An Liang contacted Xue Zhongrui of Anxin Media Group on the spot and asked Xue Zhongrui to handle the matter of purchasing the online broadcast rights of"Xiaguo Restaurant".

Less than five minutes later, Du Ruonan received a call from Qiao Yafei, the person in charge of Aiyi Video.

Since both parties are our own people, within a few minutes, the cooperation plan was quickly determined through just a phone call.

After ending the call, Du Ruonan sighed and said,"Maomao, I think you should have asked for help earlier. With Mr. An's resources, our cooperation has been so smooth!"

Yang Maoyi laughed a little embarrassedly.

An Liang pinched Yang Maoyi's little face and said,"You won't be allowed to do that anymore, you know?"

"I see."Yang Maoyi agreed quickly.

But An Liang knew very well that although Yang Maoyi agreed readily, next time a similar situation occurs, this little vixen will still give priority to him to avoid trouble him. So who can refuse such a little vixen?

Anyway, An Liang couldn't refuse!

At around six o'clock in the evening, An Liang and Yang Maoyi left the Nanruo Photography Studio. Instead of going to have dinner immediately, the two returned to Linshan Residence for a fight between the righteous giant Taoist An and the little vixen.

The result of this battle was naturally that the righteous giant An Daochang won a complete victory!

An Liang looked at the defeated little vixen, he stroked the opponent's silky long hair, and then reminded him,"If you encounter problems in the future, I am Your strong support!

Yang Maoyi responded lazily,"Your Majesty, I know!""

The two of them stayed together for a quarter of an hour, then got up again.

"What shall we have for dinner? An Liang asked Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi did not answer directly. She asked,"What does the king want to eat?""

"As long as it's not hotpot, I'm fine with it."An Liang responded.

I'm afraid An Liang is a fake Shengqing person. He has no obsession with hot pot. He is the kind of Shengqing person who doesn't care if he doesn't eat hot pot for a year.

Yang Maoyi also knew this, and she replied with a smile,"Then let's go How about eating sushi?"

"no problem. An Liang nodded,"It's good to eat something lighter at night.""

The sushi restaurant Yang Maoyi chose is an affordable sushi restaurant. The per capita price is only about one hundred yuan. Compared with luxury sushi restaurants with one or two thousand yuan per capita, this price is indeed very low.

Although it is a cheap sushi restaurant, the taste is It’s really good, and the service is very considerate. Even if the food reward is not triggered, An Liang also gives a thumbs up to the affordable sushi restaurant. It’s close to ten o’clock in the evening.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi return from a walk in Linshanju Community. In the second game, the righteous giant An Daozhang The battle with the little vixen began.

The result was still the defeat of the little vixen!

While the little vixen was recuperating, Anliang received a report from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

The Dream Future Graphene Technology Group had actually completed a project based on guardianship. A security robot with a deeply customized prosthetic frame!

Is this speed too fast?

An Liang looked at the report information sent by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. In this report information, there are not only relevant parameters of the security robot, but also There are static display pictures of security robots, as well as dynamic demonstration videos. The static display pictures of security robots are very interesting. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has carefully dressed up the security robots, including a full set of black combat uniforms, plus a dark full-coverage The lighthouse helmet, black tactical gloves and black tactical leather boots make the security robot look like a fully armed human being without the image of a robot at all. The static display picture of the security robot has a narration explanation, indicating that this fully armed appearance is not only It can improve the deterrent effect against criminals, and is more easily accepted by ordinary people, avoiding the sense of sci-fi horror that arouses ordinary people.

After all, this kind of fully armed appearance is better than a disguised steel-framed robot, right?

In the dynamic demonstration video , the heavily armed security robot held an explosion-proof shield in its left hand and an explosion-proof steel fork in its right hand, and easily subdued two demonstrators who were imitating criminals. At the same time, the heavily armed security robot also demonstrated the use of nylon ropes to tie criminals, and The use of rubber balls to hit criminals remotely.

The security robot's use of nylon ropes to tie criminals shows the flexibility of the security robot's hands. The security robot's use of rubber balls to hit criminals remotely shows the security robot's remote locking capabilities.

These two abilities are what Amgen values ​​most, because the combination of these two abilities will give the security robot the ability to use firearms. After watching the dynamic demonstration video of the security robot, Anliang found the guardian in the confidential communication software Hao Zhipeng, chief scientist and person in charge of the prosthetic framework project

‘An Liang: Hao Gong, your design speed is so fast?’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Huh?’

‘Hao Zhipeng: Mr. An doesn’t know?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Hao Zhipeng: We directly transferred the military design. An

Liang looked at Hao Zhipeng's reply. He was a little unable to complain. Is it okay to just transfer the military's design plan?

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