An Liang did not know that the six major financial institutions of Bald Eagle had given up controlling the physical industry chain of South Vietnam and chose to protect their economic interests as the next best thing.

In the Internet of South Vietnam, because the No. 4 Divine Calculation continues to release big tricks, the melon-eating people of South Vietnam are paying more and more attention to the Bald Eagle financial institution's penetration of the South Vietnam's physical industry chain.

The imperial court of South Vietnam also noticed such a thing, and after an emergency investigation, it was found that, just like the revelations on the Internet, a considerable part of South Vietnam's physical industry chain had actually been penetrated.

This situation naturally aroused the vigilance of the South Vietnamese court.

Even if South Vietnam is a small country and lags behind in modernization and development, it does not mean that South Vietnam is willing to be infiltrated by Bald Eagle.

After all, when there is a choice, who is willing to put his life in the control of others?

In the South Vietnam stock market, stocks that had continued to rise are now showing a downward trend. This situation has caused more chain reactions.

Bald Eagle Alliance of Six Major Financial Institutions Wants toThe idea of ​​preserving economic interests is also being shattered. If they fail to stabilize the situation in the South Vietnam stock market, their economic interests may be greatly damaged.

So Bald Eagle’s financial institution chose to take over!

With the takeover of the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions, the originally turbulent South Vietnam stock market gradually stabilized, as if the previous rumors had not affected the South Vietnam stock market.

Faced with such a situation, An Liang immediately ordered No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator to

‘No. 0: You immediately pretend to be fans of the economist Ruan Kangning on the Internet in South Vietnam, and encourage the other party to tell you why the stock market in South Vietnam is still very stable. '

An Liang is planning to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

Smart people can see that the current stability of South Vietnam's stock market must be supported by Bald Eagle's financial institutions.

However, there are more leeks in the stock market!

Even if there are smart people, they are still delirious when driven by greed.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator immediately followed An Liang's instructions and started making trouble on the South Vietnam Internet. They pretended to be fans of economist Ruan Kangning and asked Ruan Kangning to give an explanation.

Ruan Kangning is naturally also paying attention to the Internet situation in South Vietnam. Faced with a large number of topics that make him feel uncomfortable, how can a smart person like Ruan Kangning not see that this is forcing him to target Bald Eagle's financial institution?

Ruan Kangning just pretended not to see it!

Compared to fame, Ruan Kangning feels that his life is more important.

Of course, Ruan Kangning can see through the current fog of South Vietnam's stock market. Now it is obvious that Bald Eagle's financial institutions are driving up South Vietnam's stock market.

The next step for Bald Eagle's financial institutions should be to create all kinds of good news, so that the people of South Vietnam have confidence in the stock market of South Vietnam.

The next step should be for Bald Eagle financial institutions to collectively cash out and run away, allowing the people of South Vietnam to take over.

Although Ruan Kangning is also a South Vietnamese, and Ruan Kangning has seen through the plan of Bald Eagle Financial Institution, Ruan Kangning has no intention of standing up and explaining.

Because Ruan Kangning knows very well that if he reveals the plan of Bald Eagle Financial Institution, he will definitely be resented by Bald Eagle Financial Institution and suffer revenge from Bald Eagle Financial Institution.

Once the Bald Eagle Financial Institution retaliates, it may lose its life!

As a smart person, how could Ruan Kangning be the one who stands out?

Although An Liang's plan failed and Ruan Kangning was not killed by An Liang as he wished, how could An Liang's plan be cracked so easily?

Ruan Kangning saw through the plot of borrowing a knife to kill people, so he went straight to Jiang Taigong's straight hook fishing

‘No. 0: On the 4th, you can directly register a [Ruan Kangning account] and tell me about the Bald Eagle Financial Institution harvesting leeks. '

An Liang immediately sent Bald Eagle Financial Institution's process for harvesting leeks.

‘No. 4: Received. '

In the South Vietnam Internet, after the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation was executed according to An Liang's instructions, it immediately promoted and diverted traffic, allowing the corresponding information to quickly spread crazily on the South Vietnam Internet.


Ruan Kangning's trumpet:

I saw some fans asking me why the stock market is rising now.

I can only respond: Fans who raise such questions are not worthy of being my fans at all!

In the current stock market, it is obvious that Bald Eagle's financial institutions are taking over and stabilizing the stock price to avoid panic selling and causing the stock price to plummet.

There have been rumors on the Internet that Bald Eagle's financial institutions have been setting up operations in our country's stock market as early as two years ago. They have not closed the network yet, so naturally they do not want our stock market to collapse.

I boldly predict that there will be a lot of good news in the next step, which will further push up the stock price.

At this time, Bald Eagle's financial institutions will definitely cash out and run away, and the people of our country will be deeply involved.

So I remind everyone that now that Bald Eagle financial institutions want to stabilize their stock prices, everyone must sell their stocks collectively and control greed in the follow-up good news. Only in this way can we avoid being robbed of wealth by Bald Eagle financial institutions!


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