An Liang knew about Guangyu Group. Its full name is Guangyu Real Estate Group Company. It mainly develops in the four provinces of Shengqing, Xichuan, Nanyun, and Beihu. It has an asset scale of about 10 billion and is a veteran powerhouse in the Shengqing real estate circle.

However, Guangyu Group is not popular in the Shengqing real estate circle, because Guangyu Group's background is a bit complicated, and when dealing with certain problems, Guangyu Group's methods are not very honorable.

This time when the Beiyu District Old Street demolition project went out for bidding, Guangyu Group won the demolition project at a price lower than the market price. This behavior that disrupts the market is naturally disliked by its peers.

"Dad, I quite like the old streets."An Liang said foreshadowing first.

An Shengyu responded directly,"So you want to stop Guangyu?"

"Have this idea. An Liang replied.

An Shengyu was silent for a few seconds before responding,"Do you have a corresponding plan?""

"Guangyu is not very clean. Yang Guangrong is ruthless and has old-school ideas. When he encounters a problem, he usually doesn’t want to solve it.People who want to solve manufacturing problems."An Shengyu added

"If you want to stop Guangyu from transforming the old street, be careful. An Shengyu added.

An Liang replied with a smile,"If Guangyu really doesn't follow the rules, it will be a better result.""

An Shengyu knows something about An Liang, so he naturally understands what An Liang means.

"How do you want to handle it?"An Shengyu asked

"If Guangyu was sensible, I would only block the demolition plan of the old street and preserve the old street, that would be the end of it."An Liang explained.

In fact, the whole thing is very simple. An Liang just wants to keep the old street.

If Guangyu calms down the matter, Anliang will naturally not be aggressive.

But if Guangyu wants to do something that breaks the rules, he will use means outside the rules to deal with Anliang or It's against An Sheng, so An Liang will definitely not show mercy.

An Shengyu responded negatively,"Lao Yang can't simply give in. You'd better be careful.""

"OK An Liang answered,"Dad, I have arranged security personnel around you and mom. You don't have to worry about this."

An Shengyu nodded,"I will also help you keep an eye on Guangyu's situation.""

Xia Guo time, it was close to eleven o'clock in the evening.

An Liang received a call from overseas while chatting with his girlfriend in the bedroom. The caller ID showed the place he belonged to in the Spanish Peninsula. An Liang first put on the wireless headphones and then swiped the screen to answer.

"Good evening Ann, I'm Philip."The King of Spain, Philip VI, spoke first.

"Hello, Your Majesty Philip."An Liang's polite greetings

"Over there in Xia Kingdom, it should be eleven o'clock at night right now, right?"Philip asked.

The time zone of Xiba is six hours behind the Xia Empire. At this moment, the local time of Xiba is five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Yes, what's wrong with His Majesty Philip?"An Liang asked proactively.

Because of Lenore, An Liang has a close relationship with Philip VI.

Philip VI did not hide anything and said,"We have been paying attention to the situation in Xia Kingdom recently, and we are amazed by the security-type guardians. Regarding the performance of robots in Bald Eagle, we hope to introduce some security guardian robots to perform security work."

Although according to the GPI/Global Peace Index report, the peace index in the Europa Union region is very high, even far exceeding that of Xia Guo, but the actual situation is not the case.

For example, the Global Peace Index report far exceeds that of Xia Guo in the Western Hemisphere. Carry a gun!

There are four types of gun licenses in Spain, including a Class B certificate for holding pistols, a Class E certificate for holding shotguns and carbines, a Class D certificate for holding rifles, and a Class F certificate for holding rifles. Long guns and short guns used by sports league affiliates for sports events.

Ordinary people can apply for Class B and E certificates.

Under such circumstances, the security pressure in the Spanish half of the world is actually quite severe, especially the pressure on police officers.

Philip It is completely normal for the Sixth to want to introduce security-type guardian robots.

An Liang asked,"How many security-type guardian robots does His Majesty Philip want to introduce?""

Philip VI asked back,"As for the price of the security guardian robot, can we negotiate a preferential plan? An

Liang responded with a smile,"If someone else asked this, I would definitely not agree, but if His Majesty Philip asks, I will definitely give a preferential plan.""

The cost of the Guardian series robots is very cheap, because there is almost no research and development cost on both the technology development side and the hardware design side.

Coupled with the relatively low material costs, the profits of the Guardian series robots are very high.

If it were not for avoiding Impact on the Xia Kingdom’s human resources market, the Guardian series robots can be used in many industries on a large scale.

However, in order to prevent the Guardian series robots from causing a wave of unemployment and thus setting off a larger-scale turmoil, Anliang temporarily banned the Guardian robots Large scale application

"Regarding the specific preferential situation, we need to comprehensively consider demand, after-sales solutions, and assistance with research and development, etc., in order to give an accurate plan."An Liang added.

Philip VI responded,"We need at least 100 security guardian robots. If calculated based on 100 security guardian robots, what preferential plan can you give?"

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