Kongshan Tea House.

In the box next to the window, An Liang asked Lan Xin what he thought of overseas agricultural planting bases.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Lan Xin thought for a few seconds before responding,"Overseas agricultural planting bases are great! First of all, through the overseas agricultural planting base plan, a large amount of agricultural land will be obtained, and a large amount of agricultural products will be obtained"

"Secondly, these agricultural products will effectively alleviate our country’s pressure on the agricultural product import market, especially the potential threat to our country from the four major grain merchants, which will also be greatly alleviated." Lan Xin’s additional explanation

"Finally, the most critical point is that through overseas agricultural planting bases, some local resources will be obtained. Lan Xin said vaguely.

The so-called 'local resources' are actually the core purpose of overseas agricultural planting bases.

For example, Li Cunyuan and his group are currently planning to establish a special trade zone around agricultural planting bases, and they will also build special The Trade Zone Management Committee even wants to obtain independent management rights.


Do you think they are a little too cruel?

Originally, An Liang's plan was to penetrate all aspects of the local area through economic means, thereby becoming the uncrowned king of the local area and secretly controlling everything there.

As a result, Li Cunyuan and his group came directly to the upright Jiuzhan Magpie Nest.

What's more important is that they succeeded!

Who can withstand this?

"Mr. Lan is interested!"An Liang said jokingly.

Because Lan Xin only talked about the advantages of overseas agricultural planting bases and did not mention the potential risks of overseas agricultural planting bases.

The biggest risk of overseas agricultural planting bases has actually been marked in the name, that is' Overseas'.

Xia State is one of the countries with the best public security environment in the world. In terms of public security environment, Xia State is really at the ceiling level globally.

However, the public security environment in Africa is a bit bad.

Taking Arlia, whom Anliang selected, as the For example, the public security environment in Arlia is really bad.

Although Arlia and Xia State prohibit guns, the problem of public security environment cannot be solved by banning guns. The overall public security environment is very different from that in Xia State.

In view of the public security Regarding environmental issues, if you establish an agricultural planting base in Allia, you may encounter a series of troubles, including the agricultural planting base being smashed, smashed, and robbed, and the staff of the agricultural planting base encountering personal threats, etc.

Another example is Li Cunyuan and others. Leah, which a group of people chose, faced a bigger problem.

Because Leah was in turmoil. Although a full-scale civil war had not broken out, suspicions of war had spread, and a fight could break out at any time.

Because of this, Li Cunyuan and the others Only that group of people can successfully do those things in Leah.

After all, once the civil war in Leah breaks out, Li Cunyuan and the others must protect their property, so there is no problem in establishing a security defense system within Leah, right?

Lan Xinting Understanding An Liang's teasing, he was not embarrassed at all, but responded with a smile,"Mr. An, our Donghai Navy also hopes to participate in it, and we also hope that Mr. An will take care of it.""

"no problem! An Liang agreed with a smile,"There is something I need Mr. Lan's help with now.""

"oh?"Lan Xin looked at An Liang pretending to be confused.

The Donghai Navy is currently deeply tied to the overseas agricultural planting base plan of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club. Every overseas agricultural planting base needs the Donghai Navy to help establish air defense systems and coastal defenses. system

"I reached a security agreement with the Pacific Fleet of the Northern Bear Country yesterday. An Liang told the relevant matters, and then asked,"Mr. Lan, can you also arrange a security tour around Africa?" Lan

Xin thought about it for a moment and then agreed,"Of course there is no problem!" Mr. An, we also have supply bases in Africa."

"At the base of the Mandeb Strait, right?"An Liang pointed out with a smile.

"Mr. An did investigate."Lan Xin responded without any surprise.

This is Xia's first naval supply base in Africa. This naval supply base has been criticized countless times by the bald eagle. The bald eagle even stated that the specifications of this dock can accommodate docking. Aircraft carrier.

As for whether it can...

Anyway, that’s what the bald eagle said!

"Mr. An, what specifications of security patrol do you need?"Lan Xin asked

"Referring to the specifications arranged by the North Bear Kingdom's Pacific Fleet, I hope you can at least dispatch this specification or exceed this specification."An Liang explained

"Of course, we will bear all the related costs!"An Liang added.

Lan Xin suddenly laughed,"Then we send five patrol teams, each patrol team is led by a Luyang III-class destroyer, and cooperates with two Jiangkai II-class frigates, and finally patrols the land of Africa. How about ?"

"No problem at all!"An Liang affirmatively agreed.

The Luyang III-class destroyer is the most advanced destroyer in the Xia Kingdom and can be ranked among the top three in the world. Its combat capabilities are extremely powerful. What can An Liang be dissatisfied with?

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