Facing Lu Wenshan's inquiry, An Liang glared at this bitch.

Shen Shizhong complained on the side,"Wenshan, can this kind of thing be weird?"

"ah?"Lu Wenshan said hesitantly,"I really don't know much about this matter. Lu

Wenshan added,"I have read some analyzes on the Internet before. Most people said that some domestic companies have moved to Southeast Asia. The main reason is that human resources there are cheaper.""

"For example, in the old Laotian country, I heard that the salary there was only more than 1,000 Xia Guoyuan per month." Lu Wenshan added.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"That's right. The cost of human resources in Southeast Asia is indeed lower, far lower than the current cost of human resources in Xia State. Lu

Wenshan answered,"According to what you just said, Brother Liang, is this equivalent to our Xia Kingdom transferring the physical hard work outside?""

"Are you a bitch deliberately causing trouble?"An Liang asked with a groan.

An Liang always felt that this bitch Lu Wenshan was deliberately causing trouble!

Because An Liang didn't believe that Lu Wenshan couldn't understand the problem.

Ma Long seconded,"Wenshan, I also suspect that you are deliberately causing trouble. , after all, what Brother Liang just said about transferring physical hard work and the situation in Southeast Asia are two different things."

Shen Shizhong explained,"The Western countries, led by Bald Eagle, transferred these physical hard work to our Xia Kingdom because they could make enough profits without doing this physical hard work."

"After all, those Western countries have completed industrial upgrading and thus occupy the high value-added part of the industrial chain. But now the industrial upgrading of our Xia Kingdom has not been completed. Enterprises like Petal Mobile that want to take the path of industrial upgrading have been sanctioned by Bald Eagle, so our Xia Kingdom still needs these physical hard work."Shen Shizhong added

"But now because the cost of human resources in Southeast Asia is cheaper, after some labor-intensive enterprises in our Xia Kingdom are transferred there, it is equivalent to leaving our internal human resources in the air."Shen Shizhong added.

In fact, the transfer of such physical hard work has had a certain impact, that is, the decline in labor employment rate. Especially after some factories in coastal areas relocated to Southeast Asia, there was a labor shortage and now there is a surplus of labor.

"Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this problem anymore. This bitch Wenshan is probably fishing!"An Liang interrupted this topic.

Because it would be bad if we continue talking!

Lu Wenshan showed a hehe smile, this dog is really fishing!

"Brother Liang, do you know the recently popular game"Survivor"?"Lu Wenshan changed the topic.

An Liang secretly laughed, how could he not know"Survivor"》?

《The boss behind"Survivor" is An Liang.

However, An Liang did not disclose this news. He said calmly on the surface,"This game has been very popular on the Internet recently. I also watched some videos of this game, but I think it is different from the previous"Chicken Royale""There seems to be no difference, right?"

This is An Liang fishing!

Can An Liang still not understand the difference between"Survivor" and"Chicken Royale"?

Lu Wenshan immediately retorted,"It's different! The two are completely different!"

Ma Long agreed with Lu Wenshan,"Yes, Brother Liang, compared with"Chicken Royale" and"Survivor", it's just a piece of cake!"

Shen Shizhong also agreed,"I haven't played hero battle recently. I also play"Survivor" now. This game is really fun. This game also held the first world championship before, and the three of us , and Chen Le jointly formed a team, and the results were pretty good!"

".What does it mean to have good grades?"An Liang was secretly curious, could Shen Shizhong and the others still be among the top four in Xiaguo District?

"He barely made it into the top 10,000, and he can be regarded as one of the top 10,000."Shen Shizhong responded

"..."An Liang was speechless.

The first 10,000 people picked out of a million are still okay! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This result may seem okay at first glance. After all, the number of players of"Survivor" worldwide has exceeded 40 million, of which sales in the Xia Kingdom exceeded 10 million. share.

Based on the calculation of four people forming a team, the number of teams in Xia Kingdom theoretically exceeds 2.5 million. Under such circumstances, achieving the top 10,000 results is indeed very good.

But this is not the case!

First of all, there are not 2.5 million teams in the Xiaguo Division. Most players still have a good idea and will not sign up for the online qualifiers of the first Survivor Global Summit.

In addition, players who signed up to participate in the online qualifiers, once the start is not smooth, many people directly give up the subsequent online qualifiers.

For example, in the eight games on the first day, if you don't enter the top 16 in the first three games, it is basically impossible to enter the top four in the Xiaguo Division, so why bother struggling?

In view of this situation, the top 10,000 results in the Xia Country Division are actually not as valuable as imagined.

Author's note: A new book is being prepared, and it will definitely come out this month!.

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