Facing the message sent by Dmitri, Anliang replied with a negative message without hesitation.

‘AAA: No, no, no!’

‘AAA: Brother, please don’t harm me!’

‘AAA: Our relationship is purely business. I give you money and you do things. There is no other relationship. I don’t want to know your secrets at all. '

An Liang is really not curious about any confidential information at all.

After all, knowing confidential information is sometimes not a good thing!

‘DMT: Don’t worry, it’s not a top secret. Based on our relationship, I can tell you’


An Liang was no longer able to complain. Are you sure this Bedmitri is not trying to cause trouble?

‘DMT: Some big shots on our side plan to solve Sudan’s problem. In order to realize such a plan, our big shots in the North Bear even want to send aircraft carriers to Sudan.’

‘AAA: Can your aircraft carrier still move?’

‘DMT: If you don’t have money, you can’t use it. If you have money, you can use it.’

‘DMT: If Sudan’s problem is solved, it will mean huge benefits, and the aircraft carrier will definitely be able to move’

‘AAA: Okay!’

‘AAA: You said yours, but I said I didn’t see it.’

‘AAA: Remember to arrange the departure of the security team as soon as possible’

‘DMT: Boss, don’t worry, we will definitely do our best to make arrangements’

‘AAA: It’s getting late, I’ll sneak away first’

‘DMT: The boss walks slowly. '

After Anliang and Dmitri finished communicating, they immediately contacted Fan Ping from Anxin Investment Company and asked Fan Ping to pay 320 million Xia Guoyuan to the [Foreign Trade Development Bank] account provided by Dmitri.

An Liang knew very well that having money makes it easier to get things done, so he agreed without hesitation to the security expenses listed by Dmitry.

‘Fan Ping: Mr. An, we have already remitted the money. Because it was settled by Xia Guoyuan, we bypassed Bald Eagle’s SWIFT international funds clearing system and adopted our Xia Guoyuan’s CIPS Xia Guoyuan cross-border payment system.’

‘Fan Ping: The other party’s account will receive our remittance in at most one minute.’

‘An Liang: OK. '

North Bear Country, station of the Pacific Fleet.

After Dmitry and Anliang finished their exchange, he immediately ordered the logistics staff to speed up preparations for participating in the security operation. Everything must be done within three days for the first security team to set off.

After Dmitry made arrangements, he checked the message notification on his mobile phone. It turned out to be a text message notification from the Foreign Trade Development Bank, indicating that there was a capital income of 320 million Xia Guoyuan.

Dmitri smiled when he read the text message. He sighed to himself,"As expected of him! He always does things so flawlessly and makes people full of good impressions!"

The next day, Tuesday.

Half past seven in the morning.

An Liang was pulled up by the big cat in the imperial capital. The big cat in the imperial capital still had to go to class today. This big cat in the imperial capital was quite self-disciplined and practiced playing the piano with full vigor every day.

Ning Ruoshuang is also going to school. Zhao Wanxi is going to school with Ning Ruoshuang. Zhao Wanxi is going to practice dancing with Ning Ruoshuang.

However, An Liang was already disappointed with dancing, because after practicing dancing, he was still fighting against the five scum?

At 8:05 in the morning, in the open-air parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music, An Liang made a call to Lan Xin, the spokesperson of Donghai Navy.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Lan Xin greeted him politely,"Mr. An, good morning."

"Didn't you disturb Mr. Lan's rest?"An Liang teased with a smile.

"Mr. An joked, I have a habit of running in the morning." Lan Xin responded.

An Liang almost laughed out loud!

If it weren't for Lan Xin's slightly fat figure, An Liang would have believed Lan Xin's words.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. An?" Lan Xin asked. He knew very well that An Liang would not go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. If An Liang took the initiative to contact him, then there must be something.

After all, the two have no personal relationship.

An Liang smiled and extended the invitation,"If Mr. Lan has time, we drink tea together"

"Mr. An invited me. I must have time. Mr. An, where do you want to go?"Lan Xin asked

"Kongshan Tea House on Jingshan Road, ten o'clock in the morning, what does Mr. Lan think?"An Liang suggested.

Kongshan Teahouse is Zhao Wanxi's property. Zhao Wanxi specially arranged the parking port for flying motorcycles. In addition, Kongshan Teahouse is in Jingshan. Both the environment and the scenery are the top teahouses in the five roads of the imperial capital.

"Okay, see you then." Lan Xin responded

"see you then."An Liang also responded.

After Lan Xin hung up the phone, he immediately contacted Lin Yili.

The Dalin family has a very good relationship with the Donghai Navy. After waiting for the call to be connected, Lan Xin quickly explained the circumstances of An Liang's invitation. , and then asked,"Xiao Linzi, what do you think Mr. An wants from me? Lin

Yili thought about it for a moment before responding,"I'm not sure about the specific situation, and Brother Liang didn't talk about it in the club. However, I think it's definitely not a bad thing for Brother Liang to contact you." Lin

Yili added,"If it was something bad, do you think Brother Liang would still contact you?"

Lan Xin seconded," That makes sense!""

"Xiao Linzi, do you have time? Let's go there together?" Lan Xin tentatively extended the invitation.

Lin Yili refused with a smile,"No, no, I still have to go to work."

Lan Xin didn't insist.

At 9:30 in the morning,

Lan Xin used the automatic driving system of the flying motorcycle to go to Kongshan Tea House. In less than ten minutes, Lan Xin arrived at Kongshan Tea House. An Liang had already arrived first.

When Lan Xin arrived, An Liang personally Come out to meet Lan Xin

"Long time no see, Mr. Lan is still as charming as ever!"An Liang greeted with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. An for the compliment. Lan Xin followed An Liang into the Kongshan Tea House.

When the tea doctor in the tea house finished processing the tea soup, An Liang waved his hand and signaled the other party to leave. The tea doctor left knowingly, how could Lan Xin not understand that An Liang wanted to talk about business?

"Mr. Lan, what do you think about overseas agricultural planting bases?"An Liang asked casually.

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