If possible, the Four Treasures at this time really wanted to look up to the sky and scream: Why am I so miserable?!!

Is there anything more miserable than having delicious food placed in front of you, but you can only look at it but not eat it?!!

Soon, a variety of delicious and sumptuous dishes were served to the table.

Seeing that the richer and more delicious these dishes were, and many of them were his favorite dishes, Si Bao felt more and more painful in his heart.

"Dad, is today another major holiday? Why have you cooked so many dishes?"

Seeing this, Dabao couldn't help but asked curiously.

If you look down, you will see that his hands are constantly rubbing. He is obviously eager to try the various sumptuous dishes on the table.

"Of course, today is the day when your test results come out. To celebrate that you all have achieved good results, I specially cooked so many dishes to celebrate a little bit."

Su Hang put the last plate of dishes in his hand on the table, and then explained to Dabao


But after hearing this, Dabao's head dropped.

The excitement on his face when he saw so many dishes was no longer there. Instead, he seemed a little disappointed.

Su Hang said that these dishes were specially made to celebrate the good results of the treasures, but Dabao's test scores this time were not outstanding in the class, let alone among the other treasures.

He only ranked among the top twenty in the class, and was at the bottom among the treasures. Even the Six Treasures were among the top dozen in the class this time, much higher than him.

Therefore, Dabao felt a little disappointed at this moment.

He felt that this dinner to celebrate the good results of the treasures did not seem to have much to do with him.

The aroma of the various dishes on the table seemed to have gradually dissipated a bit, and they were no longer so attractive to him.

"What's the matter, Dabao? You seem a little unhappy, because you feel that this carefully prepared dinner has nothing to do with you?"

Su Hang was very keenly aware of Dabao's depression, and then asked.

He immediately guessed this, because before he said it, Dabao was fine. After he said it, Dabao became like this. In his heart, Dabao was fine. If you think about it for a moment, you can think of this.


Dabao didn't say anything, but lowered his head lower.

However, in Su Hang's eyes, this undoubtedly proved that his suspicion just now was correct.

"Xiaochen, I'm sorry, I may not have made it clear just now."

"This dinner, in addition to celebrating your good grades, is also an affirmation and reward for your progress during this period."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang sat next to Dabao again and comforted softly.

After hearing this, Dabao raised his head again, and his eyes slowly turned to Su Can, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"There's drama!"

Seeing this, Su Can thought to himself. He knew that his comfort just now had an effect.

However, if he wanted to completely comfort Dabao, he had to continue to pursue him.

"Yes, think about it, you were only in the 30s when you took the last exam, but this time you have advanced to more than 10 places, which is a big improvement."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang said softly

"But Xiaozhuo was in the 30s before, and this time he got to ninth place, while I only advanced a dozen places.……"

Dabao muttered softly, still feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"But you have also seen how hard Xiaozhuo has been studying during this period. The gains are directly proportional to the efforts."

"I am very surprised that you have made more than a dozen progress, and Xiaoxiao and the others have also worked hard, so I have prepared this dinner for you again."

Su Hang continued, very patiently.


Dabao wanted to say something more and continued to tease him, but was directly interrupted by Su Hang.

"Okay, it's nothing"

"If you are not satisfied with the results you got this time, then take advantage of the fact that there is still some time before the next mid-month test. During this time, you should work hard and try to improve your results and ranking in the class by a big margin!"

After a pause, Su Hang felt relieved for Dabao again and cheered him up.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Dad."

Hearing this, Dabao nodded heavily and gradually figured out something in his heart.

"That's good……"

Afterwards, Su Hang said nothing more, and Lin Jia happened to walk out of the bedroom.


Lin Jia stretched out a lot. She had just rested in the bedroom for a while, and she looked like she had just woken up.

"Wow, hubby, have you done everything?"

Lin Jia was slightly surprised when she saw the dishes that occupied most of the table.

But after seeing the few dishes in the middle, Lin Jia's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Husband, why do you cook so many high-calorie dishes? If Xiao Zhuo eats today, the weight loss meal he ate yesterday will probably be in vain again."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia turned her head, then looked at Su Hang and asked.

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