As the saying goes: Online loans are easy to repay, but favors are hard to repay!

Although Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong are willing to give up part of their interests in exchange for the right to purchase the thousand-year-old Astragalus, how much of their interests are they willing to give up?

The unmanned delivery plan, like the Spanish power grid, is also a long-term and sustainable profitable project, and the benefits are very considerable.

Under such circumstances, Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong will definitely not give up too many benefits.

But when they gave up too little benefit, how could An Liang be moved?

So An Liang simply asked for a favor debt.

Faced with An Liang's proposal, neither Anbei Jinshan nor Hongyue Zhicong agreed for a long time without hesitation.

It’s not that they don’t know that it’s hard to repay a debt of gratitude, but do they have any other options?

In the cooperation between the two parties, Anliang is originally in an absolutely dominant position. Even though Neon has a 51% relative controlling stake in the unmanned delivery plan, in fact, neither Anbei Jinshan nor Hongyue Zhicong has What right to speak.

All the say is completely in the hands of Anliang. After all, the unmanned delivery machine is provided by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and Anliang has upstream control.

Under such circumstances, what ability do Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong have to refute?

Besides, whether Anbei Jinshan or Hongyue Zhicong, they all understand the truth that Anliang is willing to let them owe a debt of gratitude, which means that they are still valuable.

As long as they are valuable!

If there is no use value, that is a bad thing.

The essence of interpersonal relationships requires the existence of value. If there is no value, then why should we gain a foothold in interpersonal relationships?

‘EXF: No problem!’

‘HP: I have no problem. '

Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong responded to the message together.

Facing the two people's choices, An Liang did not have any surprises, because the result was completely within the expected range.

‘AAA: In that case, you notify Inada Kazuo and he helps us quickly pass the approval process for the unmanned delivery plan, and we will sell him a thousand-year-old astragalus root according to the market value.’

‘AAA: By the way, the current price of a thousand-year-old astragalus root is US$100 million.’

‘AAA: If he doesn’t accept it, you should try your best to solve the unmanned delivery plan yourself.’

‘EXF: Okay, I'll contact him right away. '

The former chief minister of Neon immediately contacted Inada Kazuo by phone.

Waiting for the call to be answered, Inada Kazuo asked eagerly,"Ambesan, how is the situation?"

At this moment, Inada Kazuo felt very tormented and uneasy, because Inada Kazuo had already tasted the taste of failure, and the others controlled the thousand-year-old Astragalus. The forces are too lazy to talk to Inada Kazuo, let alone sell the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

After much deliberation, Inada Kazuo seemed to have the only option to obtain the Millennium Astragalus from the person behind the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

If the other party rejects him, Inada Kazuo will fall into despair

"Congratulations, Inada-san, the other party agreed to our request."Abe Jinshan first explained the good news.

Kazuo Inada was a smart man, and he immediately asked,"What price did you pay?"

Inada Kazuo understood that Anbe Jinshan must have paid a price. After all, the other party had given Anbe Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong 51% of the equity in the unmanned delivery plan. Then Anbe Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong He must be responsible for solving the troubles on Neon's side.

Now Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong are in trouble. If they want each other to help, they will definitely pay more.

"As expected of Inada-san!"Anbei Jinshan openly praised Inada Kazuo, but in fact he answered Inada Kazuo in the affirmative, indicating that they paid the price.

Anbei Jinshan added,"Hongue Zhicong and I both owe The other party is a favor, so you owe me and Hongyue Zhicong a favor now, and when the other party asks for a favor from us in the future, if you need help, you will also need help. Inada Kazuo agreed directly,"


"In addition, the other party only gave me the right to purchase a millennium piece of Astragalus membranaceus, and the price was set at US$100 million. Can you accept it?"Anbei Jinshan asked.

Before Inada Kazuo answered, Anbei Jinshan continued to add,"According to your situation, you should only need a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus to greatly improve your condition."

Inada Kazuo replied affirmatively,"I completely accept this price."

This price is within the acceptable range of Inada Kazuo, because when purchasing Millennium Astragalus through other channels, others did not accept the quotation at all, and Inada Kazuo did not even have the opportunity to raise a price.

Besides, according to Inada Kazuo's investigation, the price of 100 million US dollars is not enough for Millennium Astragalus. Astragalus is really not too expensive.

Thousand-year-old astragalus is a non-renewable resource and a very high-quality resource. There is no market collapse.

"I also accept other conditions, including owing you a favor, and when the person needs you to repay the favor, I will help you repay the favor together." Kazuo Inada added.

In Kazuo Inada's view, these are all things that should be done, because if he does not agree to these conditions, he will not be able to get the thousand-year astragalus. If he cannot get the thousand-year astragalus, then the journey of life may only be There is only the last year left.

So do you still need to consider how to choose?

Even the great god of management still chose to live when faced with the choice between life and death!

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