Faced with the higher premium rate given by An Liang, Li Zhengyi hesitated,"Add 10 more units!"

"100% premium!"An Liang continued to increase the price without hesitation.

For An Liang, money is just a string of numbers.

Advanced DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines like TWINSCANNXT:2000i are high-quality resources that are difficult to buy even if you have money.

So you can buy them. At that time, Anliang would rather pay a premium to buy more.

Once the information about the improvement of the dark core technology at the 7nm node process spreads out, I am afraid that the bald eagle will further block the DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine.

Not to mention the advanced TWINSCANNXT:2000i model In theory, DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines can even manufacture chips with 5 nanometer nodes, and Anliang must strive for it.

Although under Anliang’s leadership, dark core technology has long entered the carbon-based chip track, and has also entered the The field of ternary computers, but these all take time.

At present, dark core technology still focuses on silicon-based chips.

"Add 10 more!"Li Zhengyi gritted his teeth and responded.

"not enough!"An Liang directly denied the other party's answer.

"How much do you want?" Li Zhengyi asked

"At least 60 TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines, plus at least 100 TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machines."Anliang Lion said loudly.

"That's impossible!"Li Zhengyi once again rejected An Liang's proposal.

"TWINSCANNXT:We can only produce up to 40 2000i model lithography machines."Li Zhengyi explained

"Then find a way to come up with more."An Liang responded

"You are one of the shareholders of Asmail, and you are not restricted by Bald Eagle."An Liang said remindingly.

"Sorry, we can really only provide 40 TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines, which is already the limit."Li Zhengyi said sincerely.

Facing Li Zhengyi's sincere answer, An Liang did not continue to be aggressive, because An Liang could feel that Li Zhengyi was not lying.

"TWINSCANNXT:What about the 1980Di model lithography machine?"An Liang asked another key question.

Although the TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machine lags behind the TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machine, it can also manufacture 7-nanometer node chips. The current process reform of Dark Core Technology Company is a reform TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machine, so Anliang needs more TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machine as the main force in the current development of dark core technology.

Li Zhengyi asked tentatively,"TWINSCANNXT:Is the 1980Di model lithography machine also priced at a 100% premium?"

"Yes!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

Li Zhengyi thought about it for a moment and then asked additionally,"Some of our TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machines have been used for several years and are a little older. Can you accept it?"

"Do they work properly?"An Liang asked back.

"Of course you can, and in your prime!"Li Zhengyi answered affirmatively.

"That's no problem. An Liang responded,"So how many TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model photolithography machines can you provide?" Li

Zhengyi thought about it for a moment before responding,"The same is 40 units.""

"Too little!"An Liang responded

"But..."Just as Li Zhengyi spoke, he was interrupted by An Liang

"We provide you with an additional option. If you can increase the supply of TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machines to 60 units, we are willing to give you a certain special exchange quota."An Liang explained

"What is the special exchange amount?"Li Zhengyi asked immediately

"Have you ever heard of Millennium Astragalus?"An Liang asked

"you..."Li Zhengyi has naturally heard of Thousand-year-old Astragalus, and he also knows the functions of Thousand-year-old Astragalus.

"How much exchange credit can you give us?"Li Zhengyi tested.

When An Liang proposed a special exchange amount, he used his mobile phone calculator to make the corresponding calculations.

TWINSCANNXT:The official price of the 1980Di model lithography machine in Asmail is US$72 million, and the TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machine is priced at US$90 million.

Although the above price is the price of a brand-new machine, according to Li Zhengyi's regulations, there is no room for bargaining on this price. Even second-hand machines must be priced at the price of a brand-new machine.

Now Anliang has agreed to a 100% premium rate. Each TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machine is priced at US$180 million, and each TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machine is sold at US$144 million.

If the number of TWINSCANNXT:1980Di model lithography machines is 60 units, and the number of TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines is 40 units, the total price is US$15.84 billion.

This is a huge deal.

Previously, in order to obtain the mining rights of the Simang Iron Mine, Anliang agreed to sell 20 pieces of Millennium Astragalus to the chief minister of Guinea, Dete, for a price of US$100 million.

If this pricing strategy is followed, this DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine transaction will involve 158 pieces of Millennium Astragalus.

Although Anliang has so many thousand-year-old astragalus, Anliang is not willing to take out so many thousand-year-old astragalus.

Even though the golden Tai Sui in An Liang's hand completely overwhelmed the thousand-year-old astragalus in terms of effectiveness, An Liang was still unwilling to take out so many thousand-year-old astragalus.

Because Millennium Astragalus is a non-renewable and precious resource and has the property of extending lifespan. It can be used as a trump card at certain times. How could Anliang be willing to give out such a large amount of Millennium Astragalus?

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