After Zhou You predicted Zhang Dahai's operation, he immediately used the confidential mobile phone provided by Renyi Security Company to contact Zhong Honglin again, and then sent the situation of Thomas and Nasim.

After Zhong Honglin received the message from Zhou You, he naturally did not arrest Thomas and Nasim immediately. If he arrested the two now, wouldn't that directly expose Zhou You?

Quite the opposite in fact!

Zhou You revealed the existence of Thomas and Nasim to Zhong Honglin in order to allow Renyi Security Company to open the door for them.

Otherwise, according to Renyi Security Company's control over Shili Bay, how could three-legged cats like Thomas and Nasim escape?

On the other side, after Thomas and Nasim received the order to travel around, Thomas began to think about it.

"It's over, it's over, we're done this time! Thomas muttered.

Nasim complained,"We still have a chance!""

"We have no chance. Now that Shiliwan is under martial law and Shengqing has launched a smart city project, even if we leave Shiliwan, we have no way to leave Shengqing. Thomas said dejectedly.

Nasim responded,"The smart city project is flawed. Without a security monitoring system, the smart city project is useless.""

"The martial law in Shili Bay is indeed a bit troublesome, but with such a big thing happening in Shili Bay, they will definitely not be able to completely block it. We can set the pace on the Internet and let those journalists come to interview, and we will take the opportunity to escape."Nasim added.

Thomas suddenly burst out complaining,"Are you really stupid, or are you pretending?

Nasim hesitated," What do you mean?""

"idiot! Thomas complained again.

Nasim still hesitated,"What do you mean?""

"Who are we? Thomas asked

"Of course we are..."Naseem paused suddenly

"Do you understand? Thomas sighed,"The two of us may have become abandoned. Our current actions are nothing more than to attract the attention of the Ten Mile Bay security team and thus provide cover for Albatross's escape.""

"Believe it or not, it is impossible for us to contact Albatross now! Thomas looked at Nasim.

Thomas continued,"If we contact the headquarters now, the headquarters will definitely perfunctory us, and even make us obey the orders of the albatross. We are simply abandoned!""

As Thomas analyzed, Nasim's expression changed again and again. Originally, Nasim was only thinking about meritorious service and promotion, so as to reach the top of his life.

But now it seems that he is actually treated as an outcast?

Who can accept this!

"So what do we do now? Nasim asked with a frustrated look.

Thomas shook his head,"I don't know either. I probably can only follow the orders despite knowing that I am being treated as an outcast. But we can still fight for the only chance of survival.""

"What vitality?"Nasim asked quickly

"We will try to drive out of Shiliwan during the day tomorrow. If we can leave, we will still have a chance to escape. Even if we are stopped, as long as there are news reporters at the scene, we still have a chance to survive." Thomas explained

"So our current task is to create public pressure on the Xiaguo Internet and make everyone pay attention to Shili Bay."Thomas added.

I have to say that Thomas's analysis has something to it.

In fact, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau headquarters did treat them as abandoned children, but Thomas and Nasim didn't know that Zhou You had rebelled in advance, so their worries were somewhat justified. Superfluous.

When Thomas and Nasim were hyping up the Shiliwan explosion on the Internet, Zhou You did not leave Shiliwan, but came to the town of Shiliwan to hide.

Because the Shiliwan Special Branch of Renyi Security Company even Drones were dispatched to patrol the night sky. Wouldn't it be funny if Zhou You escaped from Shili Bay under such circumstances?

The next day, at around eight o'clock in the morning, the people of Shili Bay were discussing Shili Bay lively. Regarding the explosion at the Bay Life Science Research Center, Thomas and Nasim had been busy all night, making the explosion at the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center a hot topic on the Internet.

After all, the explosion in Xia Kingdom brought its own traffic!

It was approaching nine o'clock When Thomas took a deep breath, he tried to contact Zhou You, but just as Thomas guessed, he was unable to contact Zhou You.

This situation made both Thomas and Nasim fall into despair.

"Am I right? Thomas said bitterly.

Nasim nodded.

"Has the eavesdropping base been dealt with? Thomas asked.

Nasim responded immediately,"Don't worry, I have cleaned up all the evidence and placed the gasoline bottle. It can be ignited remotely at any time, so that the traces of the fire can be completely eliminated.""

"Then execute it immediately. After a while, it will become chaotic, and we can take the opportunity to leave Shili Bay." Thomas responded

"Let’s leave the albatross alone? Naseem asked hesitantly.

"I'm afraid the albatross won't see us at all and will probably leave alone. Thomas guessed

"Understood! Nasim responded, and then remotely activated the ignition device of the eavesdropping base on his mobile phone, causing the eavesdropping base to burst into flames in an instant.


PS: I was in a hurry to get home and update. I was running at 100km/h and the right front tire had a puncture. Thanks to the BMW puncture-proof tires for saving my life.

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