"ah? How can that work? You have just arrived at home and haven't sat down for a while yet."

Hearing this, Lin Jia couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"What can't be done? If we old bones sit down, we will almost get rusty. Besides, it's not like we haven't picked up the children from school and know what they are doing."

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and insisted on picking up the treasures.

Although this kind of thing would require him to go there in person, Su Cheng thought of how happy and surprised the treasures would be when they saw him later. He couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

Therefore, sometimes this kind of tossing thing was actually a kind of enjoyment for him


Lin Jia was a little hesitant. She always felt that Su Cheng had just arrived and was making trouble for others to pick up the treasures from school. It seemed a little bad.

"This matter has been settled, and I will pick up the children from school today."

Seeing this, Su Cheng directly made the final decision and settled the matter.

"Lin Jia, if you are worried, your father and I will go pick him up together. Didn't Su Hang also say that we should move around from time to time?"

Lin Yueqing on the side also expressed her gratitude.

We haven't seen each other for a long time, and she also missed the treasures a little.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I believe the children will be very happy to see you and my dad picking them up."

Hearing this, Lin Jia quickly shook her head and said, which was regarded as acquiescence. Later, she would ask the two of them to pick up the treasures from school.

"Then I have nothing to do. We will go out together later. I will go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and come back."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia added.

There was not much food at home. Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing finally came to the house. Naturally, they had to prepare a big meal and greet them.

"Okay, I'm not polite. It's been a long time since I tasted the craftsmanship of our daughter-in-law and son, and I've been craving it lately."

Hearing this, Su Cheng immediately became energetic.

With Su Hang's master-level chef skills, everyone who has eaten his dishes will applaud him. Lin Jia follows Su Hang on weekdays. The people around me who are influenced by what we hear and see are naturally not bad either.

"Look at your potential, can you look like an elder? Don't let Lin Jia laugh here."

Seeing this, Lin Yueqing glared at Su Cheng.

Sometimes, she really wanted to say to Su Cheng: I'm not familiar with this person.

"Isn’t it a long time since I’ve tasted the delicious food made by Su Hang and Lin Jia? Let me have a good meal today, okay?"

Hearing this, Su Cheng was not to be outdone and retorted with his eyes widened.

However, even with this rebuttal, he seemed to have said the wrong thing inadvertently.

"Damn old man, what do you mean by this? Do you think my cooking is not delicious?"

Lin Yueqing's eyes narrowed slightly, bitingYa asked.

Hearing this, Su Cheng couldn't help but shudder, and his back felt slightly cold, because he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be an icy murderous aura in the air.

Isn't the source of the murderous aura none other than Lin Yueqing?!!

"Well, cough, cough... I guess Xiaochen and the others are waiting in a hurry at school. Lin Jia, I'll pick up the children first."

Immediately afterwards, Su Cheng felt that the situation around him was not right, and he quickly ran away.

As for Lin Yueqing's question, although this was an indisputable fact, he wanted to nod and admit this idea, but when he returned, he estimated that today Don’t even think about peace at night

"Stop, you haven't made your words clear to me today."

Seeing Su Cheng running away, Lin Yueqing hurriedly chased after him, and needed to correct Su Cheng's thinking.

In fact, logically speaking, Lin Yueqing's cooking skills are not bad, but some things just can't stand comparison. Her cooking skills pale in comparison to those of Su Hang and Lin Jia.

In addition, there was a period of time before when Su Hang and Lin Jia prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner for them. Su Cheng's appetite has been whetted.

Taken together, this is the current situation.


Upon seeing this, Lin Jia couldn't help but sigh.

Even though Su Cheng and Li Yueqing were far away, she could vaguely hear Lin Yueqing's voice pestering Su Cheng to make it clear.

Some people say that the older the old man is, the more he looks like a man. Children, maybe they were just like Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing, but they were a bit fun to watch.

Later, Lin Jia also went out. It got dark earlier in the past two days. If he went out later, It was late, and it was probably already dark when he returned from shopping for groceries.


Just as he left, there was a roar of three-wheeled motorcycles in front of Su Hang's house.

"According to the address given by Master Su, it should be here……"

Looking at the door of the villa in front of him, a man got off the tricycle and checked it carefully.

A closer look revealed that this person was not the stall owner that Su Hang and Gong Shaoting met in the jade raw stone market before?

Under Su Hang's instruction, he sent over the raw jade that Gong Shaoting had bought.

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