In response to Anbei Jinshan's inquiry, Inada Kazuo smiled and replied,"I don't want any profit!"

"Nani?"Anbei Jinshan was surprised.

"I have money!" Kazuo Inada responded calmly.

As a business legend who founded two Fortune 500 companies, how could he have no money?

"So what do you want?"Anbei Jinshan asked. He knew very well that if the other party didn't want financial benefits, he would definitely need other benefits.

In fact, in many cases, paying financial benefits is the simplest thing.

"I want thousand-year-old astragalus!"Inada Kazuo responded.

Anbei Jinshan refused without hesitation,"I can't make the decision."

Although Anliang promised to sell the thousand-year-old astragalus to Anbei Jinshan at the market price, Anbei Jinshan knew very well that if he resold his share of the thousand-year-old astragalus to others, who knows whether Anliang would continue Sell ​​Millennium Astragalus to him?

This former chief minister of Neon has tried to buy Millennium Astragalus through various channels. However, whether it is Neon’s internal channels or overseas channels, the final answer is rejection.

Except for An Liang, No one is willing to sell the thousand-year-old astragalus to him.

Therefore, Anbei Jinshan cannot easily agree to Inada Kazuo's request.

"Abe-san, I hope you ask that person. I am really willing to help you. I believe you know very well that if I help you promote the unmanned delivery plan, this plan will soon enter the preparatory stage."Inada Kazuo proposed his own value.

This time Anbei Jinshan did not refuse immediately. He thought of the annual income of 1 billion US dollars proposed by Inada Kazuo before. In addition, it was not him who sold the thousand-year-old astragalus, so Anbei Jinshan prepared give it a try

"Wait a moment, I will contact you to inquire."Anbei Jinshan responded

"Okay, I'm waiting for news from Abe-san. Whether it's good news or bad news, I hope Abe-san will reply to me. I'm waiting for your news, please!"Inada Kazuo said politely

"good."Anbei Jinshan did not refuse. He understood Inada Morio's difficult situation.

The two parties ended the call, and Anbei Jinshan used Renyi Security Company's confidential communication software to send the message.

‘EXF: I contacted Inada Kazuo and he was willing to help us.’

‘AAA: What about the conditions? '

An Liang asked straightforwardly, because An Liang knew very well that the other party would not help for free.

Anbei Jinshan didn't sell it, and directly sent a message to explain the answer. He sent Inada Kazuo's conditions.

‘EXF: The other party only needs the purchase qualification of Millennium Astragalus.’

‘AAA: That’s interesting!’

‘AAA: What advice do you two have?’

‘EXF: If we have Kazuo Inada’s help, the unmanned delivery plan will definitely pass the review quickly!’

‘HP: Although we can pass the unmanned delivery plan without the help of Kazuo Inada, it will take more time to negotiate to unite enough interest alliances.’

‘HP: If Kazuo Inada is there to guide us, our preliminary work will be very easy.’

‘EXF: Yes, @HP's and I's identities are very sensitive. At this time, it is not as good as Inada Kazuo's business identity. If Inada Kazuo helps, the unmanned delivery plan can indeed speed up the process significantly.’

‘AAA: So you need my help with your troubles, right? '

Faced with An Liang's information, both Nihong's former chief minister and Hong Yue Zhicong fell silent, because this issue is indeed theirs, and the reason why An Liang is willing to give them 51% of the benefits , let them deal with the neon problem

‘EXF:@HP: Shall we give away some of the benefits?’

‘HP:@EXF: We give up some of the benefits? '

The two sent messages almost at the same time

‘EXF: We are willing to give up some benefits’

‘HP: Yes, we are willing to give up part of our interests in exchange for the purchase rights of Millennium Astragalus. '

An Liang was a little surprised when he saw the two people's replies, because he thought they would argue with each other. After all, implementing the unmanned delivery plan in Neon is also a matter of great benefit to An Liang.

So if the other party persuades Anliang to put the overall situation first, there is actually no problem.

But these two people were too smart and had no intention of disgusting Anliang. They directly chose to give up part of their interests in exchange for the right to purchase the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

It has to be said that whether it is Anbe Jinshan, the former chief minister of Neon, or Hongyue Zhicong, a filial son who has forgotten his father's hatred, both of them are smart people. They know very well that they are at an absolute disadvantage when cooperating with Anliang..

So the two of them had no intention of bargaining.

Faced with two such smart people, Anliang naturally did not accept each other's conditions.

‘AAA: There is no need for you to give up part of your interests. After all, the unmanned delivery plan is implemented in your neon, and we will still handle it according to the original plan. '

In the original plan of the unmanned delivery plan, Neon Party held 51% of the relative controlling interest, and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group held 49%, allowing the unmanned delivery plan to take root in Neon and become Neon local companies are protected from opposition and protests by Neon people.

After all, the unmanned delivery plan will monopolize Neon's takeout and express delivery industry. If it is controlled by foreign capital, both the Neon court and the local people in Neon will have very big opinions.

In view of this situation, An Liang will certainly not let the two of them give up some of their interests.

‘AAA: I just need you to owe me a favor!’

‘AAA: How? '

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