The wireless headset worn in Deit's left ear continued to issue instructions,"If Mr. Deit agrees to our arrangement, please now ask Mr. Deit to go for a walk in the garden."

This was the No. 4 secret calculation to determine whether Deit was still on their side.

Just as An Liang guessed, Deiter did not betray. He followed the instructions and went for a walk in the garden of the chief minister's residence.

After confirming that Deit was still on their side, No. 4's Divine Calculator continued to order,"Mr. Deit, first think of an excuse and try to go out between eight and ten o'clock in the evening. We will take the opportunity to solve the Bald Eagle intelligence investigation. agents placed in your security team"

"Once we have dealt with the Bald Eagle agents placed in your security team, we will arrange for personnel to inspect your residence to see if Bald Eagle has installed listening devices."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Supplement

"If Mr. Deit can do it, stop for three seconds, then take two steps forward and turn left."The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator gave the order.

Det followed the No. 4 Divine Divine Calculator's instructions.

"Thanks to Mr. Deit for your cooperation, we will handle the rest."Number 4 Tianji Divine Calculation ended the exchange.

Dete took a walk in the garden for a while before returning to the mansion. After thinking about it in the office, he asked his assistant Amanda Luisa to arrange the itinerary.

"Amanda, please arrange it. We will go to the National Mall at eight o'clock in the evening. I want to see how people live at night."Daite ordered.

Amanda is not only Daite's assistant, she is also Daite's lover.

"Okay, Mr. Det, I'll make arrangements right away."Amanda responded.

At 8:30 pm local time in Guiyar, in Konak, the capital, on the road opposite the National Square, Det was driving slowly in a bulletproof off-road vehicle, followed by two off-road vehicles in front and behind. vehicle to protect Deit's safety.

However, despite such comprehensive protection measures, attacks were still encountered. Whether it was the off-road vehicle Deit was riding or the off-road vehicles taken by other security personnel, they were all attacked.

Only Deit was seen riding in The windshield of the off-road vehicle suddenly shattered, but the strong defensive power of the bulletproof glass prevented the bullet from intruding. The security personnel responsible for driving immediately stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the vehicle. The two off-road vehicles behind Deit were not so Fortunately, their off-road vehicle was not bulletproof. Two sniper bullets easily penetrated the windshield and hit the driver.

The two drivers were Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's security guards at Det. The team's insider!

After Deiter was 'attacked', he returned directly to the Chief Minister's Mansion, and then held a press conference to publicly state that he was not injured and that he would investigate the matter.

However, Deiter's press release After the meeting, the anti-imperial organization"Holy New Life" in Guinea publicly claimed responsibility for the attack on Det. Holy

New Life is a famous anti-imperial organization in Guinea. This organization controls a part of the mountainous area in southeastern Guinea as a Base area.

In addition to the Holy Rebirth, two anti-imperial organizations, 'Song of Tomorrow' and 'Holy Grace', have jumped out and claimed responsibility for the attack on Det.

The three anti-imperial organizations have a unified feature, and they all have Bald Eagle intelligence behind the scenes. The Bureau of Investigation supported it, and the people who spoke publicly were all external spokespersons of the corresponding organizations.

This situation made the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau a little confused. The Guinean anti-imperial organization they supported attacked Det, but they were the ones who were killed. Two insiders arranged around Deiter.

What kind of magic operation is this?

However, the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau soon discovered that something was wrong, because after contact, the three anti-imperial organizations all denied that they attacked Chief Minister Deiter and confirmed Their spokespersons have not made similar remarks.

In fact, the so-called external spokespersons of the three major anti-imperial organizations are all disguised as the ever-changing Enchantress No. 9.

Renyi Security Company not only wants to eliminate the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’s placement on Dai The secret line around the special agent was also to drive a wedge between the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and the anti-imperial organizations it supported. The

Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was naturally not stupid. When they discovered these problems, they suspected that it was a counterattack from Renyi Security Company..

But the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’s Guria branch has no idea how to fight back against Renyi Security Company. After all, Renyi Security Company’s activities in Guria are currently hidden.

Even now that Renyi Security Company has been exposed and corrupted by Chief Minister Dai There is a connection between the two, but the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has no way to directly target Renyi Security Company.

As for targeting the ruined Chief Minister Dieter?

It is also impossible!

No matter how well the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau does it, or even if it is seamless, there is no way Leave no evidence behind, but there are some things that don't require evidence. All you need to do is to suspect the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, which can plunge the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau into an abyss.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is suspected of manipulating internal affairs in many countries and regions around the world. If the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau kills Deit, will relevant personnel in other countries and regions who cooperate with the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau worry about being bald? Kill the Eagle Intelligence Bureau?

In view of this invisible rule, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau cannot directly kill Deit. They can only secretly compete with Renyi Security Company in the shadows.

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