Nathan and Brandon didn't understand technology. They didn't even go to high school, so how could they know whether what Lucian said was true or false?

In fact, Lucian himself doesn’t even know!

Lucien was just guessing.

Because both Nathan and Brandon have completed their work, Lucian can only forcefully guess and analyze to show that he has also done something.

"Now that Lucian has prepared a signal jammer and Brandon has prepared a firearm, we will choose Central Park Elementary School as the target of the attack. We will act on time at five o'clock in the afternoon, imitating the situation at Yonkers Elementary School, and we will drive to Central Park He opened fire at the entrance of the elementary school, emptied his bullets and ran away."Nathan explained the plan.

Brandon nodded in agreement,"No problem!"

Lucian hesitated for a moment, but agreed,"I don't have any objection either."

"Let’s go have some food first, then take a break to conserve energy, and move ahead to check out the spot at 3:30 in the afternoon."Nathan made a decision.

Faced with Nathan's decision, Brandon and Lucien naturally did not refuse.

Time passed by in a hurry.

Three-thirty in the afternoon came in a blink of an eye.

"Lucian, wait a moment while you drive and deal with the signal jammer, and then finally fire, do you understand?"Nathan assigned the work.

Lucien naturally agreed.

"Brandon, let's see the opportunity and fire right away!"Nathan looked at Brandon.

Brandon agreed affirmatively,"Okay."

Five minutes later, Lucian drove a modified high-horsepower car and set off with Nathan and Brandon. They were going to go to the entrance of Central Park Elementary School first, and run around the surrounding roads to familiarize themselves with the road conditions. And choose an escape route.

Although they had discussed these things on the electronic map, they still had to conduct a field trip in the end, so they set off early for Central Park Elementary School. In less than half an hour, Lucian drove a modified high-horsepower car and passed by the entrance of Central Park Elementary School. Nathan was sitting in the passenger seat, and he saw two Guardian robots standing guard at the entrance of Central Park Elementary School.

Nathan took a photo with his mobile phone, then zoomed in to check the situation, and then introduced,"We will attack later. When you're at Central Park Elementary School, be careful not to attack the robots. They should be wearing body armor."

"OK"Brandon responded.

Lucien also responded,"Copy that."

However, Nathan didn't know one thing at all. His action of taking pictures of Central Park Elementary School while sitting in the passenger seat was discovered by the Guardian robot and marked by the Guardian robot. The two Guardian robots not only recorded the contents of Nathan’s facial features were also recorded on the high-powered modified car they drove.

For human security personnel, Nathan’s movements may be very hidden. Even if they are discovered by human security personnel, the human security personnel will not write them down carefully. After all, human beings Security personnel have limited memory capabilities and limited mental concentration time, so it is impossible to remember such a small problem.

But the Guardian robot is different!

The Guardian robot is equivalent to having the ability to forget everything. Once the Guardian robot discovers the problem , will be recorded in the memory by the guardian robot, and a reminder program will be established to ensure that the corresponding situation will not be forgotten.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, Lucian drove past the entrance of Central Park Elementary School again, and this time Nathan did not take any more pictures. But Nathan has been observing the entrance of Central Park Elementary School.

This situation was discovered by the guardian robot again!

‘At an interval of 14 minutes and 27 seconds, suspicious human target A was found again. Through analysis, target A was observing the situation at Central Park Elementary School and added a focus sequence.’

‘At an interval of 14 minutes and 27 seconds, a suspicious vehicle target was found again. The vehicle showed signs of modification and was added to the focus sequence.’

‘Image information of suspicious human target A is being sent to the highest authority administrator. '

Williams, who was handling work at Amgen Company, received an E-mail from the Guardian Robot Intelligent System.

In the email, the Guardian robot sent Nathan's photo and reported Nathan's suspicious behavior.

After Williams read the email, he immediately contacted Detective Chan Ning of the Central Park Police Department, whom he was familiar with. He sent Nathan's photo and asked the other party to help him check whether there was a record in the criminal record database..

In less than three minutes, Inspector Channing responded to the message, stating that Nathan had multiple criminal records and had been in jail for more than a year for a gun wounding case.

This situation made Williams slightly nervous. After a slight hesitation, he followed the instructions in the guardian robot's manual and sent Nathan's information back via email.

Less than ten seconds after the email was sent, Williams received the email again. The reply from the Guardian robot's intelligent system was very simple, just a paragraph of text: 'The system has received the criminal record of the suspect. The system will focus on the activities of suspects. '

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