‘An Liang: What's going on?’

‘An Liang: You directly transferred the military's design plan. Doesn't the military have any objections?’

‘Hao Zhipeng: The military has no objection’

‘Hao Zhipeng: After our group reached a cooperation agreement with Amgen, the military representative in the group proposed to us that they could provide a design plan.’

‘Hao Zhipeng: The military has been designing various weapons based on the Guardian prosthetic framework’

‘Hao Zhipeng: For example, this security robot has been designed by the military a long time ago. It is used by the military in patrolling, guarding, demining, and material transportation.’

‘Hao Zhipeng: The military has licensed the relevant technology to us for free, and it is fully authorized. ’

Looking at the message sent by Hao Zhipeng, An Liang nodded with satisfaction.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is deeply involved with the military.

For example, most of the graphene lithium-ion batteries currently produced by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are supplied to the military, and they are supplied at very low prices, which are almost unprofitable.

Now that the military has directly licensed all the technology of security robots to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for free, is it getting something in return?

‘Anliang: Can our production line manufacture security robots?’

‘Hao Zhipeng: The military has provided us with a supporting industrial chain’

‘Hao Zhipeng: For example, external bulletproof armor can be purchased directly through the military’s procurement channels. In addition, combat uniforms, combat gloves and combat boots can all be purchased through military channels.’

‘Hao Zhipeng: The military even provided us with an assembly factory’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Mr. An, we have recalculated the cost. The original cost of a security robot was 680,000 yuan. If we use the military's procurement channel, the cost can be reduced by nearly 10%, plus the OEM assembly fee. , the final price is only 620,000 Xia Guoyuan’

‘An Liang: Then use military channels. '

An Liang is not polite at all!

Not only because Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is deeply involved with the military, and not only because Dream Future Graphene Technology Group provided a large number of graphene lithium-ion batteries to the military at a low profit, but also because An Liang is very aware of human nature.

As the saying goes: Reciprocity is a courtesy, but it is not polite to come and not go back. It is also disrespectful to go back and forth but not come back.

The military is always in debt to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and that is definitely not a good thing.

After all, too much favor is also a burden!

So facing the olive branch offered by the military, Anliang naturally chose to accept it.

Besides, the guys from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are already very self-aware, and the military’s design plans have been directly transferred over. What else can An Liang say?

‘An Liang: Hao Gong, look at what other useful design plans the military has, and you can bring them over with you!’

‘Hao Zhipeng:...’

‘Hao Zhipeng: This...’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Mr. An, this time the design of the security robot was given proactively by the military, not from us.’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: You deal with the security robot first’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Then we send all the information about the security robot to Amgen? '

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group directly transferred the military's design plan. After making the security robot, it did not give feedback to Amgen, but asked Anliang to review it immediately.

‘An Liang: No problem!’

‘An Liang: You sent the static display pictures and dynamic demonstration videos of the security robot to Xia Guo, the representative of Amgen Company, and invited him to visit the headquarters at the same time.’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Got it! '

However, just after An Liang finished communicating with Hao Zhipeng, he received a call from Eric, the representative of Xia Guo of Amgen.

An Liang glanced at the time. It was now close to eleven o'clock in the night. He thought about it for a moment. If Eric called at this time, there must be something important.

An Liang put on his Bluetooth headset to answer the call. He spoke first:"Mr. Eric, what's the matter?"

Eric apologized first and said,"I'm sorry to disturb Mr. An's rest at such a late hour."

"But something really bad is happening on our side. Eric added,"At 10:44 this morning, there was a shooting in New York City, Bald Eagle." An

Liang responded calmly,"Is it a new thing that a shooting case of your bald eagle happened?""

"Ahem! Eric coughed twice,"It is true that shooting cases in our Bald Eagle are not new, but this time the shooting case is very serious. An 18-year-old Onsace man went to Niguel Community Club via live broadcast. , using assault rifles to kill 23 people, including 21 Nigels and 2 Onsas.

An Liang frowned after hearing this and asked hesitantly,"Is the perpetrator a seed discriminator?""

"It is not clear yet, and the relevant case was blocked by the New York Court. However, this incident caused a lot of trouble in our Bald Eagle, and a large number of people expressed their lack of security."Eric explained

"Mr. An, our company hopes that your group can complete a deeply customized security robot as soon as possible."Eric added the reason for the call.

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