In this transaction, the most confidential information is the special exchange amount of thousand-year-old astragalus.

If this piece of news is exposed, it will most likely arouse covetous attention.

Therefore, Li Zhengyi was worried that the special exchange quota would be exposed by the greedy middleman, but the greedy middleman directly expressed his intention by pretending to be stupid.

In addition, the greedy middleman said before that reputation is the guarantee of interests, and Li Zhengyi felt relieved to some extent.

"Regarding this transaction, I only know that you are planning to sell 100 DUV lithography machines to buyers. The total transaction volume should be US$15.84 billion. I will charge an intermediary fee of 3% of your transaction volume, totaling US$475.2 million."Explanation of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"I will send you the specific payment method after your transaction is successful."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Supplement

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. You know my confidential email address. When you are ready to trade, you can send me an email."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation was added.

With the addition of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, Li Zhengyi was completely relieved. He secretly decided in his heart that they would first get the Millennium Astragalus and then pay the intermediary fee.

In this way, even if the middleman does not keep Credit revealed the Thousand-Year Astragalus, and they also got the Thousand-Year Astragalus, no longer worried about accidents.

After Li Zhengyi withdrew from the temporary encrypted voice communication channel, he opened the Sansang Group encrypted communication software, and in an internal community send Message

‘whiteglove: @everyone: there’s a new deal’

‘White Gloves: [Transaction Details】’

‘White Gloves: How do you think this transaction should be handled? '

There are only eight people in this internal community including Li Zhengyi. Everyone has an important position in the Sansang Group, even Li Zhengyi.

‘Golden Abacus: Are you crazy? '

Jin Abacus is Li Junzhi, the chief financial officer of Sansang Group. He is in charge of all financial information of the entire Sansang Group.

‘Jin Abacus: That’s a hundred photolithography machines!’

‘Jin Abacus: Although they are all DUV lithography machines, the bald eagle will definitely block us and put pressure on us.’

‘Black Butler: I think you're crazy too! '

Black Butler is Li Minglang, the head of Sansang Group's special security team. This team is mainly responsible for the safety of members of the Li family, the founding family of Sansang Group, and performs some tasks in the gray field.

‘Chunsheng: @白glove: I have read the transaction details. Although the 100% premium rate is very attractive, and although the other party settled the second-hand machine at a brand-new price, this transaction is indeed very controversial. '

Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, these four code names are the four giants in the internal community. Their true identities are important managers of the Sansang Group. They are the four current leaders of the Li family, the founding family of the Sansang Group. Big confidant.

The four of them assist the crown prince of the Sansang Group in controlling the huge Sansang Empire.

‘White Gloves: Please check the instructions for special redemption amounts’

‘Xia Sheng: Are you sure the special exchange amount is true?’

‘Xia Sheng: If the other party is really willing to pay Millennium Astragalus, I don’t think there is much problem with this transaction.’

‘Autumn Harvest: I'm worried that the other party has a problem’

‘Dongzang: I am also worried that the other party has a problem. First of all, it is very abnormal to pay a 100% premium.’

‘Dongzang: In addition, the other party proposed a special exchange quota and promised you concessions. These conditions are not normal. I am worried that the other party wants to take advantage of the situation!’

‘Autumn Harvest: seconded’

‘Xia Sheng: There is really a possibility of someone taking advantage of others.’

‘Black Butler: I agree with this analysis’

‘Black Butler: The other party chose to trade on the high seas. If an unexpected situation occurs, it will be difficult for us to effectively deal with it. Li

Zhengyi silently thought about the situation. After the last transaction, he actually investigated the whereabouts of the batch of DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines.

Although Renyi Security Company is very covert, photolithography machines are not small toys. Even Renyi Security Company cannot completely eliminate its traces. Especially after the production of dark core technology begins, both silicon wafers and photoresist need to be purchased externally. , naturally there are traces to follow.

Therefore, Li Zhengyi knew very well which company held the first batch of DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines traded.

Now when the other party proposed to purchase the second batch of DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines, Li Zhengyi actually did not believe that the other party was prepared to take advantage of others. After all, the other party had a very good credit and a very good reputation.

‘White Glove: Does anyone know who the buyer is?’

‘Black Butler: Have you investigated the buyer privately?’

‘Golden Abacus: Who is the buyer?’

‘Winter storage: buyers should be in Xia country’

‘Autumn Harvest: Although it is taboo to investigate buyers in darknet transactions, we also guess that the buyer is from Xia Kingdom’

‘White Gloves: The buyer is indeed from Xia Guo. If there are no surprises, it should be Dark Core Technology Company.’

‘Black Butler: Dark Core Technologies?’

‘White Gloves: A subsidiary of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Although the two parties are not directly related on the surface, they actually belong to the same camp.’

‘White Gloves: At present, the chip customization of a large number of products under Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is all handled by dark core technology.’

‘White Gloves: Everyone should know who is the controller behind Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, right? '

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