In the small town of Shiliwan, a raging fire broke out in a residential bungalow. This abnormal situation immediately attracted the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system of the smart city project.

Under the leadership of Renyi Security Company, smart city projects around Shili Bay are equipped with infrared thermal radiation detectors to better protect the Shili Bay Life Science Research Center.

When a fire broke out in a resident's bungalow, the infrared thermal radiation detector of the smart city project had already detected a high-heat condition exceeding the threshold.

Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System also notified Renyi Security Company immediately, asked Renyi Security Company's field personnel to come over to investigate the situation, and notified the fire department at the same time.

Thomas and Nasim took advantage of a fire in a resident's bungalow and drove off on two motorcycles, wearing full-coverage motorcycle helmets in an attempt to muddle through.

However, neither Thomas nor Nasim knew that they had been"betrayed" by Zhou You. Even though they were wearing full-coverage motorcycle helmets, they were immediately targeted by the smart city project.

It's just that Renyi Security Company has let them go for the time being.

An Liang checked the information about Thomas and Nasim's escape on his tablet. He smiled. Did these two people really think they could escape?

If they were allowed to run away, not only would it not paralyze the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but it would instead make the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau suspicious.

Because just like An Liang will not underestimate the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will not underestimate An Liang and Renyi Security Company.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau knows very well how high the security level of Shiliwan is, and they also know very well what extent Renyi Security Company can achieve when the confidential information of Shiliwan Life Science Research Center may be lost.

In particular, Shengqing also launched a smart city project.

With the help of smart city projects, it is impossible for Thomas and Naseem to escape Shengqing.

An Liang checked Zhou You's location on the tablet again. Zhou You was much smarter. He still stayed in Shiliwan Town and had no intention of escaping.

Because Zhou You also knew very well that according to the current situation, it was impossible for him to escape from Shili Bay.

If he had escaped from Ten Mile Bay now, it would be impossible for the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to believe him.

So Zhou You still hides in Shiliwan Town, hiding himself with the help of the residents living in Shiliwan Town.

Outside the town of Shiliwan.

Two high-powered motorcycles were driving at a fast speed, but they soon discovered a new trouble. At the exit of the road leaving Shiliwan, the Shiliwan Patrol Station actually set up a checkpoint to check passing vehicles one by one.

This situation makes Thomas and Naseem a little desperate

"What do we do now? Nasim asked through the wireless headset.

Thomas hesitated for a moment before responding,"I have investigated the map of Shili Bay before. We can take a detour from the countryside. As long as we go faster, we still have a chance to leave.""

It was naturally impossible for Nasim to refuse.

The two immediately turned around and left, but such behavior immediately attracted the attention of the traffic checkpoint. The security personnel of Renyi Security Company hidden in the traffic checkpoint immediately reported the situation.

On Anliang's tablet computer An inquiry message from the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system also appeared, waiting for An Liang to issue an execution order.

"Go all out to capture the two!" An Liang ordered.

According to An Liang's original plan, he was going to let Thomas and Nasim leave the town of Shiliwan, and then arrest the two of them at the airport or train station.

As a result, Thomas and Nasim's performance was too amateurish, and they actually wanted to directly Leaving the town of Shiliwan without observing the traffic checkpoint in advance.

If Anliang continued to let Thomas and Nasim go, flaws might be exposed, so Anliang ordered the two people to be arrested directly.

Following Anliang's order, he was stationed at the traffic inspection The security personnel of the Renyi Security Company at the station immediately pursued the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, and the headquarters of the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center also dispatched a dozen deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to pursue and intercept.

Nasim controlled the While riding a motorcycle, he observed the situation at the traffic checkpoint behind through the rearview mirror. When he spotted two luxury third-generation flying motorcycles taking off, Nasim suddenly became nervous.

"Thomas, we've been spotted, and there's a flying motorcycle chasing us. Nasim said quickly.

Thomas's heart sank. He knew about flying motorcycles. He could even memorize the parameters of flying motorcycles. According to the performance of flying motorcycles, it would only take an instant for them to be caught up.

"Damn it! Thomas! What should we do now? Nasim asked intertwinedly.

Thomas sighed,"I said before, we're done!""

"You said before that we still have a glimmer of hope." Naseem raised his voice.

"You also said that there is a glimmer of hope, but naturally there is little hope. Thomas responded with a cold sense of humor.

Just after Thomas responded, a loud shout came from the sky

"Attention to the two black motorcycles below, you are suspected of traffic violations, please stop immediately and undergo inspection!"

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