Faced with Dr. Lambert Occam's rhetorical question, Deiter answered affirmatively,"Yes, after I got up this morning, I noticed something abnormal. My chronic pharyngitis should have improved."

"Judging from our tests, Mr. Dieter's chronic pharyngitis should have been cured, but this situation is unreasonable. Lambert tried.

Det did not answer Lambert's doubts. He continued to ask,"What about other unreasonable situations?""

Seeing that Dait had no intention of explaining, Lambert did not continue to test. He added,"During your last physical examination, Mr. Dait, we reminded Mr. Dait to pay attention to rest, because Mr. Dait's body was already in sub-optimal condition. health status"

"During this physical examination, we were very happy to find that Mr. Deit accepted our suggestions and all physical functions were very good."Lambert explained.

A look of confusion flashed in Amanda's eyes. She was very aware of Deit's situation. After Deit's last physical examination, although the doctor reminded Deit to pay attention to rest, Deit didn't listen at all, right?

However, When Deit didn't follow the doctor's advice, Deit's physical condition actually got better?

How is this possible!

"There is another special situation. After our inspection, we found that Mr. Dete's cardiopulmonary function seemed to have been strengthened. Simply put, Mr. Dete's cardiopulmonary function seemed to have returned to the state of youth."Lambert explained.

Dete couldn't help but smile, and he asked inquiringly,"Am I in a very good condition now?"

"Yes, Mr. Deit, you are in very good condition now. We checked your past physical examination reports and found that your current condition is probably similar to the physical examination report from eight years ago." Dr. Lambert explained

‘So powerful? 'Date secretly marveled.

Armand asked with concern,"Is this situation caused by any abnormal problem?"

"We also had concerns about this at the beginning, but after repeated inspections, we are still sure that Mr. Deit's situation is normal." Dr. Lambert explained

"Mr. Det, I would like to take the liberty to ask, have you had any recent..."Lambert was just halfway through asking when he was interrupted by Det.

"My medical examination report is classified as confidential. No one can view it or spread it without my permission. Doctor Lambert, do you understand?"Date reminded him.

Lambert naturally understood that this was Date's warning, and he responded affirmatively,"I understand."

Date and Amanda left the hospital under the escort of security personnel. On the way back to the Chief Minister's Mansion, Det and Amanda sat in the back seat.

Amanda leaned into Det's ear and asked in a low voice," What is the physical examination like?"

Amanda is not only Daite's assistant, she is also Daite's lover, so she can ask Daite some private questions.

Daite uses the button on the rear center console armrest to raise the privacy glass between the rear and front seats. , thus allowing the back row to form a relatively private space, which was explained later.

"Do you remember the [treasure] I told you before?"Date asked.

Amanda looked surprised,"Is that true?"

Date nodded affirmatively,"That's true. I didn't believe it at first, but as I learned more and more information, I knew the treasure was real."

"Did you obtain that treasure? Amanda asked.

Dete nodded affirmatively,"Yes, I obtained that treasure. Its name is [Millennium Astragalus]. It is a very valuable treasure, but its effect is very good.""

Amanda nodded in agreement.

"From the looks of it so far, its effect is indeed very good. This kind of treasure..."Amanda hesitated to speak.

Dete smiled, and he held Amanda in his arms,"Although this kind of treasure is very valuable, each piece is worth up to 100 million U.S. dollars, and it is not easy to buy it with money, but you are more important in my heart. , if I get another treasure, I will give it to you!"

Amanda snuggled into Dete's arms gently, she whispered,"Thank you"

"So how do you want to thank me?"Daite chuckled.

Amanda, who was originally nestled in Daite's arms, lowered her body. She lay on Daite's lap. Then the vehicle seemed to drive onto the undulating road?

Less than five minutes later, the vehicle drove again. After entering the normal road, Amanda was rinsing her mouth with mineral water, and Deiter leaned comfortably on the back seat with his eyes closed to relax.

Nearly five minutes later, Deiter returned to the Chief Minister's Mansion, and Amanda whispered,"I'll go first Go to the bathroom."

Date smiled and nodded,"I'll wait for you in the office. There will be an important thing to deal with later."

"OK"Amanda responded, and then walked to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Amanda carefully removed a tile, then took out a small SIM chip card from behind the tile, and inserted the SIM chip card into her On the phone, she quickly edited the message and sent it immediately.

After waiting for the message to be sent successfully, Amanda took out the SIM chip card, cleaned the fingerprints, and then threw it into the toilet and flushed it away....

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