In fact, Anliang can understand the reluctance of freight drivers to join the cold chain transportation project, because to join the cold chain transportation project, existing trucks need to be modified.

At present, the cold chain transportation project is in the core transportation network stage, focusing on large-scale logistics models between core points and core cities, which means that it is more convenient for large trucks to join.

However, the cost of transforming large trucks into cold chain transport vehicles is relatively high, and most truck drivers cannot afford such transformation costs.

Besides, it’s not like we can’t make money now?

"I remember that I had asked Anxin Bank to provide support loans. Aren't these truck drivers interested?"An Liang was confused.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"The main reason is that we have not formed a scale, and cold chain transportation is still a niche choice. After all, transportation costs are higher."

"What do the experts say?"An Liang asked the experts for their advice.

"Experts made two suggestions."Zhao Wanxi responded

"First, experts suggest that we first purchase a batch of cold chain transport vehicles, and then recruit some truck drivers, so that we can build the capacity of the cold core transport network ourselves."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Second, experts suggest that we use off-site means to forcefully promote changes in cold chain transportation methods." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang rejected the second suggestion without hesitation. The so-called off-site methods were actually tricks put forward by experts who knew the powerful power of the organizers behind the cold chain transportation project. For example He said that forcibly passing a bill and order requiring only cold chain transportation is an off-site method and a good way to solve the problem.

However, this method is one-size-fits-all and has many disadvantages. An Liang does not like this. method

"Follow the first method. However, while we are building our own transportation capacity, we are also promoting low-interest loans from Anxin Bank to let existing freight drivers join us."An Liang added an explanation.

Although the existing freight drivers seem to be a little ignorant of promotion, An Liang still wants to bring them in to solve their unemployment problem.

This is not because An Liang repays resentment with kindness, but because An Liang's status has reached a certain level. The degree of his thinking is different. Naturally, he won’t argue with freight drivers.

"OK I will arrange it." Zhao Wanxi responded,"Just in time, I have a way to recruit a group of freight drivers."

"Where do you recruit from?"An Liang asked back.

"Let Grandpa Zhang help!"Zhao Wanxi responded,"The golden wine you brought out today owed Grandpa Zhang a favor. It just happened to let Grandpa Zhang help solve the problem of the freight driver."

"Grandpa Zhang’s disciples and former officials include personnel from the military transportation department. Every year, many people from the military transportation department quit. This year we can accept a group of freight personnel who quit." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Is this unintentional again?"

"certainly!"Zhao Wanxi is sure.

So the core transportation network in the first phase of the cold chain transportation project will be resolved satisfactorily soon!

The next day.

The first day of February, Monday.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang still have to go to school, Zhao Wanxi is going to hold a summary meeting with experts on the cold chain transportation project to completely determine the core transportation network for the first phase of the cold chain transportation project.

An Liang is communicating with the No. 1 controller of Renyi Security Company

‘Number 1: BOSS, there is bad news!’

‘Number Zero: Failed to win over?’

‘Number 1: Yes’

‘Number 1: Theodore clearly rejected our solicitation and expressed his hope to maintain the current situation.’

‘Number 1: BOSS, do we want it?...’

‘Number Zero: Don’t act rashly! '

Currently, there are three pillars in Guinea. Chief Minister Dieter is just a monk ringing the clock for a day. The opposition headed by Colonel O'Connell is quietly gathering strength. The neutral faction headed by Theodore hopes to maintain the status quo.

Although Theodore knew very well that the opposition would definitely attack one day, Theodore wanted to delay it as long as possible.

If Theodore is moved now and the three-legged situation is broken, the situation in Guria will change in an instant!

More importantly, this change is very detrimental to Anliang's side, but it is very beneficial to Bald Eagle's side.

‘Zero: What's the situation with Chief Minister Deit? '

Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Theodore was Anliang's first choice, but now that the first choice has been rejected, there is naturally a backup option.

Even if Anliang dislikes the backup option very much, Anliang can tolerate it for the time being. Once he wins Guiya, Anliang can completely replace Guiya with a chief minister.

‘Number 1: That guy is outrageous!’

‘No. 1: He will agree to whatever conditions we have, but every time he agrees to a condition, he will ask us for benefits.’

‘No. 1: In addition, once he gets our benefits, he will move overseas as soon as possible’

‘No. 1: After in-depth investigation, we found that he rented a private jet from the Kingdom of Gaul and was ready to run away anytime and anywhere.’

‘Number 1: BOSS, that guy is definitely not a good choice. '

So the backup options are gone?

Faced with such a result, An Liang was quite calm because An Liang had already made corresponding plans.

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