"It's a pity that the offline competition of"Survivor" is held in Tyrande. If I were in China, I would be ready to watch the game in person."Shen Shizhong said regretfully.

Lu Wenshan seconded,"Actually, we could have achieved better results, but the network in the dormitory was too stuck!

Ma Long seconded,"The network in the dormitory is really stuck!""

If An Liang remembers correctly, the network in their dormitory should be an independent network, not a campus network. When Shen Shizhong was still playing the hero battle game, the network delay did not even exceed a double-digit ping value. Is such a network still stuck?

All I can say is that this is a classic case of blaming the network speed card!

"Brother Liang, I really recommend"Survivor", this game is really great!"Ma Long recommended again.

An Liang asked deliberately,"It should be easy for cheats to appear in this kind of shooting game, right?"

"For example, the previous"Chicken Royale" had too many cheats!" An Liang added.

Ma Long immediately retorted,"No, no, no, although this"Survivor" is not completely free of cheats,"Lucky"The official ban on cheaters is very strict. Under normal circumstances, as long as the cheater kills normal players, it will be detected and banned."

Shen Shizhong answered,"I met a cheat before. The cheat had the ability to pass through walls, but before the cheat could kill me, his account was banned. It was so satisfying! Lu Wenshan added,"

There are three levels of banning in"Survivor". If this is the first time you use a plug-in program, your"Survivor" game account will only be blocked. You only need to purchase a new copy of"Survivor" to continue playing.."

Lu Wenshan continued,"If the same account continues to cheat in"Survivor","Survivor" will first block the game account, and then prohibit the player's Second World Game Platform account from purchasing"Survivor", which is equivalent to a disguised form. Platform account blocked"

"The third level of bans is the most severe. If a player continues to cheat in"Survivor" after being banned twice, the player's machine code will be banned directly. Lu Wenshan added an explanation.

The so-called machine code refers to the unique code of the computer hardware. Once the machine code is blocked, it means that this computer cannot run"Survivor". The only way is to replace the computer.

An Liang secretly laughed, Is this kind of title-banning policy what he advocates?

This kind of title-banning policy is based on the traditional virtues of the Xia Kingdom: one can do two, but not three.

"Okay, I will play this"Survivor" when I have time. I will send my account ID to the group when the time comes, and the four of us brothers will play together." An Liang agreed smoothly.

The four of them started talking about"Survivor" again.

At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, the crayfish dinner ended, and An Liang called the service staff to check out.

"Hello, classmate, that classmate has already paid the bill."The service staff pointed to Shen Shizhong in response to An Liang.

An Liang nodded,"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."The waiter responded politely.

When the waiter left, An Liang looked at Shen Shizhong,"Gentleman, it's rare for me to come back to treat guests to dinner, so you still compete with me for an order? Shen

Shizhong replied with a smile,"I made a little money with Brother Liang before, so I should treat him as well.""

"what's the situation?"An Liang asked following the topic.

"Before Liang Ge's (bdcf) Shengchun Smart Travel was launched, I also enjoyed a wave of benefits. I bought it for more than 200 yuan and sold it for more than 900 yuan. It can be said that I made a lot of money. Shen Shizhong replied with a smile.

Lu Wenshan said aggrievedly on the side,"My capital is too small, so I only ate two hands.""

Ma Long complained,"I only ate one hand, and I borrowed money to eat it.

An Liang reminded him,"Brother Champion, the stock market is risky. It is not advisable to borrow money to speculate in the stock market.""

"I know, Brother Liang, at that time we knew that Shengchun Smart Travel was a company owned by you, Brother Liang, so we took a gamble!"Ma Long responded

"If that's the case, why don't you ask in the group?"An Liang asked.

Shen Shizhong responded with a smile,"Of course we believe Brother Liang, it doesn't matter whether we ask or not!"

However, An Liang has already guessed the answer. Are these guys afraid of troubling him?

It has to be said that Shen Shizhong, Lu Wenshan and Ma Long did not embarrass An Liang when economic interests were involved, so they chose themselves. Judgment.

This kind of treatment is very good. It avoids direct financial dealings with Anliang, and thus prevents their friendship with Anliang from deteriorating.

If they rely on Anliang to make money, what is their relationship with Anliang?

"Since you, gentleman, have made a fortune, I won't be polite!"An Liang accepted it with a smile.

It's just a meal of crayfish, and the total cost is more than two thousand yuan. It's not a problem at all for Shen Shizhong.

"Brother Liang, there’s no need to be polite! Shen Shizhong responded, and then added,"I will take Gu Nianqiu back to school later and separate from everyone first!"

Lu Wenshan agreed,"I also want to send Fang Mei back to school. Goodbye, brothers!" An

Liang answered with a smile,"Brother Champion, don't worry, I'll go back to school with you.""

Ma Long looked at An Liang helplessly. Doesn't he still understand An Liang's tricks?

Author's words: The new book is progressing well. I wrote more than 6,000 new books today. I am quite satisfied and strive to meet you as soon as possible.

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