"That's right, didn't we say before that if Xiao Zhuo makes great progress in this mid-month test, we would reward him well?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia whispered again, she has not forgotten this matter.

"Yes, have you already thought about how to reward Xiao Zhuo?"

Su Hang nodded, and then asked.

Since Lin Jia has asked this, she should already have the answer in her heart. Su Hang just needs to listen on the side, or provide some opinions and ideas.

"Yes, I was thinking about it, didn’t Xiao Zhuo want to go to the amusement park when he was yelling about it? It just so happens that I can take the kids there again on the weekend."

Lin Jia thought for a while and then said.

She was talking about the children, not just the Four Treasures.

In this way, not only the reward for the progress of the Four Treasures is solved, but also the rewards for the other treasures' good results. Everything can be taken care of perfectly

"That's true, but didn't you think the playground was boring before? Why were the children suddenly allowed to go this time?"

After a pause, Su Hang asked curiously.

I don't know how long it has been since I took the treasures to the amusement park last time.

"Aren’t the kids clamoring to go? Anyway, I can't go to those exciting rides."

"But isn’t Hobert going back this weekend? Before parting, he just had one more day to play with the children. I don't know when the next time they will meet is."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia slowly explained.

She was not only thinking about the rewards for the heavyweights, but also about Hobert.

Why not do such a thing that kills three birds with one stone?!!

"Madam, you are wise! Hahaha……"

Hearing this, Su Hang laughed out loud, and he understood some of the meaning of Lin Jia's words.

But Su Hang didn't say much. Instead, he really thought the idea was quite good.

"Oh, by the way, let’s make it more generous tonight. Xiao Zhuo has made such great progress this time, let him and the children have another good meal."

After a pause, Lin Jia turned around and suggested.

At a time like today when all the treasures are getting their results, if you don't eat better, you will feel sorry for your stomach.

"ah? Didn’t you say that you would make Xiaozhuo a weight-loss meal these two days? What, not doing it today?"

Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but chuckle.

In fact, at the beginning, he didn't even want to make a weight-loss meal for Si Bao. If Lin Jiafei hadn't asked him to make it, Si Bao wouldn't have had to work so hard yesterday.

"Well... let’s take it easy today, there’s no need to do anything else, but you can’t miss out on tomorrow or even the future."

Lin Jia thought for a while, and then said.

She still doesn't plan to give up her plan to make weight loss meals for Si Bao before he returns to his previous weight.

"Okay, I will cook the food myself today. You can go out and rest first."

Then, Su Hang nodded and agreed.

"ah? Are you doing it alone today? Don't you need my help?"

Lin Jia was slightly startled. He originally wanted to help Su Hang cook it together, because Hobert didn't come today.

Even if he doesn't help Su Hang cook, he can still help him wash the dishes.

"No need, my wife, you have been following the children around all day today, so just rest first and I will make dinner."

Su Hao waved his hand and refused directly.

As he spoke, he moved his hand and pushed Lin Jia out of the kitchen.

"Well, then, if you are too busy, you can call me."

Although Lin Jia felt that Suhang was a little strange today, she agreed without thinking too much. She did feel a little tired today.

"Huh~ Xiaozhuo, dad can only help you so much today."

After Jiang Linjia pushed away, Su Hang let out a sigh of relief, then looked outside in the direction of the Four Treasures, and murmured softly.

He said something for the Four Treasures After fighting for it, the weight loss meal will definitely not be cancelled.

So today Su Hang plans to make more of the things that the four treasures love to eat, but without exception they all contain meat, and almost all of them are high-calorie delicious dishes.

If Lin Jia was there just now Here, if you help him cook, you will definitely not let him make the dishes he cooked for Si Bao. Not to mention Si Bao will taste those delicacies, I am afraid there will be some meat this time The smell was not even noticeable.

Thinking of this, Su Hang quickly started to prepare in the kitchen. For a while, the sound of cooking in the kitchen continued, and bursts of fragrance continued to float out.

"Sniff sniff~it smells so good!"

Si Bao twitched his nose. Just smelling the aroma of those meals made him drool.

"What is the use of incense? Since you won’t be able to eat for a while, you’d better eat your weight-loss meals honestly."

Hearing this, Er Bao came over and chuckled.

She didn't know yet that Lin Jia had given Si Bao a special break today and didn't need to let him eat weight loss meals.


Likewise, Si Bao didn't know either, and his expression turned bitter instantly.

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