The next day, at nearly eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang was woken up by Sun Xia

"Get up quickly, I cooked tomato egg noodles." Sun Xia said in greeting.

"Okay, Mom, I'll get up right away."An Liang responded, and then immediately got up and started washing up in the bathroom attached to the bedroom.

In less than five minutes, An Liang finished washing up. It's so simple for a boy to wash up.

"Anliang, how many taels do you eat? Sun Xia's voice came from the kitchen.

An Liang responded immediately,"Two taels is enough."

An Shengyu whispered on the side,"I owe you a favor today. I haven't had breakfast made by your mother for a long time."

An Liang complained,"A great man once said that if you do it yourself, you will have enough food and clothing.""

"Then why don't you get up early and cook?"An Shengyu asked directly

"If it weren't for my poor cooking skills, I would definitely get up and make breakfast! An Liang responded confidently and confidently.

An Shengyu directly raised his voice,"Your son said he wanted to learn to cook. What did you say?" Sun

Xia's voice came from the kitchen,"Want to learn to cook?" Then I'll sign him up for a cooking school training class."

Culinary school training class?

The kind with 800 beds?

"..."An Liang was speechless

"..."An Shengyu was also quite speechless.

The two father and son looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, An Liang and An Shengyu each brought out their own portions of tomato and egg noodles from the kitchen. While eating breakfast, the Tianji artificial intelligence system reminded An Liang on his mobile phone to indicate that he had received a message from Queen Lydia of the Spanish royal family. Email coming.

While An Liang was eating tomato and egg noodles, he took out his mobile phone to check his email.

The title of the email is [Quotation], and the time column shows that it has just been received. According to the six-hour time difference between Western Spain and Xiaguo, it should be around two o'clock in the morning on the Western Spanish side.

So the Spanish royal family and the court discussed the outsourcing quotation for the fourth-generation nuclear power plant overnight?

An Liang clicked on [Quotation] to view it.


Project quotation list of Madrid IV Nuclear Power Plant in Spain:

Human resources budget: 4 billion Xia Guoyuan

Construction materials budget: Procured by the Spanish court and responsible for corresponding costs

Related energy consumption: Beared by the contractor

Completion period requirements: less than 36 months, completed by January 31, 2024 at the latest


This quotation is very concise, but the cost control in the quotation is very precise.

For example, the human resources budget is 4 billion Xia Guoyuan, and this price has been accurately calculated.

According to Anliang's previous calculations, there are currently a total of 6,820 construction workers on the construction site of the Madre IV Nuclear Power Plant, with an average monthly salary of 2,200 euros. If calculated based on a 36-month construction period, and referring to the exchange rate of 1 euro equal to 6.9615 Xia Guoyuan, the total human resources cost It is approximately 3.76 billion Xia Guoyuan.

However, if various insurance expenses are added, the corresponding human resource costs can rise to 5 billion Xia Guoyuan.

If workers’ catering expenses, medical expenses, life safety accidents, etc. are added to the equation, the corresponding human resource costs will further increase.

However, now that the Spanish court has given a quotation of 4 billion Xia Guoyuan for human resources projects, it actually cuts off the related insurance expenses. After all, what kind of insurance does a construction-type guardian robot need?

After the Spanish court cut related insurance expenses, even if it slightly increased the human resources cost budget, it would still be able to save at least 1 billion Xia Guoyuan in human resource costs.

At the same time, it will also save catering costs, medical costs, life safety accident costs and other relatively invisible costs.

An Liangdu had to give a thumbs up to the Western Banya court. They were just a little bit too shrewd.

Not only was the Spanish court very shrewd in quoting the human resources budget, they also hid a careful trick in the quotation.

The relevant energy consumption will be borne by the contractor!

This clause seems reasonable, but in fact there are huge problems hidden behind it.

Construction-type guardian robots indeed far surpass human construction workers in terms of efficiency, but construction-type guardian robots require a large amount of power resources.

The battery capacity of the Guardian series robot is 40 kilowatt hours, and the standard battery life is 360 minutes, which is equivalent to consuming 40 kilowatt hours of electricity for 6 hours of work. If it works 24 hours a day, it is actually impossible to work 24 hours a day because it needs to be charged. , even if it only takes 65 seconds to charge from zero to 100%, it still takes time.

In addition, high-intensity work around the clock also requires daily maintenance. This work also takes a while, so the construction-type guardian robot will definitely not be able to work 24 hours a day.

However, there is also a certain amount of energy loss when charging the construction-type guardian robot, and it will also consume part of the power energy during maintenance.

So rough statistics show that a construction-type guardian robot consumes about 160 degrees of power resources throughout the day.

Dream Future Energy Group has previously conducted a detailed investigation into the electricity market in the Western Hemisphere.

In 2019, the Spanish Peninsula consumed more than 220 billion kWh of electricity resources throughout the year, and the average price of electricity was US$0.25 per kilowatt hour.

For the whole of last year, that is, for the whole of 2020, Spain's annual electricity resource consumption increased slightly to 238 billion kilowatt hours, and the average price also increased slightly, reaching 0.28 US dollars per kilowatt hour.

2021 has just begun, and the OMIE/Iberian Energy Market Operator, which monopolizes the Spanish power market, has not increased prices for the time being.

But it’s just that the price has not increased for the time being!

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