? Why haven't you come to pick us up yet?"

"It's just that, at this time, we are almost home."

"Wait a little longer. I guess my parents are delayed by something today.……"

The treasures looked around outside the school gate and kept talking in low voices.

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