Faced with Li Zhengyi's inquiry, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator would definitely not be able to give an answer, because he is a middleman and not a buyer, so how can he know the answer?

"Regarding the EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, you can discuss it with the buyer. I will contact the buyer first."Tianji Divine Account No. 4 explained.

Li Zhengyi naturally would not refuse.

Tianji Divine Accountant No. 4 first muted the microphone of the temporarily encrypted voice communication channel, and then contacted An Liang.

After waiting for An Liang to get through, Tianji Divine Accountant No. 4 immediately reported the relevant information, Then he sent the address of the temporary encrypted voice communication channel to An Liang.

An Liang glanced at the crowded Asing Coffee Shop, stood up and put"The Universe in a Nutshell" on the bookshelf, and then left the Asing Coffee Shop. Boarding the black Audi Q7 driven by Renyi Security Company.

Compared to Ah Xing Coffee Shop, the inside of the car is quieter, and it can prevent the other party from investigating his identity through the background music of Ah Xing Coffee Shop.

Although the other party may have already I guessed his identity. After all, there are only so many forces qualified to enter the semiconductor industry. It is not difficult to investigate the specific situation.

But the other party has no evidence, right?

In the back seat of the black Audi Q7 off-road vehicle, An Liang put on Noise-canceling headphones, and then entering the temporary encrypted voice communication channel, he spoke in English,"Hello. Li

Zhengyi also switched to English and responded,"Hello, I am very happy to cooperate with you again. How many lithography machines do you want to buy this time?"

An Liang responded straight to the point,"We want to buy an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine."

Li Zhengyi smiled and asked,"How much premium are you willing to pay?""

"ten times!"An Liang responded calmly.

"What?"Li Zhengyi was surprised. He seemed to have heard the price of 'ten times' just now?

An Liang answered affirmatively again,"We are willing to pay ten times the price. You heard it right, we can give you ten times the price."

"this..."Li Zhengyi hesitated. He was just trying to test the other party and had never thought about selling EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines.

As a result, An Liang offered ten times the price as soon as he came up, and Li Zhengyi suddenly hesitated.

Facing the hesitant Li Zhengyi, An Liang continued to increase the price,"Twenty times!"


In a certain luxurious suite, Li Zhengyi stood up involuntarily when he heard a quote of twenty times.

The price of a basic EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine sold from Asmail is US$120 million. If calculated at 20 times, it is US$2.4 billion.

As the saying goes: Capital is willing to trample all laws in the world for 300% profit.

The current profit is: 1900%! wrong!

Sansang Group has created a lot of wealth using EUV. The current EUV lithography machine is just a second-hand equipment, and some news has come out from Asmail that the new generation of High-NA-The EUV lithography machine has been successfully developed and is expected to be available for pre-order next year.

As one of the three giants in the global semiconductor industry, it is not that Sansang Group cannot sell an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, but after thinking about the influence and strength of the bald eagle, Li Zhengyi reluctantly refused.

"Sorry, we do not sell EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines."Li Zhengyi clearly refused.

In order to avoid misunderstandings among buyers, Li Zhengyi added,"The reason why we do not sell EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines is not only because of the Bald Eagle sales ban order, but also because of the EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine. The debugging work of the lithography machine is very complicated and must be installed and debugged by ASMIER original factory engineers."

"So even if we find a way to sell EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines to you, you won't be able to use them."Li Zhengyi explained sincerely.

"I recommend you to buy a DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine. Although the performance of the DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine is somewhat inferior, in addition to cutting-edge chips, it can manufacture a variety of mid- to low-end chips, and the installation and debugging work is much simpler."Li Zhengyi added

"In addition, there are cutting-edge models in DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines, which can even be used as a supplement to EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines."Li Zhengyi said suggestively.

An Liang thought for a moment, he understood Li Zhengyi's hint, and then responded,"In this case, we want 100 TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines.

Li Zhengyi complained directly,"That's impossible!""

"Why?"An Liang asked back.

"We simply don’t have that many TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines."Li Zhengyi replied

"If you want to buy this model of lithography machine, I believe you should have investigated its situation. This model of DUV lithography machine is known as a substitute for EUV lithography machine. Its overlay accuracy reaches 2.5 nanometers. This is An accuracy that can even meet the requirements of the 5-nanometer node process technology."Li Zhengyi added

"Even Asmail's internal documents indicate that TWINSCANNXT:2000i is a complement to EUV lithography machines."Li Zhengyi added,"This type of photolithography machine was only officially mass-produced in 2017, and the total number of units worldwide is currently less than 200. Where can we get so many for you?"

"How much can you get?"An Liang asked

"We have previously delivered 12 TWINSCANNXT:2000i model lithography machines to you, and currently we can only give you a maximum of 10 more."Li Zhengyi responded

"Fifty percent premium!"Anliang raised the stakes.

The premium rate during the last transaction was only 25%, and Anliang now directly gives double the premium rate.

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