Xia country time, it was close to eleven o'clock in the evening on March 1st.

An Liang casually replied to the messages from Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, and then received the message from the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

‘No. 4: BOSS, the thousand-year-old Astragalus has arrived in Guria, but there is a little problem.’


‘No. 4: We found a large number of Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau agents around target No. 1.’

‘Zero: Our plan was exposed?’

‘No. 4: Unable to determine at the moment’

‘Number 4: We are assessing the current situation’

‘No. 4: According to the intelligence obtained by local field personnel in Guria, the agents surrounding Target No. 1 appeared less than 48 hours ago.’

‘Zero: Comprehensively assess the situation of Target No. 1 and comprehensively determine whether Target No. 1 betrays us.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

Facing the abnormal situation that occurred in Gulia, An Liang frowned a little. He did not believe that Deit had betrayed them, because An Liang was very sure that the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Agency could not give Deit more benefits.

What's more important is that Anliang can give Dete Millennium Astragalus slices. What can the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau give?

Even if the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is willing to give Dieter monetary compensation, Anliang had previously promised to directly give Dieter 2 billion US dollars. Can the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau give so much money?

Just kidding!

What kind of poor organization is the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau? It deserves more money than An Liang?

When it comes to throwing money, An Liang knows much more than the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau cannot compete with An Liang in terms of their position and amount of funds.

Therefore, An Liang does not believe that Deit will rebel. The greater possibility is that the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau may have discovered clues and then placed agents around Deit to prevent Renyi Security Company from having contact with Deit.

In Guiyar, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon local time. Guiyar's time zone was 8 hours behind the capital of the Xia Empire.

Chief Minister's Residence.

A young service staff pushed the dining cart to the door of the restaurant. The security personnel checked the condition of the dining cart. After confirming that there was no problem, they confirmed the identity of the service personnel and then allowed the service personnel to enter the restaurant.

The chief minister, Deiter, was sitting on a chair waiting for the waiter to serve the food. When the waiter was serving the food, Deiter casually asked,"Little Norton, how is your father's health?" Deiter knew the food delivery service. Personnel, in fact Deit knew all the staff at the First Minister's House, this was because Deit was insecure so he knew everyone, thus avoiding the danger posed by strangers.

Little Norton quickly responded,"Thank you Mr. Deit for your concern. My dad is in good condition. He will be discharged from the hospital soon to serve Mr. Deit.""

"I love your dad's Gallic cuisine, especially the pan-fried foie gras and the baked escargots."Date said with a smile.

Little Norton thanked him on his father's behalf,"I think my father will be honored."

Little Norton was serving the food while he was talking. He also secretly glanced at the security personnel at the door. This action was naturally noticed by Dete. Dete secretly became vigilant, but did not attack immediately.

Little Norton was serving the last dish. When he was there, he placed a wireless earphone the size of a soybean next to the dinner plate facing Deite, and specifically clicked on the wireless earphone to attract Deite's attention.

"Mr. Det, I wish you a pleasant meal."After Little Norton finished speaking, he bowed and left.

Dete glanced at the soybean-sized wireless headset, and then at Little Norton who was leaving. In the end, he did not call the security personnel.

This was not only because Dete thought that Little Norton was not It would harm him, and it was also because Dete found that some people around him had problems.

Dete put away the soybean-sized wireless headphones while he was eating. After the meal, he first returned to his bedroom, and then went to the bathroom. Zhong pretended to lower his head to wash up, and then put the wireless earphone in his left ear.

As Det put on the wireless earphone, a neutral electronic sound came from the wireless earphone.

"Hello, Mr. Deit, is it convenient for you to speak now? If it is convenient, just answer. If you are not sure whether the surrounding environment is safe, just cough."Neutralized electronic voice inquiry

"cough!"Date pretended to have phlegm in his throat and coughed.

"It seems that Mr. Deit has also noticed changes in the surrounding situation. We found that there are a large number of agents from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau around Mr. Deit. In Mr. Deit's mansion, there are even two security personnel who are also from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. agent."Neutral electronic sound description

"Mr. Deit, we have sent samples of the Thousand-Year Astragalus to Guria, but given the circumstances surrounding Mr. Deit, we are temporarily unable to determine how to send the Thousand-Year Astragalus to Mr. Deit."Neutralized electronic sound supplement

"Next, we need the cooperation of Mr. Deiter. Mr. Deiter, please think of a reason to go out, and then ask the security personnel to escort you out. We will take this opportunity to eliminate the two bald eagles hidden in Mr. Deiter's security team. Bureau of Intelligence Agent."Neutralized Electronic Sound Interpretation Plan

"After solving the hidden dangers of Mr. Deit's security team, we will send the things to Mr. Deit's mansion through Little Norton again. We suggest that Mr. Deit take it directly. After all, Mr. Deit also knows its value very well."The neutral electronic voice suggested.

Deit did not speak. When the other party told him that there were two agents from the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau in the security team, Deit felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He suspected that his mansion was being attacked by Bald Eagles. The Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation installed listening equipment.

In fact, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did install a large number of listening devices in Dieter's mansion.

The Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation not only installed monitoring equipment in the ruined chief minister's mansion, but also monitored Dieter The mobile phone signal!

So No. 4 Tianji Shenshuang contacted Deit through Little Norton's wireless earphones to avoid being discovered by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

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