Guinea Branch of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau.

Intelligence information chief Dennis Hawke checks the messages on his phone


‘No.1 has received the code name L’


After Dennis read the message, he immediately frowned, then picked up the phone on his desk and contacted Adrian, the head of the Guria branch.

In less than ten seconds, the call was answered, and Dennis spoke first,"Adrian, I received bad news. The No. 1 target over there should have been captured."

Dennis added that Dete had obtained the Millennium Astragalus.

"Then I will hold a discussion meeting immediately and we will discuss solutions together."Adrian responded.

Almost ten minutes later, Adrian held a discussion in the confidential conference room of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau's Guria branch. The three giants of the branch were all present, plus two senior officials arranged by the headquarters. Intelligence investigators Julianne Jahn and Wilt Maguire attended the meeting together.

Dennis Hawke, the head of intelligence information, first explained the situation encountered so far. As he spoke, he distributed a document to all participants. attendees

"According to the news coming back from inside sources, we determined that the chief minister of Guria had obtained the thousand-year astragalus. In order to confirm this news, we stole Deit’s physical examination report from the relevant hospital, thus finally confirming that Deit had indeed obtained the thousand-year astragalus.."Dennis explained

"At present, except for the Xia Kingdom, the thousand-year-old astragalus in other regions around the world is being closely watched. Only the thousand-year-old astragalus from the Xia Kingdom can be transported to Guria, and only Renyi Security Company is willing to take out the thousand-year astragalus. Dennis added.

Adrian asked casually,"What do Investigators Julianne and Wilt think?""

Julianne remained silent. She had already escaped before, so she could not fall into the quagmire of Guria again.

Julianne had previously eliminated Renyi Security Company's popular plan, and she had already received enough credit, even if the entire Guria If the mission failed, she could stay out of it, so she didn't want to get involved.

Wilt could basically escape from the vortex by taking advantage of Julianne's achievements. He didn't want to continue to participate in the battle of Guria, so he took the initiative to answer,"We I have no relevant information, so I have no opinion. Faced with Wilt

's response, coupled with Julianne's silence, Adrian and Dennis, as well as field operations chief Matt Thompson, understood that the two senior intelligence investigators from headquarters did not want to participate.

Adrian did not force it. , he looked at Matt and asked,"Matt, do you have any suggestions? Matt was silent for a moment before responding,"Since Dete has obtained the Thousand-Year Astragalus, do we have any other choice now besides turning over the trump card?""

"I believe everyone understands the importance of Millennium Astragalus. If that person reaches a cooperation agreement with Det based on Millennium Astragalus, we have only the last choice. Matt added.

Dennis chose to second his opinion,"I agree with turning over the cards.""

Adrian fell silent. Although they had prepared to reveal their trump cards before, the cost of revealing their trump cards was very high. It was equivalent to a showdown with Renyi Security Company.

If it succeeded, it would be easy to say, but what if it failed?

Once Revealing the cards and failing would mean that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau would lose control of Guria.

Under such circumstances, Adrian would inevitably bear the greatest responsibility, and he would most likely be tried internally by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

It is precisely in view of this situation that Adrian has not made a decision.

Matt and Dennis also did not speak, because they also knew the consequences.

As for Julianne and Wilt?

These two people have long stayed out of the matter, they are not involved at all The follow-up decision of the Guria branch, they just wanted to paddle safely.

When Adrian hesitated, Dennis received a new message


‘No.1 plans to take back the operating rights of Simang Iron Mine’


Dennis immediately explained this situation in a confidential meeting. He quickly added,"This piece of information, combined with the previous piece of information about the Millennium Astragalus, I have reason to suspect that Date is about to cooperate with Renyi Security Company, and even transfer Ximang Tie The management rights of the mine will be handed over to Renyi Security Company."

Julianne secretly supported Dennis's analysis in her heart. She also analyzed this possibility, and she believed that this possibility was the truth.

It’s just that Julianne didn’t want to wade into troubled waters, so naturally she didn’t express an opinion.

Wilt hesitated for a moment. He first looked at the silent Julian, then at Adrian, and finally chose to remain silent.

Wilt naturally supports Dennis's analysis, but supporting Dennis at this time means entering the game. Once he enters the game, he will definitely bear responsibility in the future.

Although their silence now will lead to accountability in the future, in this case their responsibility is relatively low.

So whether it was Julianne or Wilt, both of them remained silent.

Matt glanced at Julianne and Wilt, he sighed silently, and then added,"I agree with Dennis's analysis. When Deite takes back the operating rights of the Simang Iron Mine, he must be preparing to cooperate with Renyi Security Company.!"

Dennis looked at Adrian,"Adrian, we are now on the verge of life and death!"

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