Andy Meyer analyzed the various situations of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group one by one, leaving the senior investment vice presidents of the other five financial institutions silent.

At this moment, these senior investment vice presidents suddenly felt that they had been defeated by the other party before, and there seemed to be no problem?

After all, the other party is really powerful!

Anyway, including Andy Meyer, if they were allowed to initially control the graphene lithium-ion battery technology, they would definitely not be willing to share it like Anliang.

Because graphene lithium-ion battery technology is almost a super technology that changes the world, even if it is shared, they still have absolute control, and it is absolutely impossible to share most of the interests like Anliang.

However, they also know very well that if they obtain graphene lithium-ion battery technology, it is more likely that they will die mysteriously!

"Gentlemen, our opponent is very powerful, and the strength controlled by the opponent even exceeds ours, so we have no right to underestimate our opponent, let alone take chances." Andy reminded everyone

"This time our actions are discovered by the opponent, we must prepare for the worst, strive for as many benefits as possible, and be wary of our opponents digging holes for us. Andy added again.

Steven sighed and said,"Although I really don't want to admit it, I have to say that that guy is indeed very powerful, and we should really be careful.""

Bazel, who has always been a bad guy, also sighed,"It's a pity that he is unwilling to join us. If he is willing to join us, we can even challenge another monster together!"

Andy Meyer from Merrill Lynch naturally understood which company Bazel was talking about. He sighed and said,"Our opponent is the Xia people in the new era. He is different from the Xia people in the past."

An Liang is indeed a Xia native of the new era. Compared to those born in the 1980s and even the 1970s, Anliang, a generation born in 2000, does not have any deified feeling towards the bald eagle. Instead, he feels that the bald eagle is nothing more than that.

For example, Fantasy Computer Company The boss likes to deify the bald eagle, imagining that the computer is obviously making money in the Xia Kingdom, but instead joins forces with the bald eagle to target the Xia Kingdom. The bald eagle likes this kind of person!

However, An Liang is not this kind of person, An Liang is just the opposite and likes to target The people of Bald Eagle, and Anliang has pulled Bald Eagle down from the altar many times.

"Let’s not talk nonsense. Although our opponents are indeed very powerful, we are not easy to mess with!"Berkshire Hathaway's Richard breaks up the dull atmosphere

"Now that our true purpose has been exposed by the other party, it is almost impossible to control the real industry of South Vietnam according to the original plan, but we still have the opportunity to gain wealth. Richard added.

Andy seconded,"Yes, although we were tricked by the other party, we can still make a fortune from South Vietnam!"

Bazel hesitated,"I suddenly thought of something. Please analyze it. Is it possible that we give up controlling the physical industry of South Vietnam and the other party suddenly comes in to take over?""

Bazel added,"Although the trading rules of South Vietnam's stock market are relatively closed, what if the other party would rather lose money but also control the real industry of South Vietnam?

Andy replied negatively,"It shouldn't be possible.""

"The physical industrial chain of Xia State far exceeds that of Nanyue State in terms of configuration. It is impossible for the other party to leave Xia State's physical industrial chain without investment and instead invest in Nanyue State's physical industrial chain." Andy added.

Steven seconded,"I agree with Mr. Meyer's statement. I guess the other party just doesn't want us to control the physical industry chain of South Vietnam. Morgan

’s Barton Hines responded,"The probability of the opponent taking over is very small. If the opponent really wants to take over, we can use the same method they used to deal with us to deal with them."

"It is impossible for the South Vietnamese court to allow us to control the physical industry chain, and it is also impossible to allow the other party to control the physical industry chain. Therefore, if the other party takes over our plan, it will be the best situation."Barton Hines added.

But as Steven said, Xia Kingdom has a better physical industrial chain configuration and a better overall environment. Why would An Liang give up Xia Kingdom and choose South Vietnam?

That is impossible thing!

An Liang has stated many times that he wants to take root in the Xia Kingdom, and it is indeed impossible for him to enter the South Vietnam Kingdom to deploy the industrial chain.

Andy continued,"Our first goal now is to protect our interests. Although our The ultimate goal has been discovered by the other party, making it almost impossible to achieve, but each of us can at least obtain more than 200% of the benefits, which is already very good!"

Steven seconded,"Yes! We all can make money, so choose to make money!"

Barton also agreed,"I agree to give priority to ensuring our economic interests!"

The senior investment vice presidents of other companies also agreed with this plan and also chose to cut the leeks in South Vietnam first. As for how to fight An Liang later, that is also a matter for the future.

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