Bald Eagle It was close to four o'clock in the local morning. In an unknown room in West Midtown, Manhattan, three Nigel youths were checking the information posted on the Amgen company's social account.

"Damn the rich people, are they discriminating against us by deploying these robots?"A young man from Niger snorted coldly.

"Brandon, I heard your cousin can get bang bang?"Another Nigel young man made a gun-firing motion with his right hand.

Brandon, who initially complained, hesitated for a moment before responding inquiringly,"Nathan, what do you want to do?

Nathan smiled,"Of course it proves that Amgen's robots have no effect at all!""

"Brandon, Lucien, do you want to come together?"Nathan looked at his companions.

Faced with Nathan's invitation, Brandon and Lucian both showed hesitation.

Nathan continued,"We have always been discriminated against by those rich people, and they have now begun to make arrangements for us. Robots, if these robots are proven to be effective, they will definitely deploy more robots. What kind of injustice will we suffer in the future?"

"We cannot accept the discrimination of those white-skinned pigs! Nathan said righteously.

Brandon sighed,"My cousin can indeed get firearms. What are you going to do?""

"I plan to first investigate what is happening with Amgen's robots, and then make plans accordingly."Nathan said cautiously.

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief. At least Nathan didn't say that he would go directly.

If Nathan's plan was to go directly, then Brandon would definitely not participate, but since Nathan planned First investigate the situation of Amgen and the Guardian robots. Brandon feels that he can act according to the situation.

"Lucian, can you hack into Amgen's internal network and see if you can directly control those robots through Amgen's internal network."Nathan looked at Lucian.

Lucian was a computer expert, at least among these Nigel gangsters.

Faced with Nathan's proposal, Lucian did not refuse. He responded,"I'll try it first. Nathan concluded,"Next, I will be responsible for investigating the robots, Brandon will be responsible for the firearms, and Lucian will be responsible for invading Amgen's internal network. We will meet again at noon.""

After the three separated, Lucian immediately began to try to invade Amgen's internal network.

However, how could Amgen's internal network be easily cracked?

Although Amgen is not a network technology company, Amgen is a pharmaceutical research and development company, and a pharmaceutical research and development company. Data security is very important, so Amgen's internal network security is extremely high.

Lucien had no chance to break through Amgen's internal network, but was almost discovered by Amgen's network security experts.

Brandon's operation was very smooth. Through his cousin, he easily obtained three pistols. Although there is no more powerful rifle, the pistols are better concealed and easier to launch a surprise attack.

Nathan's operation was also very smooth. Through phishing discussions on social networks , Nathan determined that Amgen Company had deployed Guardian robots in three locations, and determined the number of corresponding Guardian robots. Just after

11:30 noon local time in Bald Eagle, the three Nathans met again.

Nathan first explained ,"I investigated three locations where the Guardian robots are deployed, namely Central Park West Riverside Community, West Riverside Shopping Center, and Central Park Elementary School."

"There are four Guardian robots in the first two locations, and there are only two Guardian robots in Central Park Elementary School. I personally recommend choosing Central Park Elementary School. We can imitate the Yonkers Elementary School incident!"Nathan explained.

Brandon took out three pistols directly and attached three magazines."I got three pistols. Although they are all second-hand goods, they are very well maintained and have a magazine capacity of up to Ten rounds."

Nathan and Brandon looked at Lucian together.

Lucian responded slightly awkwardly,"Amgen's internal network security level is very high. I can't break through their firewall, so I'm not sure if I can control those robots through remote means."

Lucian added,"But I have prepared a signal jammer. Once we start taking action, we can use the signal jammer to block the network signal so that those robots cannot connect to the network."

"I believe that those robots will be greatly affected after they are disconnected from the network, because I suspect that those robots use cloud computing processing technology."Lucian's guessed analysis.

However, the Guardian robot does not use cloud computing processing technology!

The operating system of the Guardian robot was independently developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. This set of operating systems uses a ternary solution, thus Better processing of fuzzy information.

Coupled with the image recognition technology provided by the lighthouse helmet and the intelligent decision-making system provided by the flying motorcycle project, the guardian robot can realize the function of offline independent action.

Therefore, through the signal jammer, it is basically Can't affect the guardian robot!

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