Zhao Wanxi ignored An Liang's teasing because she knew that An Liang always liked to leave professional matters to professionals.

"What do you think of the experts’ advice?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"I think it's okay. After all, experts have listed so many benefits, I have no reason to overrule their advice."

Zhao Wanxi seconded,"Starting from the core transportation network is indeed a good thing for cold chain transportation projects."

"Splitting a complex thing into several simple things is a good way to deal with the problem."An Liang responded

"Now that experts have split the cold chain transportation project into three phases, how is the core transportation network planning for the first phase?"An Liang asked additionally.

Zhao Wanxi sat next to An Liang. She reached out and clicked a few times on the tablet computer held by An Liang to bring up the planning plan for the core transportation network of the cold chain transportation project.

"At present, experts have selected 79 core transportation network nodes across the country, covering vegetables, livestock, poultry, fruits, fisheries, etc., and all materials that require cold chain transportation."Zhao Wanxi explained

"So far, experts have completed site selection planning for 61 core nodes, including cold chain transportation warehouses, cold chain processing centers, line planning and other issues." Zhao Wanxi added

"In addition, the green access plan for the cold chain transportation project has also been completed. All vehicles that have joined the cold chain transportation project will receive free access to highways across the country when implementing the cold chain transportation project." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang reminded,"Cold chain transportation vehicles must be strictly managed to prevent cold chain transportation vehicles from taking advantage of loopholes, such as the problem of carrying additional transported goods or using cold chain transportation projects for private work.."

Zhao Wanxi answered affirmatively,"Don't worry, experts have designed a big data management system to address this problem."

"Big data management system?"An Liang was confused.

Zhao Wanxi clicked a few more times on the tablet to bring up the big data management system.

"When we discussed the cold chain transportation project before, in order to solve the problem of drivers’ jobs, you proposed that drivers should also join the cold chain transportation project. Experts also highly recognized this point."Zhao Wanxi explained

"In view of the employment relationship between cold chain transportation projects and truck drivers, experts also proposed to prevent truck drivers from running private jobs, so the experts designed a big data management system." Zhao Wanxi added

"This big data management system is connected to the transportation network. When the truck driver implements the transportation plan of the cold chain transportation project, the big data management system will send the corresponding information to the transportation network, including license plate information, starting point information, and destination. location information so that cold chain transport trucks can move smoothly on the highway." Zhao Wanxi explained in detail.

An Liang found a loophole,"Such measures can only ensure that cold chain transportation trucks will not use the name of cold chain transportation projects to do private work. What if they are carrying transported goods?"

"For example, when a cold chain transport truck is performing a task, it secretly helps people transport goods?" An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi added,"First of all, according to the planning of our cold chain transportation project, it is basically impossible to have vacancies in cold chain transportation trucks."

"Secondly, in the big data management system, we will install electronic lock tags on each cold chain transport truck. Every time the cargo door is opened, it will be recorded by the electronic lock tag, including the time it was opened, the person who opened it, and the person who opened it. Locations will all be recorded."Zhao Wanxi explained

"This measure was originally intended for recording cold chain warehouses in various regions, but it can also be used to prevent truck drivers from opening cargo hatches privately." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang sighed,"The experts have really considered it comprehensively. As expected, professional matters should be left to professionals."

When Anliang originally planned the cold chain transportation project, he solved the problems of early investment, truck driver jobs, and recruitment of transportation personnel for the cold chain transportation project with one stone. Now, experts have identified and filled the gaps. Fill all the possible loopholes one by one.

It must be said that the art industry is really special

"Now that these problems have been resolved, the first phase of the core transportation network should be implemented soon, right?"An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"There is only one question left."

"what is the problem?"An Liang asked back.

"Problems with cold chain transport vehicles." Zhao Wanxi responded,"Our original plan was very good. We actively involved current freight drivers in the cold chain transportation project, so that current freight drivers can also enjoy the dividends brought by the cold chain transportation project. An

Liang continued,"Although we do allow current freight drivers to enjoy the benefits of the cold chain transportation project, they are unwilling to join, right?""

Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively,"Yes, our cold chain transportation project is currently stuck at this step. A large number of freight drivers are unwilling to join the cold chain transportation project. They just want to maintain the status quo."

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