The four giants of the Sansan Group naturally know the person behind the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, including Black Butler and Jin Abacus. They also know the identity of the person behind the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

‘White Gloves: I believe everyone knows about the situation of the person behind the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.’

‘White Gloves: That person has very good credit and a very good reputation. Coupled with the wealth that the other party controls, I don’t think that the other party wants to take advantage of others.’

‘Black Butler: The other party has a record of cheating and cheating’

‘Kuroshitsuji: Take Indian Silk Road as an example. Although there is no clear evidence to show who is responsible for the trouble in Indian Silang State, the intelligence agencies of many countries have speculated about the person who looted the western state. Millennium Astragalus’

‘Black Butler: Next is Neon’s thousand-year-old Astragalus. There is evidence that that person is still there.’

‘Black Butler: Even we, Corea, have been hacked by the other party.’

‘White Gloves: Confrontations in gray areas naturally have rules in gray areas.’

‘White Gloves: Apart from the confrontation in the gray area, the other party's reputation is indeed very good. I believe that the other party really wants to trade, and I also guessed the other party's intentions.’

‘Black Butler: What’s the other party’s intention?’

‘White Gloves: If there are no accidents, the other party may make a breakthrough in the 7nm node process technology, including a significant improvement in yield rate, and find a technical path to enter the 5nm node.’

‘White Gloves: We all know that Bald Eagle prohibits EUV lithography machines from entering Xia State, and Bald Eagle targets various technology companies in Xia State. If Dark Core Technology really finds an optimization solution for the 7nm node process technology, it will definitely be a confrontation. Bald Eagle's Important Weapon’

‘White Gloves: So the other party is willing to pay a 100% premium, and is even willing to provide a special exchange quota for thousand-year-old astragalus.’

‘Golden Abacus: In this case, can we further increase the price?’

‘White gloves:...’

‘White Glove: If the price continues to increase, I’m worried that the other party won’t accept it.’

‘White Gloves: We are not each other’s only option’

‘White Gloves: Taiji Electric has booked 50 EUV lithography machines this year. Taiji Electric can completely eliminate a batch of DUV lithography machines.’

‘White Gloves: If the price we offer is too exorbitant, the other party may contact Tai Chi Electric’

‘Dongzang: This is just your analysis. I still think the risk is very huge.’

‘White Gloves: I stand by my opinion’

‘White Gloves: Since you have handed over the darknet business to me, I hope everyone will consider my opinions.’

‘Peninsula King: There is a problem with this transaction. '

Peninsula King' is the nickname of the person behind Sansang Group in the internal community. Although the person behind Sansang Group is temporarily trapped in prison, it actually has no impact on him. He also enjoys absolute enjoyment in prison. s right

‘Peninsula King: Regarding the delivery method of thousand-year-old astragalus, I hope to change it’

‘Peninsula King: The first thousand-year-old astragalus, I hope the other party will deliver it to me’

‘Peninsula King: As for other thousand-year-old astragalus, I have corresponding arrangements.’

‘Peninsula King: @白glove: This matter is left to you. You tell the other party that sending a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus to me before the transaction will be our test.’

‘White Gloves: How should we prepare 100 DUV lithography machines?’

‘Peninsula King: What were your original thoughts?’

‘White Glove: I plan to sacrifice a factory and let it catch fire. '

There was a fire in the factory of Sansang Group. It was already a traditional performance of Sansang Group. After all, there have been many similar situations before.

‘Peninsula King: No problem’

‘Peninsula King: Take good care of this matter’

‘White Glove: We'll take care of it. '

Li Zhengyi is very familiar with the fire incident.

‘White Gloves: @黑 Butler: I need your cooperation this time, is that okay?’

‘Black Butler: No problem. '

Since the actual controllers of the Sansang Group have agreed to White Gloves' action plan, Black Butler Li Minglang will naturally not refuse.

‘White Glove: We will discuss the detailed implementation plan later. '

Almost two hours later, white-glove Li Zhengyi and black butler Li Minglang discussed the specific arson plan, and then Li Zhengyi sent an email to the confidential mailbox of No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

After receiving the email, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan briefly replied to the email, thereby indicating that the email had been received and forwarded to the buyer.

‘No. 4: BOSS, the DUV transaction has been confirmed in five days.’

‘No. 4: BOSS, the other party made new demands’

‘No. 4: [First Millennium Astragalus Delivery Plan】’

‘No. 4: The other party took a tough stance and stated that this was a prerequisite for the transaction. '

An Liang, who returned to the coffee shop opposite Fudan University, checked the message sent by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. He read the first thousand-year-old Astragalus delivery plan from beginning to end and showed a smile.

Because An Liang already understood what the other party meant. This prince of the Sansang Group wanted to use the thousand-year-old Astragalus to regain his freedom!

‘Number Zero: Promise them!’

‘No. 0: Please make arrangements to send a piece of thousand-year-old Astragalus to the crown prince of the Sansang Group.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

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