The last step of theater-level subtitle translation is to suppress it. This task is not difficult and is also a simple task for technicians.

In the entire translation work, perhaps the most important step is the fifth step of polishing.

There are many similar polished stories in the field of translation, such as the widely circulated one: 'The night is beautiful tonight. 'highlights the importance of polishing work

"Judging from the samples of"Xia Guo Restaurant", we can confirm that Fox has done an excellent job in polishing and processing, especially some translations of Xia Guo's cooking operations, which completely use our localized language habits." Valentina added

"From this point of view, Fox should have invested huge costs in translation work, and may even have hired top translators." Valentina added.

Emma seconded,"I just read the English subtitle information carefully, listened carefully to the English translation and dubbing, and compared the translated subtitles and translation dubbing of our Bald Eagle English and Great British English. , I found that there are really subtle differences in the translation between the two Englishes, and the dubbing also fully reflects the different accent differences between our Bald Eagle and British English. Valentina cited the data to explain,"If we calculate based on the price of top translators, the price of source language input in the second step is about 5 US dollars per minute, and the price of source language translation in the third step is about 9 US dollars per minute. Minutes, the fourth step of proofreading is about 5 US dollars per minute, the price of the fifth step of polishing...Let’s assume it’s $10 a minute. After all, the price of polishing is difficult to unify. Some producers even directly let the translators and proofreaders in the third and fourth steps work part-time."

"But I think Fox’s polishers are definitely not part-time workers. The translation and polishing work of"Summer Country Restaurant" has been done very well!"Valentina said with praise.

"We calculate the average duration of"Summer Country Restaurant" as 42 minutes, and then assume that the cost of the first step of determining the timeline and the last step of suppressing work is $20, and assume that there are two people working on the fifth step of polishing, and one episode The cost of the English subtitles for"Summer Restaurant" is US$1,678." Valentina begins by explaining the cost of translating subtitles

"We calculate the price of translation and dubbing based on the median of US$10 per minute, and the cost of 42 minutes of dubbing is US$420." Valentina added

"The comprehensive cost of translation work in English is about US$2,100. Calculated based on 60 languages, plus the problem of increased translation costs for small languages, I estimate that the average translation cost per language is about US$2,500, which adds up to US$15 The cost of translating an episode is US$10,000. Valentina analyzed the comprehensive cost.

Brady frowned,"So expensive?""

Originally, Brady secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the maximum expenditure item per minute was 10 US dollars. After all, Brady also knew some about the cost of translation.

However, after comprehensive calculation, the translation cost of each episode of"Summer Country Restaurant" Is the cost actually as high as $150,000?

《"Xia Guo Restaurant" has a total of 24 episodes, which means that the total comprehensive translation cost will be as high as 3.6 million US dollars!

This cost far exceeded their original budget for purchasing the film. After all, the original budget for purchasing the film was only US$2 million, and now they have to add US$3.6 million in translation costs.


Brady speculates that Fox may still make some money, right?

Faced with Brady's objection to expensive rhetoric, Valentina responded,"This is just our analysis and calculation. Maybe the translation cost in Xia Country is relatively cheaper. After all, the cost of human resources in Xia Country is relatively low. We can try to work with Fox discusses the issue of translation prices."

If An Liang knew the translation cost analysis of the YouTube movie purchase review team, he would definitely laugh to death, because the analysis of the YouTube movie purchase review team is all wrong

《What is the translation cost of"Xiaguo Restaurant"?

Translation work based on the Tianji artificial intelligence system is basically cost-free, right?

Because the Tianji artificial intelligence system was not originally used for translation work, its research and development costs have long been diluted by Renyi Security Company in various fields.

What's more critical is that Anliang doesn't care at all about the research and development costs and operating expenses of Tianji's artificial intelligence system, because Anliang is very clear about the importance of artificial intelligence systems in the future.

The next day.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, Lin Shanju.

Yang Maoyi woke up early. She glanced at An Liang, who was still sleeping next to her, and then deliberately teased the tip of An Liang's nose with the tip of her hair.

When she saw An Liang open her eyes, Yang Maoyi greeted happily,"Good morning, king."

This was Yang Maoyi's favorite moment. She liked An Liang by her side when she woke up in the morning. She felt that this feeling was very real and had a kind of The reality of her and An Liang being together

"Is it something that needs to be sorted out?"An Liang yawned.

Yang Maoyi snorted. She had discovered An Liang's clue."Your Majesty, do you think I will be afraid?"

"Ah!" An Liang chuckled, then got up directly and carried the little vixen to the bathroom to wash up.

But how could the little vixen be suppressed by An Liang so easily, so a war broke out in the bathroom between the righteous giant Taoist An and the little vixen. It lasted about forty minutes. Finally, a war between the righteous giant and the fox demon came to an end. Yang Maoyi snuggled into An Liang's arms again. She lazily took out her mobile phone and handed it to An Liang,"Your Majesty, Youtube has given review feedback. They are very satisfied with our results." Translation and production, so he proposed to purchase the complete works of"Xiaguo Restaurant" at a price of 4 million US dollars."

"What do you think of this price?"Yang Maoyi asked An Liang's opinion.

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