The current overseas price of the standard version of the security guardian robot is as high as 5.2 million U.S. dollars, which is the global unified price except for Xia Guo.

The so-called standard version means that it is not equipped with any equipment, not even a combat uniform!

Although the cost of adding a combat uniform is not high, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is very clear that customers who purchase security guardian robots will inevitably be equipped with customized combat uniforms.

So why the extra cost?

"If His Majesty Philip plans to order 100 security Guardian robots, we can provide at least a 20% discount and free shipping."An Liang explained.

Based on a 20% discount on the unified overseas selling price of US$5.2 million, each security-type Guardian robot can get a discount of US$1.04 million. This discount is already quite good.

After all, the Guardian series robots are the most popular globally. In a monopoly state, there is no competitor at all.

Whether it is Boston Dynamics, Honda Robotics, or Neon Erica’s wife robot, they are all rookies, and they are completely unable to compete with the Guardian series robots.

In such a monopoly situation, giving a 20% discount is not a huge sign of sincerity?

An Liang continued to add,"If His Majesty Philip agrees to negotiate after-sales terms, we can give another 5% discount.""

"How do you plan to change the after-sales terms? Philip VI asked back.

An Liang replied with a smile,"We are planning to establish a rapid after-sales center in the Western Hemisphere, handle after-sales issues in the Western Hemisphere, and allow our after-sales processing time to be extended to be completed within thirty days.""

Anliang added,"We will extend the corresponding warranty period for any delays caused during the after-sales period. Philip

VI grasped the key point,"You have established a rapid after-sales center in Western Spain. Are the corresponding employees prepared to be dispatched from Xia Kingdom?""

"We will only dispatch core and key technical engineers from Xia Guo, as well as a small number of technical staff and management staff, and the rest of the staff will be recruited in the Western Hemisphere."An Liang explained

"That's no problem, we can agree to such after-sales terms."Philip VI accepted it.

Although Philip VI understood that An Liang dispatched core technical engineers from Xia Kingdom, it must be for the sake of technical confidentiality, but such an operation is understandable

"Thank you to His Majesty Philip for your understanding. An Liang responded with thanks.

Philip VI asked additionally,"Are there any other preferential terms?""

"There is also the most important preferential clause. If you can participate in the cooperative development of the Guardian series robots, we will provide a discount of up to 25%."An Liang is throwing out bait.

The maximum discount is 25%, which means that the final price after all discounts are calculated is 'only' US$2.6 million.

This is the price before the price increase!

Philip VI asked cautiously," How do we get involved in collaborative development efforts?"

"Although our group’s Guardian series robots are very powerful, equipped with powerful artificial intelligence chips, advanced optical detection systems, and a cross-generational onboard control system, it is still only a first-generation product and still has some flaws.."An Liang explained

"We hope to obtain data during the use of the security guardian robot, including but not limited to data obtained by optical detection systems, as well as detection data obtained by lidar, microwave radar, etc."An Liang explained the situation.

Philip VI was stunned for a moment, and he said hesitantly,"Without our authorization, wouldn't you be able to obtain this data?

An Liang replied affirmatively,"Of course!" We Dream of the Future Graphene Technology Group is a law-abiding company. Our privacy policy clearly states under what circumstances we can obtain data and under what circumstances we cannot obtain data. It is simply impossible for us to bypass authorization and obtain it privately. data. Philip

VI asked with interest,"Under what circumstances can you bypass authorization to obtain data?""

"For example, when a security guardian robot kills a human, the onboard system will record the corresponding information and send the corresponding information to our group, but it will only tell us that the security guardian robot has killed a human and will not report it to us. Send us detailed data."An Liang explained

"When we receive the information, we will contact the corresponding customer and ask the corresponding customer to provide the corresponding information, including but not limited to why the security guardian robot killed humans, the identity information of the humans killed, and the trial results of the local legal department etc."An Liang explained in detail.

Philip VI keenly discovered the loophole,"I watched the video of Bald Eagle explaining that your group's security guardian robot can perform tasks offline."

"Yes. An Liang answered affirmatively,"The Guardian series robots are all equipped with artificial intelligence chips developed by our group. Even when they are disconnected from the network, the Guardian series robots have powerful artificial intelligence to ensure the smooth completion of tasks.""

"Then there is a serious problem!"Philip VI answered immediately.

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