An Liang naturally knew that the production budget of"Xia Guo Restaurant" was 15 million Xia Guoyuan. According to today's exchange rate, 4 million US dollars is about 27 million Xia Guoyuan, so Youtube quoted 12 million for the translation work of"Xia Guo Restaurant"

"Calculating the quotation from Youtube, the translation cost for each episode of"Xia Guo Restaurant" is about 500,000 Xia Guoyuan. Have you consulted a professional translation agency? If the translation work is handed over to a professional translation agency, what is the price quoted by the other party?"Anliang asked.

Anliang uses the cost analysis method like Youtube. If the quotation given by Youtube can cover the cost, this quotation is quite sincere. Otherwise, it is not sincere.

Yang Maoyi responded,"The professional translation agency we consulted before only gave We received translation quotations for six mainstream languages, among which the quotation for Xia Mandarin to English translation was 6,000 yuan per episode, but the other party was only responsible for the translation and proofreading work and was not responsible for post-production polishing."

"Neon, French and German are slightly more expensive, each costing 7,000 yuan per episode; Spanish are a little more expensive, costing 8,000 yuan.One episode."Yang Maoyi added

"If it is other minor languages, there will be different pricing based on the rarity of the minor languages."Yang Maoyi added

"I made a simple estimate. If it is translation work in 60 languages, plus translation and dubbing, the cost of a single episode of 500,000 is a bit difficult."Yang Maoyi is making a rough cost estimate.

In fact, this quotation is indeed a test by Youtube. According to Youtube's own cost estimate, the translation cost of 24 episodes of"Xia Guo Restaurant" is estimated to be US$3.6 million.

Youtube is referring to Xia Guo Relatively low labor costs, thus reducing the corresponding translation production quotation

"Your Majesty, regarding the translation work of"Xiaguo Restaurant", how much translation fee should we give you? Yang Maoyi asked additionally.

An Liang patted the little vixen and said,"For the artificial intelligence system, this time the translation work only consumes some electrical energy. If the translation cost must be calculated, it will probably cost the entire season of"Xia Guo Restaurant" The electricity energy consumed is less than 100 yuan, right?"

However, Yang Maoyi was not easy to fool. She responded,"What about the development cost of the artificial intelligence system?"

"Your Majesty, I understand things related to cost accounting!"Yang Maoyi said deliberately.

In fact, this is also true. Yang Maoyi does understand things related to cost accounting. After all, Yang Maoyi is the largest shareholder of Nanruo Photography Studio. At present, the number of employees in Nanruo Photography Studio has expanded to 128, and each One month's employee salary, plus employee insurance premiums, is close to 1 million.

If Yang Maoyi didn't know things related to cost accounting, she would have lost money long ago, right?

"We do not develop artificial intelligence systems for translation work. Our research and development expenses are supported by other projects."An Liang simply explained

"But..."Yang Maoyi was about to say something, but was interrupted by An Liang

"Okay, no buts, be obedient! An Liang stopped Yang Maoyi,"As for the quotation, we will give Youtube a double price.""

"$8 million? Yang Maoyi was surprised.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Of course!" We cannot use Xia Guo’s translation costs to measure Youtube’s translation costs. After all, if we leave the relevant translation work to Youtube, then Youtube can only perform translation and production at Bald Eagle."

"The source language of our"Xiaguo Restaurant" is Xiaguo. If it is translated and produced in Bald Eagle, the cost will inevitably be higher. Coupled with the already high human resource cost of Bald Eagle, I believe that Youtube will personally translate and produce"Xiaguo Restaurant" The cost of"Xiaguo Restaurant" will inevitably be higher."An Liang analyzed it very well.

"What's more important is that YouTube personally translated"Xiaguo Restaurant", which not only involves higher costs, but also involves production time, translation in 60 languages, and related dubbing. It is not a small project.."An Liang said with a smile.

Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively,"Although I don't particularly understand the process of translation work, I know that it is indeed a very heavy workload to complete the translation of 60 languages ​​and the dubbing."

"But, Your Majesty, what if Youtube doesn’t agree with our offer?"Yang Maoyi asked

"If you don’t agree, you don’t agree. We are equivalent to directly increasing the translation quotation by 200%. It is normal for the other party to disagree."An Liang explained.

Currently, YouTube is quoting US$4 million to purchase the first season of"The Summer Restaurant". This quotation includes US$2 million for the overseas online broadcast rights of the first season of"The Summer Restaurant" and US$2 million for translation and production costs..

An Liang said that he would raise the price to 8 million U.S. dollars. Among them, the price for the overseas network broadcast rights of the first season of"Summer Country Restaurant" remained unchanged at 2 million U.S. dollars. This price is also difficult to change. After all, the other party only needs overseas broadcast rights. Internet broadcast rights.

Therefore, this quotation is equivalent to increasing the translation fee by 200%, from the translation fee of 2 million US dollars to 6 million US dollars. It would be strange if Youtube could agree to such a high quotation increase!

After all, Youtube is not What are you taking advantage of?

Besides, regarding the cost of translation, whether it is Youtube or Nanruo Photography Studio, as long as you are willing to understand it in depth, you can clearly calculate it.

Therefore, after the translation cost is calculated, the quotation for translation production will naturally be There is evidence to follow!

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